The Moving Picture Weekly (1917-1919)

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-THE MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY Will Jim' | , S^1 Jranklyn Let BLUEBIRD stars shine brightly for you one night each week, and they will attract the crowds to your house on that night. In other words : Start a BLUEBIRD Day Read this jolt from Mr. A. E. Knotts, Orpheum Theatre, Park City, Utah: "After accepting and using your advice on making Wednesday a BLUEBIRD Day, we have built this day up to our biggest in the week in point of box-office receipts. I don't believe any other argument could appeal more strongly to the Exhibitor. Aside from the exceptional photography, scenic effects and artistic arrangements, the versatality of subjects and excellent portrayal should make a pulling power for any theatre. WE ARE IN A MINING CAMP AND OUR PATRONS ARE DIFFICULT TO PLEASE. YET WE PLEASE THEM WITH BLUEBIRDS, as stated above." That's the beauty of the BLUEBIRD Photoplays — they please every one in every walk of life. Take our advice and START A BLUEBIRD DAY. Ask your local BLUEBIRD Exchange for more details, or BLUEBIRD Photoplays, Inc. 1600 Broadway, New York.