The Moving Picture Weekly (1917-1919)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY 39 HARRIS JEWELS A superb series of successes THE PRICE OF A GOOD TIME" Written and directed by LOIS WEBER THE DOCTOR AND THE WOMAN" from the celebrated novel "K" by MARY ROBERTS RINEHART Written and directed by LOIS WEBER "FOR HUSBANDS ONLY" by G. B. STERN Adapted from a magazine story in "Smart Set" Directed by LOIS WEBER "BORROWED CLOTHES" Written and directed by LOIS WEBER WHEN A GIRL LOVES" by LOIS WEBER Directed by LOIS WEBER and PHILLIPS SMALLEY "HOME" Written and directed by LOIS WEBER "FORBIDDEN" Written by E. V. DURLING Directed by LOIS WEBER Current Events. NO. 4 Lands Baby Plane in Busy Stree'. — Oakland, Cal. Sub-Title. — Lieutenant C. B. Pickup is first aviator to fly under trolley wires and bring his machine to a halt in the heart of a traffic district. Italian Boy Sailors Guests of Uncle Sam's Gobs. — Venice, Italy. Sub-Titles.— Crew of the U. S. S. Pittsburg entertain Venetian war orphans. Admiral Andrew, U. S. N., inspects King Victor's future naval commanders. With the compliments of the crew. Going To the Dogs. — And Society went willingly during the annual Pomeranian show.— N. Y. City. Sub-Titles. — "Poobah" — a priza Pom. An aristocrat of dogdom. This pup doesn't have to advertise for adoption. He's worth his weight in gold. In the Public Eye. — Major R. Lloyd George, son of the British Premier, arrives on the Mauretania. — New York City. Sub-Titles. — Lady Decies, formerly Miss Vivien Gould of New York, is also a passenger on the Mauretania. "Big Bill" EdwTards, who has just assumed control of the amalgamated sec "S.R.0-12" ond and third Internal Revenue Districts, embracing Manhattan Island, the greatest revenue producing district in the world. Collector Edwards is congratulated by Federal Prohibition Commissioner Kramer and Prohibition Supervisor Shevlin. Unsung Heroes. — Chinese coolies who worked in France while the Allies fought arrive en route to China. — Vancouver, B. C. American Border Guard's Keep Fit For Emergencies. — El Paso, Texas. Sub-Titles. — Uncle Sam's engineers build tressel bridge and then wreck it when attacked by "enemy" cavalry. Machine gunners in practice dig up Mother Earth with showers of bullets. Daring Ski Jumpers In Aerial Acrobatics.— Newport, N. H. Sub-Titles. — It looks so easy that the bob sleds try it. The "kids" try their hands — or feet — at skiing. One horse power vs. motor sled. Urge Government To Keep the Railroads. — Washington, D. C. Sub-Title. — Delegates representing the farm and labor leave the White House after proposing a two-year trial of Government Ownership. In Alligator Land. — Where giant reptiles are raised for suitcases and handbags. — St. Augustine, Fla. On a Liberty Party With the Gobs in Cuba. — Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Sub-Titles.— Beer! No soda! In S.R.0-12 Cocoanut Grove. When the sun drops low. French Troops Police the Sultan's Capital. — Constantinople, Turkey. Sub-Titles. — Reinforcements arrive to aid in maintaining order pending the settlement of Turkish affairs. "All alive," selling turkeys in Turkey. Women released from the harem make a precarious living breaking rock. Turkish soldiers stand guard over the beautiful Mosque of St. Sophia, once a Christian Cathedral. Hearst News. No. 4. With the Gobs in the City of Lagoons.— Venice, Italy. Sub-Titles.— The U. S. S. Pittsburg at anchor in the Grand Canal of the picturesque Queen City of the Adriatic. Making friends with the famous pigeons of St. Mark's. Then — romance! A picturesque gondola and a cruise in the Grand Canal. Thrilling Moments With Uncle Sam's Eaglets. — Pensacola, Fla. Sub-Titles.— Off to test their wings — a squadron of naval planes take to the air. Pensacola as it appeared from the clouds. Ready! Go! A parachute drop of one thousand feet. Evolution! — From "wet goods" to "dry goods" is the sad story of this once popular cafe. — San Francisco, Cal. Welcome Home! — The last of the A. E. F. return aboard the transport Northern Pacific— New York City. Sub Titles. — Brigadier General William D. Conner, last American general to leave France. Mrs. C. N. Seamster and her children rescued at sea by the crew of the Northern Pacific from the sinking transport Powhatan. Some of the passengers of the Powhatan — rescued after the vessel had drifted helplessly for five days. S.R.0-12 What Fashion Decrees. — Newest of Spring styles in milady's dainty headgear. Sub-Titles. — Beauty and luxurious comfort — a kimona de luxe. The latest for the beach. In "Winter Quarters" With the Atlantic Fleet. — Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Sub-Titles. — Coaling ships — one of the many little duties of the gobs. Turning black into white. All work and no play makes a gob a dull gob — hence . '"The Sulton of Turkey Pays Homage to Allah. — Constantinople. Sub-Titles. — First and exclusive pictures of the new Turkish ruler — son of Abdul Hamid — attending his private mosque to offer prayers to the prophet. The imperial procession — the favorite wives of the harem ride in the first coaches. The imperial carriage— distinguished pashas walk as a bodv guard. Mohammed VI, Sulton of Turkey, photographed for the first time within the sacred precincts of the imperial mosque. "Imperial Sports" Cartoon by "Tad."