The Moving Picture Weekly (1919-1922)

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biq fiat* — +o be seen only in Universal SHORT FEATURES STARS that will pull from all over town to your box-office — that's what you get in Universal Short Features. Wise showmen know they are the most popular and profitable Short Features on the market — so watch for release dates and snap them up — or your competitor will! Reginald Denny ACTION, thrills, and clean entertainment feature the two-reel romances of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police that this handsome young star — hero of the famous "Leather Pushers" series — is now making! Watch for them — book them — then try to keep the women away! They'll storm your box-office! Tom Santschi THIS rugged Western hero is at the height of his popularity! The first of his series of eight knockout Action Dramas is now booking — get them — exploit them, and cash in! Art Acord 0 $5 NEVER a draggy moment when this whirlwind star flashes on the screen. Remember "Winners of the West," the chapter-play box-office knockout? The pictures Art Acord is now making have all that breezy punch which makes audiences hold their breath. Neely Edwards Roy Atwell SPICE up your program with the one-reel comedies these two popular comedians are now making! Neely Edwards is being offered as "Nervy Ned" in a comic tramp role, while Roy At 1 » j 1 * .-. — . , . ■ , f »-».-. I i 4 .-> rl AIM AfTIn jtj't m .irli . v. ' I 1 1» ,-i t ■ * »• nl 1 mi irli vm n 1 j-i 1 n i-l I V I f\ n £t V — well is starred in a series of polite domestic comedies. They're real laugh-makers makers! See your Exchange! and money UNIVERSAL SHORT FEATURES Are Your Ideas Worth Money? Enter the $7,000 "Robinson Crusoe" Contest.