The Moving Picture Weekly (1916-1917)

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32 ■THE MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY STORIES OF THE ONE REEL PHOTOPLAYS IT HAPPENED IN ROOM SEVEN." Victor Comedy. Written and Produced by Capt. Peacocke. CAST. Phil Foster Al McKinnon Violet Violet Lind Attorney .....Eugene Walsh Violet Foster engages a new maid and Phil becomes greatly enamored of her. Violet finds the two embracing. She secures a divorce and is awarded alimony, which Phil says he will never pay. He travels in Europe and has a very gay time, while Violet is eking out a meager existence in one of the large cities. Phil hires a lawyer when he returns and the attorney gives him his wife's address on a card. Later he meets the maid and she gives him an address similar to Violet's. Phil leaves the card on the table. The next day he goes to Violet's address by mistake. He goes to sleep while waiting. She sees a fat bill book protruding from his pocket and takes it, leaving him a receipt for the alimony. "CHUBBY TAKES A HAND." Laemmle Drama. who has been robbing his business partner and is now planning to desert his wife. Mrs. Hanley, told of the reputation of the man to whom she has wished to give her daughter, is overcome. Chubby's father leads Mary away, and Chubby serenely tells her doll that Mary is going to marry her Daddy. "A GOOD STORY ABOUT A BAD EGG." Powers Animated Cartoon Split Reel. A bird has been sitting on some eggs in the stump of a tree for six months, without result. It decides to strike, and flies away. A bear comes along and eats some of the eggs, but one escapes him and rolls away. Then the six-months'-old egg has a series of adventures, which take it all over the place. A snake eats it, but decides to return it again to the light of day, and does so. Then it rolls into a cheese factory and beats the cheeses 'at their own game. The cheese maker sniffs the delightful aroma, and says that if he can locate it, he will make the strongest cheese known to civilization. He does so and puts the precious object in the safe. Rats sniff it from afar and are trying to nibble their way into the safe, when the whole thing explodes. "FOLLOW THE TRACKS.' Nestor Comedy. Written by C. B. Hoadley and F. A. Palmer. Produced by Louis Chaudet. CAST. Eddie „ Eddie Lyons Lee Lee Moran Eddie's Wife Edith Roberts Lee's Wife Gertrude Aster Eddie and Edith are newVyweds and very affectionate; Lee and Gertrude have been married a long time, and she is very stern with him. The boys go to a banquet and outstay all the other guests. At last they start for home, finding a Flivver which they induce to run by dropping a coin into the radiator. It runs wild %vith them, and they cannot find the way home until they have the happy idea of following the tracks. When a turn comes in the track, Eddie sees the milkman, and thev follow him. Gertrude has gone over to Edith, who is frightened and thinks that something dreadful has happened to her husband. When the boys arrive together, they shout to Edith to come and pick out her husband. She receives Eddie with joy, but Gertrude goes for Lee with a rolling pin. Story by E. Magnus Ingleton. Scenario by Harvey Gates. Produced by William V. Mong. CAST. Mark Frawley Wm. V. Mong Darson Selby Dan Leighton Rose Selby Betty Schade Mary Hanley Violet Schramm Chubby Zoe Rae Chubby, waiting at the station for her father, is lost and begins to cry. Rose Selby comforts her and gives her a card with her address on it. Chubby is deeply impressed with hei kindness. In their new cottage Chubby and her father are very happy. The little girl discovers that her father loves Mary Hanley, the daughter of their neighbor, who is trying to make the girl marry Darson Selby, an apparently rich man. Mary is much under her mother's influence, and Chubby resolves to interfere. She sends a note, which is hardly intelligible, to Rose, who responds that she will come at once. When she appears. Chubby takes her next door, where Darson is making love to Mary. With a cry of astonishment, Rose recognizes her own husband, Timely Cartoon by Hy. Mayer for Universal Animated Weekly.