The Moving Picture Weekly (1919-1922)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY 25 READ WHAT THIS MAN DID WITH "THE HEART OF HUMANITY" Starring DOROTHY PHILLIPS ALLEN HOLUBAR'S SUPER-PRODUCTION PRESENTED BY CARL LAEMMLE mnnTl Ml 1 1 INlTilTmin iiiiim I III I M il 1 1 f i i»i 1 1 miim ifiTTTi riii 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 in mi if I mi H mTi r/il I jDim ii/Tf/n i/;Tn I i77'»;(j Ji n/ f/l/Jf/HM mmTm 1 1 1 1 n; mu ;;;; ^ T PLAYED "The Heart of Humanity"— and it is some picture. It is in a class by itself. There is no other that can compare with it. I have never put on a play in Mullen as I did this one, and I am certainly glad that I put it over the way I did. The play is entitled to the best efforts of every exhibitor, large or small — and when you consider my receipts— a $300 house in a town of only 250, right in the harvest season — with a big circus billed to show just two days ahead — that's certainly going some! Surely, the only word that can do it jus tice is "Masterpiece. JOHN J. MOTL, Mullen, Nebraska. RELEASED THROUGH JEWEL PRODUCTIONS