The Moving Picture Weekly (1919-1922)

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4 The Moving Picture Weekly May 27, 1<J22 Big pictures for every kind o' MAKE THIS the biggest summer you ever had! Study Universale big "1000 Summer Shows at Summer Prices" offer in this book and you will find scores of Big Feature Pictures — sure-fire Comedy Hits — Short Features of every description — onereelers — everything for any kind of program in any kind of theatre anywhere! This offer lasts all summer — you can pick pictures for one day — for one week, for two or three weeks — or for all summer — and every program you select will be shipped to you in one big consignment! Think what a saving that is — to get all your reels in one can, and with them all your posters, advertising, publicity and other accessories— all at once! Under this plan your saving starts at the beginning, and it lasts clear through because Universal offers these programs to you at prices that your purse can meet — summer prices! Remember, you can pick your own programs — for any length of time you desire. The offer is going to last all summer — you can make it your most profitable summer! Get in NOW on Universale stupendous summer offer — it's our way of making this the biggest and most profitable summer you ever had! Study the following pages carefully — and bear in mind that we are back of you in putting your program over with good exploitation, publicity, etc. SEE YOUR NEAREST UNIVERSAL EXCHANGE TODAY! Here are the Pictures— STARTING with the biggest and newest UniversalJewels — the finest pictures made — we list hundreds of pictures from which you can select your program. They are all BIG pictures — even the Short Features and Comedies. They are all late productions, and they feature players who are popular everywhere. Read the list carefully, then select your program! Cuddle Up tQ Universal!