The Moving Picture Weekly (1917-1919)

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CM . Las tin? Lonor David Belasco Galli Curci Otis Skinner Hilda Spong Julia Arthur Cyril Maude Violet Heming Tyrone Power Nance O'Neil Gail Kane Edmund Breese Bruce McRae Yvette Guilbert Shelley Hull Robert Edeson Mabel Taliaferro Julia Dean Maclyn Arbuckle Henry Miller Blanche Bates Wm. Courtenay Jane Grey Montagu Love Thomas A. Wise and mauy others 7/ieP/oyj "A Star Over Night" "Winning His Wife" "Fighting Mad" "An Honorable Cad" "The Mite of L,ove" "She's Everywhere" 'The Inner King" ''Romeo's Dad" "Tom's Little Star" "The Madonna of the Slums" "His Woman" "The Mad Woman" WAR RClllf Or TWO REEL E 10WHERE else in the whole round world can you possibly find such a remarkable group of stars — the most famous the speaking stage can boast— or so exclusive a list of plays as you have here; and never again, it is safe to predict, will you have such an opportunity to gratify your patrons and make money for yourself as you have now in this incomparable series. Frankly, the opportunity is one you cannot afford to miss. DC U)W HALF HOUR MASTERPIECE* RELEASED THRU UNIVERSAL -JEWEL Directed by George Terwllliger Supervision Eugene Spitz t tit*,** »♦"* •*>«•