The Moving Picture World (Apr-Jun 1913)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD Index to Stories of the Films t&^££3i*s2£»s3Z-&n!s sen =•» ■-< • ui ms, their dates which no page numbers .indicate that Licensed Releases Absent Minded Mr. Boob— May 1 (Selig) 406 Accidental Alibi, An— May 10 (Edison) 620 Accusation of Broncho Billy, The — Apr 15 (Essanay) 198 Accusing Hand, The (2 parts)— June '(MLubin) 942 Across the Rio Grande — June 24 (Essanav). . 1278 Adventure of an Heiress, The— May 12 (kalem) 613 After the Honeymoon— Apr. 16 (Vitagraph) 192 Ailanthns Silkworm, The— May 23 (Patbeplay) . . 728 Alas! Poor Yorlick— Apr. 21 (Selig) 298 Alien, The— May 7 (Kalem) ,. gos Alkali Ike and the Hypnotist-June 21 "(Essanay) H64 f,'?aH J,kes Homecoming— Apr. 19 (Essanav).. 196 Alkali Ikes Misfortunes— May 31 (Essanay)... 834 Alkali Ike's Mother-ln-Law— May 10 (Essanay) 505 All on Account of a Portrait-^ruly 2 (Edison) . 1392 Almond-Eyed Maid, An— May 31 (Edison). .. S40 Almost a Wild Man— June 19 (Biograph) 1172 Alone in the Jungle (2 parts)^June 14 (Selig). 1276 Along the Banks of the River Eure— May 16 i Patbeplay) g24 Along the Nile — June 13 (Edison).... 1058 Along the River Eure, France — Apr. 29 (Patbeplay) 41o Amateur Lion-Tamer, The— May 20 (Vitagranh) 73o Analysis of Motion— Apr. 11 (Patheplay). 80 Ancient Greece — Apr. 22 (Patbeplay).. "'304 Ancient Town of Gnbblo, The (Umbria, CenVrai Italy)— Apr. 15 (Cines) 196 Angel Cake and Axle Grease— Apr. 10 (Lnbinj ' ' 78 Angel of the Slums, The— July 3 (Lubin)... "1390 Anita, the Orphan — Apr. 15 (Cines) ' 196 Anonymous Love — June 17 (Essanay) H64 Antibes (France), and Its Environs-June" 20 (Patheplay) n70 Ant-Lion, The — May 6 (Patheplay). ...".." 508 Apples of Sodom — June 14 (Edison) 1058 Arabia and the Baby— July 2 (Selig) 13SS Arabia Takes the Health-Cnre— Apr. 25 (Selig) 300 'Arriefs Baby— June 21 (Vitagraph).... 1164 Artist's Dream, The— Jane 12 (Patbeplay) ..." 1060 Artist's Great Madonna, The (2 parts)— Apr 21 1 Vitagraph) K" o™ Artist's Sacrifice, The— May 19 (Kalem)! !! ! "•' 739 Athens-June 27 (Patheplay) "l->80 Athletics In France— Jane 13 (Patheplay) 106O At the Telephone-June 24 (Lubin) . J^ Attorney for the Defense, The-June 18(Kal'em)1172 Annty and the Girls— May 7 (Edison)..........' 620 B Baby's New Pin— Apr. 18 (Lnbln). . 194 Bachelor's Baby. The: or How It AU "Happened—June 9 (Vitagraph) 1050 Back to Primitive— Apr. 21 (Lnbln) ... 298 Bandit's Child, The-Jnne 2 (Kalem)"" 1064 Battle for Freedom, The (2 parts)— May 17 (Kalem) * -« Beaded Buckskin Baf-j'une' 36"('s'e'ligj ."".'." !i388 Beating-Mother to It-Apr. 18 (Lubin)' .... 1M Beau Crammel and His Bride-^Iune 11 (Edison) .1058 Beante from Butt*. The-^Iune 27 (Lnbln)... .1280 Hm„, „ if t CTmo' lta"— May 10 (Cines)... 622 Behind a Mask-June 11 (Eclipse) ....1048 Belle Boyd— Confederate Spy, A— May 7 (Selig) 505 Big Game-May 21 (Eclipse) ..... flso Bills Sweetheart— May 3 (Edison) 620 rSSH V? ihe.vCab^ret-Jnl3' J (Vitagraph)... 1386 Bmjles Mends the Clock-May 5 (Vitagraph).. 505 B rds and Animals of BraztWune 6 (Patheplay) 944 Birthmark, The— Apr. 26 (Lubin).... 298 ri'w n a„B™terfly' Tne-June 12 (Selig) .'.'".'lOSO Back Hand, The— May 23 (Kalem)..... 7S Black Trackers. The— May 15 (Melies) 624 Blame the Wife-Apr. 28 (Biograph).. 412 Bob Builds a Boat— June 21 (Lubin) . . . H66 Bob Builds a Chicken House— June 5 (Lubin)" 942 Bob Buys an Auto— June 27 (Lubin) ... ms Boosting Business-May 15 (Essanay) . 620 Borrowed Plumage— May 27 (Cines) 838 Bragg s New Snit— May 21 (Edison) ' " 840 Br"ef Girt m California, The-Apr. is (Kalem) 194 Breed of the West— May 16 (Lubin) .....'.'.' .'.'.' 616 Brightened Sunsets— May 24 (Lnbln) 726 Broken Vow. The-(2 parts)— May 2 (Cines).. 622 Brother's Loyalty, A (2 parts)-June 20 (Ess *■"?) 127R Broncho Billy and the Express Rider— May" 24 (Essanay) J .„, Broncho Billy and the Rustler's Child— Apr '26 (Bssanay) 300 Broncho Billy's Captures-June '7 "(Essanay) " " 948 Broncho Billy's Grit-May 17 (Essaniy) ' ] ] £6 Broncho Billy* Reason-Apr. 12 (Essanay)... 78 R™^0. B.llly„5 Slrategy-June 28 (Essanay).... 1278 Brought to Bay^iune 13 (Kalem) 1056 Bnllfl^arts BrIa<^May " (Selig) 616 Bullfight in France— May 27 (Patheplay) 842 Bunny and the Bunny Hug— May 17 (Vitagraph) 618 Bunny a. a Reporter-June 3 (Vitagraph).. .' 944 iSEM SK?iS: S^ri-t-Ma? 19 (Vitagraph) 730 Burglar Who Robbed Death, The— Apr. 30 (oellg) _j-g B",riaLof, a Rleh Chinaman, The— June "26 (Patheplay) '. ,,,„ Burled Treasure. A— May 1 (Melies)...'.!'. 410 Buster Brown, Tige, and Their Creator, R F Outcault— May 20 (Essanay) . . '704 Butler's Secret, The-June 6 (Vitagraph)!; "'. ! 946 By Mutual Agreement— May 19 (Edison) 838 O California Oil Crooks, The— Apr. 12 (Kalem).. Canton, China— Apr. 21 (Selig)... 298 rw? w Capid' Tbe-^™« 12 (Vitagraph). '.'1052 Captain Mary Brown— May 3 (Vitagraph). .. 410 Captured by Strategy— May 2S (Kalem) ... .'.'. 832 Capture of a Wild Cat. The-Apr. 11 (Edison) 78 Capture. The— Apr. 16 (Essanav) .... 196 Carrier Pigeon, The-June 24 (Patheplay) ..'.' ")1280 Champion Fixer. The— May 27 (Cines). S38 fSel? )" Administration' A~ <2 Parts)— Apr. '5 Chateau of Blois, The-^(France') — May'o'(Pa'tbe' S Play) ' gQg Chateau of Chenoncean, France, The-lju'ne" i6 (Patheplay) 1060 Cheyenne Massacre. The— (2 parts)— May "9 (Kalem) ^ rK-M-en»ndnstir' F"""*' The— May 21 (Eclipse) 730 Child s Precaution, A— May 2 (Essanav) .. 408 Chinese Scenes — Apr. 29 (Selig) Cinderella's Gloves— June 12 (Essanay) ' .' 105B Cinders— May 2 (Vitagraph) 415 Circle of Fate, The— May 21 (Kalem). " 734 Circumstances Make Heroes-June 28 (Edison) .' ,'l272 City of Gold, The—June 25 (Selig) i<r;s City of Mexico— Apr. 24 (Essanay) ..!" '. 300 r<Z„ vl P°U/n' JraDS?' Tae-May 20 (Patheplay) 728 Civic Parade. New York City^Tune 18 (Edlson)1170 Clarence at the Theater-May 3 (Lubin) ..' 406 Clarence the Cowboy-June 26 (Patheplay).... 12S0 Cloak of Guilt, The-June 27 (Kalem)..'.... 1274 Cloisonne Ware — June 28 (Vitagraph) 1272 S' T.eam-8f S'rateS' The-May 30 (kalem) 832 r«™i S . , re£ben' THe-June 17 (Vitagraph) 1164 Compromising Complication, A^Iune 23 (Bio „Sraph) ,,m Concerto for the Violin. ----Coveted Prize, The %™„tl £"smnia' Th*-Jnne 19 (Vitigrapfi-liei' Bunny s Honeymoon — Apr, ~ " ■■>--■■■ Bun ny versus Cutey— May 1 (Vitagraph) 76 (Vitagraph) 410 A— May 17 (Edison)... 838 -May 8 (Biograph) 506 Cormorant. The— Apr. 29 (Patheplav) 410 Consecration of a Buddhist Priest," The— Jul'v '4 " (Patheplay) ' ,—, Counsellor Bobby— May 21 (Vitagraph) .'.'. 730 Count's Will. The— Apr. 26 (Patheplay) . 304 Coupon Courtship, A-Apr. 30 (Kalem) ..... .. 403 Cousin Bill— Apr. 30 (Essanav) ....' 408 Cousin Jane— Apr. 29 (Essanav) . " 408 Crazy Prospector, The-May 3 (Essanay)'.'"": 505 Crooked Bankers. The— May 7 (Patheplay).... 508 ^.^BZ"ll^manA The-Apr. 18 (Essanay)... isl Crowds Attending Gods In Temple, Tokvo Japan —Apr. 23 (Vitagraph) ' ' P CnplcTs Hired Man— May 9 (Vitagraph)'...;.'.'.'.' 506 Cupid's Lariat— June 20 (Kalem) 1174 rn£d T»hSagbr m Kjy»K>le— May 24 (Vitagraph) 732 Cured of Her Love— Apr. 18 (Selig) i98 Cnre, The— Apr. 24 (Biograph) 3^ Curing a Would-Be Aviator— May 24 (Cines j. ." 730 Curing Her Extra vagance-^Tune 25 (Kalem). .. .1274 Cutey and the Chorus Girls— Apr. 10 (Vitagraph) 76 Cutey Plays Detective— May 28 (Vitagraph).... 834 Lntey Tries Reporting— Jnne 10 (Vitagranh) 1052 Cuttlefish, The-Apr. 18 (Patheplay).. .'^"loo D Dad's Little Girl— June 10 (Selig) 1050 Dances of the Ages— May 26 (Edison) .,....."' 840 Dangerous Foe, A— May 29 (Biograph) ... 838 Daughter of the Confederacy, A— May 16 (Selig) 618 Daylight Burglar, The— Apr. 28 (Biograph)... ' 412 Deacon s Dilemma, The— Apr. 25 (Essanay) 300 Death s Marathon— June 14 (Biograph) . . . 106O Deerslayer. The (2 parts)— May 7 (Vitagraphj.' . 505 Delayed Proposals— June 20 (Vitagraph) 1164 Delivering the Goods— June 4 (Eclipse) ' 1048 Detective Dot— May 23 (Lnbln)....: 726 Detective's Trap, The— June 3 (Kalem)... . "1274 Diamond Cut Diamond— Apr. 25 (Lubin) ' ' 298 Diamond Miniature, The (2 parts)— May "3 (Patheplay) Disciplining' Daisy— May 7' '(Vitagraph) .'.'"."" 506 District Attorney's Conscience, The (2 Darts)— May 21 (Lubin) . -n6 Divided House, The — June 26 (Essanay) l->78 Dividing Wall, The— May 7 (Eclipse) 51b Diving for Pearl-Oysters at Thursdav IslandJune 19 (Melies) 117o Dixieland — Apr. 16 (Selig) ]o,g" Does Advertising Pay?-^Inne 14 ( vitagraph) '. '. 1052 Dollar Down Dollar A Week — Apr. 23 (Selig) °98 Don't Worry— June 4 (Edison) "l058 Drama of the French Revolution — Jnlv 5 (Edison) _' jg^ Dredges and Farm Implements in the WestJune 3 (Patheplay) 944 Drop of Blood, The-June IS (Vitagraph). ..'.'.'.'.'1164 E Easy Payments — June 25 (Essanav) 1278 Egyptian Muminy^The^l3v23(K|JejT^^^^^7gj Eighth Notch, The— Apr. 30 (Kalem) 403 Embarrassed Bridegroom, An— June 6 (Selig) . 940 End of the Quest, The (2 parts)-Apr' 25 (Lnbln) oqq Evil One, The— Apr. 7 (Lubin) " 7! Evil Thereof, The— June 20 (Edison) . . 1170 Exceeding the Time Limit— May 24 (Cines) '.'." 730 Excess Baggage— May 10 (Cines) 622 Exciting Honeymoon, An (2 parts)— Apr 26 (Patbeplay) 3^4 Ex-Convict's Plunge, The— Mav 29 (Selig). '. 838 Exposure of tbe Land Swindlers, The (3 parts)— Apr. 1 (Kalem) , *""' F Faint Heart Ne'er Won Fair Lady— Apr. 5 (dies) r 19g Faith of a Girl— May 30 (Lubin) 83° Fancy Poultry — June 20 (Selig) Fate of Elizabeth, Tlie^ — .Tune 12 (Selig) 1O1O Father's Love, A-Jnne 19 1 Lubin K.. lies Fatty's Busy Day— May 2 (Kalem) '..'.'." 403 Faust and the Lily-July 3 (Biograph) 1394 Fear-June 20 (Essanav) uiJi Fighting Chance, A— Apr. 26 (Vitagraphj."::;: 302 fighting Chaplain, Tbe — Apr. 26 (Kalem)... 304 Fighting Lieutenant, The-June 20 (Selig) 1166 Fight to a Finish, A — June 30 (Kalem) 1386 Field Sports, Hong Kong, China— June 27 (Vitagraph) Final Judgment, The (2 partsj-^June 9 (Essanay) 1056 Fire-Fighting Zouaves. TbeSApr'.'i9'(kaiem).': '. 196 Fire of Vengeance, The— Apr. 51 (Patheplay) . . 198 Fixing Auntie Up— May 3 (Lubin) 406 Flag of Two Wars. A— June 3 (Selig) 940 Florida Romance. A — Apr. 19 (Lubin) ... 194 Fly, The— June 28 (Edison) :.1274 Food Inspection — May 16 (Kalem) 613 Forgotten— Apr. 26 (Cines) 4O8 Forgotten Latchkey. The— June 7 (Vitagraph)" 946 For His Child's Sake — Apr 19 (Cines) 196 For His Child's Sake — Apr. 8 (Lubin) 7S For Mayor — Bess Smith— June 14 (Patbeplay). 1062 Fortune Smiles (Being the Twelfth and Last Story of "What Happened to Mary")— June 27 (Edison) 127o Fortune, The— Apr. 15 (Vitagraph) "" 192 Foster Brothers, The — May 29 (Melies) 838 Found Out — Apr. 10 (Essanav) 73 Four-footed Detective, A— Apr. 23 (Eclipse) ^ '. 410 Frappe Love— May 8 (Biograph) 506 Frightful Blunder, A— Apr. 17 (Biograph) 200 From Ignorance to Light — Jnne 21 (Lubin) . . . 1168 Fruit of Suspicion, The — Apr. 2 (Eclipse) 198 Fugitive at Bay, A (2 parts)— Apr. 16 (Cines) . . 408 Fugitive, The— May 28 (Patheplav) 842 Gala Day Parade, Yokohama, Japan— Apr. 21 (Vitagraph) 30" Gamble With Death, A— June 30 (Biograph) 1394 General Scott's Protege — May 3 (Patheplay)... 412 Gentleman's Gentleman, A— July 4 (Edison) .. .1392 German Cavalry Maneuvers — Apr. 30 (Eclipse).. 408 Get-Rich-Quick Billlngton — June 7 (Patheplav). 944 Girl and the Judge. Tbe — May 27 (Selig) '. . . 836 Girl Back East, The — May 2 (Lubin) 406 Girl Spy in Mexico, A (2 parts) — May 10 (Lubin) got Glimpses of Colorado In Winter — May 21 (Edison) 840 Glimpses of the National Capital— Apr. i" (Patheplay) 200 God Is Love — Apr. 10 (Patheplay) 80 God's Way— Apr. 15 (Selig) 198 Going to Meet Papa— May 23 (Vitagraph)... . 732 Gold and the Gilded Way — May 22 (Melies).. : 8 Gold Brick, The — June 10 (Selig) 1166 Golden Wedding, The — May 9 (Edison) 620 Good in the Worst of Us, Thi; — May 20 (Edison) . 840 Good in tbe Worst of Us, The — May 30 (Essanay) 834 Governor Johnson of California — June 16 (Kalem)1172 Governor's Double, The (2 parts) — Jnne 13 (Patheplay) io«2 Grand Canyon. The — May 12 (Vitagraph) 618 Grandpa's Rejuvenation— Apr. 30 (Eclipse) 408 Granny — Apr. 29 (Lnbln) 406 Great Pearl. The — June 7 (Lubin) 942 Groundless Suspicion — May 2 (Edison) 620 Gulf of Togullo, Northern Italy — May 17 (Cines) R22 Gypsy's Brand, The — Jnne 14 (Kalem) 1056 Hankow. China— Apr. 15 (Selig) 198 Happy Home. The — Apr. 12 (Patheplay) 82 Hash House Count. The — Mav 9 (Kalem) 510 Hatching Chickens — Mav 6 (Selig) 505 Hattie's New Hat— May S (Lubin) 5<M Haunted House. The — Apr. 28 (Kalem) 403 Heart of an Actress, The — May 5 (Kalem) 508 Heart of Mrs. Robins, The — June 5 (Vitagraph) 946 Heart of Steel, A — Apr. 22 (Cines) 4"9 Heart of Valeska, The— May 12 (Edison) 620 Hearts of the First Empire (2 parts)— Apr. 28 (Vitagraph) 410 He Had a Guess Coming — Apr. 14 (Biograph) . . 200 He Would Fix Things-June 18 (Edison) 1172 Her Atonement— June 30 (Lubin) !