The Moving Picture World (Apr-Jun 1913)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD s Sacrifice, The — June 18 (Patheplay) 11TO Sallie'u Sure Shot-^Tuly 4 (Selig) 1390 Same Old Story, The — May 14 (Essanay) 61S Saragossa — May 16 iPatheplay) 624 Saving Lie, The — June 4 (Patheplay) 944 Scenes Along the Pescara River (Central Italy), Apr. 8 (Cines) 196 Scenes and Ruins Near Rome — Apr. 29 (Cines) . 408 Scenes in Manila — May 29 (Selig) 838 Scheme of Shiftless Sam Smith, The — June 9 (Kalem) ) 1054 School of Gymnastics — Apr. IS (Patheplay) 200 School Principal, The — Apr, 24 — (Lubin) 298 Scimitar of the Prophet, The — Apr. 11 (Kalem) 82 Sea Maiden, The — May 10 (Vitagraph) 5X16 Second Shot, The — June 28 (Patheplay) 1280 Secret Marriage, The — Apr. 23 (Kalem) 304 Seeds of Silver— Apr. 22 (Selig) 298 Seeing Double — Apr. 19 (Vitagraph) 194 Seven Years Bad Luck — Apr. 16 (Edison) 300 Shadowgraph Message, The — June 10 (Essanay). 1056 She Must Be Ugly— May S (Lubin) 504 Shenandoah (Special, 3 parts) — July 4 (Kalem) . .1386 Sheriff's Wife. The — Apr. 9 (Essanay) 78 Shooting the Rapids of the Pagsanjan River in Philippine Islands — June 16 (Selig) Shotgun Man and the Stage-Driver, The — Apr. 9 (Selig) 80 Shower of Slippers, A — Apr. 7 (Edison) 78 Signal. The — July 5 (Edison) Silence for Silence — June 16 (Lubin) 1166 Silv.T Cigarette Case, The — June 16 (Vitagraph) 1164 Sleuthing— Apr. 17 (Vitagraph) 192 Slight Mistake. A— Apr. 22 (Lubin) 298 Slippery Slim Repents — June 5 (Biograph) 944 Smoked to a Finish — Jone 20 (Kalem) 1174 8nap-Sbot, The — Apr. 8 (Biograph) 80 Snare of Fate, The (3 parts) — June 23 (Vitagraph) 1270 Sneak, The — Apr. 21 (Kalem) 304 Some Chicken— May 1 (Selig) 406 Some Spots in and Around Los Angeles, Cal. — June 4 (Edison) 105S Songs of Truce — July 1 (Selig) 1388 Song Bird of the North, The — July 2 (Vitagraph) 1388 Sorrowful Shore, The — July 5 (Biograph) 1394 Soul In Bondage, A— May 15 (Vitagraph) 618 Spider Which Lives In a Bubble, The — May 30 (Patheplay) 842 Splendid Scapegrace, A — Apr. 26 (Edison) 302 Split Nugget, The— Apr. 11 (Lubin) 78 Sponge Industry in Cuba, The — Apr. 17 (Patheplay) 200 Spotted Elephant Hawk Moth, The — June 27 (Patheplay) 12S0 Sqnawman's Awakening, The — May 31 (Patheplay) 842 Star. The — June 11 (Essanay) 1056 Still Voice, The, (2 parts)— May 24 (Vitagraph) 732 Stolen Bride, The — Apr. 7 (Biograph) 80 Stolen Claim, The — June 12 (Melies) 1060 Stolen Loaf, The — May 15 (Biograph) 624 Stolen Melody, The— May 21 (Selig) 724 Story the Desert Told, The — May 1 (Essanay) . 408 Story of the Bell, The — June 30 (Edison) 1392 Streak of Yellow, A — Apr. 14 (Kalem) 194 Street Scenes of Yokohama, Japan — Apr. 29 (Vitagraph) 410 Stronger Sex, The — Apr. 25 (Vitagraph) 302 Struggle, The (2 parts) — June 25 (Kalem) 1274 Sultan's Dagger. The — June 26 (Melies) 1274 Snltan of Sulu, The-^Iuly 2 (Selig) 1388 Sunshine Sue — Apr. 22 (Lubin) 298 Suwanee River. The — June 5 (Selig) 940 Sweeney and the Fairy — June 9 (Selig) 1050 Sweet Deception^TuIy 3 (Vitagraph) 1388 Switch-Tower, The — June 16 (Biograph) 1172 T Tabitian Fish Drive, A— Apr. 17 (Melies) 200 Taming a Tenderfoot— June 17 (Selig) 1166 Tananarive, Madagascar — June 6 (Patheplay). .944 Tandjong Priok, The Harbor of Java's Capital, Batavia— May 29 (Melies) 838 Tango Tangle, A — May 6 (Essanay) 505 Tattle Battle, The— May 20 (Selig) 724 Ten-Acre Gold Brick, A— May 12 (Lubin) 613 Tenderfoot's Money, The — May 5 (Biograph) . . 506 Terror of Conscience, The — June 6 (Kalem) 1054 That Mail Order Suit— Apr. 18 (Selig) 198 Their Baby— May 29 (Essanay) 834 Their Stepmother — May 2 (Selig) 406 There's Music in the Hair — Apr. 23 (Vitagraph) 802 Three to One — June 3 (Vitagraph) Through Many Trials, (2 parts) — Apr. 30 ( I.ubin) 406 Thwarted Plot, The— Apr. 24 (Patheplay) 304 Tie of the Blood. The— Apr. 17 (Selig) 198 Tiger Lily, The (2 parts)-^July 2 (Vitagraph) . .1386 Timely Interception, A — June 7 (Biograph) 944 Toll of Fear, The, (2 parts)— Apr. 9 (Lubin) . . 78 Tombs of the -Ming Emperors, The — Apr. 10 (Selig) Tommy's Atonement — Apr. 10 (Selig) 80 Too Much Parcel Post — Apr. 9 (Patheplay) Tootheache — May 9 i Kalem) 510 Tour Throngh Touraine. A — June 17 (Patheplay) 1168 Tragedy of Big Eagle Mine, The, (2 parts) June 7 (Kalem) 940 Transition. The — Apr. 8 (Vitagraph) 76 Translation of a Savage, The — May 24 (Edison) 840 Transportation Methods in Java — May 30 (Patheplay) 842 Trapper's Mistake, The <2 parts) — June 28 (Patheplay) 1280 Tricks of the Trade — May 27 (Patheplay) 834 Trimmers Trimmed, The— May 26 (Biograph).. 838 Trip on the Seine, A— Apr. 25 (Patheplay) 304 Trip Through the North Island of New Zealand, A (From Auckland to Wellington) — May 8 (Melies) J Bog Trip to the Waitomo Caves of New Zealand, A— Apr. 24 (Melies) 304 Twelfth Juror, The — Apr. 19 (Edison) 300 Twin Brothers, The — June 17 (Edison) 1170 Two Little Kittens — June 10 (Edison) 1058 Two Merchants, The — May 14 (Edison) 622 Two's Company Three's a Crowd — Apr. 29 (Vitagraph) 410 Two Social Calls — May 16 (Essanay) 620 Two Souls With But a Single Thought — May 14 (Vitagraph) 730 Two Western Paths — May 8' (Essanay) 505 U Unburied Past, The — Apr. 22 (Essanay) 300 "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Troupe, An— Apr. 10 (Biograph) go Unknown, The — Apr. 17 (Essanay) 196 Unwilling Separation, An— May 27 (Edison).. 840 Unwritten Chapter, An— July 4 (Vitagraph) .. .1388 Up and Down the Ladder — May 26 (Vitagraph) 834 Up-to-Date Aviator, An — Apr. 9 (Eclipse) 198 Uses of Dynamite by U. S. Engineering Corps — May 1 (Vitagraph) 410 V Value of Mothers-ln-Law, The — June 4 (Essanay) 846 Vampire of the Desert, The (2 parts) — May 16 (Vitagraph) 618 Veil of Sleep, The— May 1 (Lubin) 406 Vengeance is Mine — Apr. 7 (Selig) 80 Victim of Deceit. A^Iuly 4 (Kalem) 1386 Victim of Heredity, A — May 26 (Kalem) 832 Views in Liege, Belgium — Apr. 26 (Cines) 408 Views of Samarang — June 12 (Melies) 1060 Violet Dare, Detective — June 10 (Lubin) 1048 Vitagraphers at Kama Kura— May 19 (Vitagraph) 730 W Waiter's Strategy, The — July 4 (Lubin) 1390 Wamba, a Child of the Jungle, (2 parts)— May 26 (Selig) 836 Wanderer, The — May 3 (Biograph) 412 Wanted, A Strong Hand— Apr. 11 (Vitagraph). 76 Wardrobe Lady, The — Apr. 8 (Essanay) 78 Wayward Son, The — May 3 (Kalem) 403 Weaker Mind, The, (2 parts)— June 18 (Lubin) 1168 Web, The, (2 parts)— Apr. 11 (Vitagraph) 76 Welded Friendship, A— May 6 (Selig) 504 Well Sick Man, The — Apr. 9 (Edison) 78 Well, The — June 12 (Biograph) 1060 What God Hath Joined Together— June 2 (Vitagraph) 944 Western Romance, A — June 27 (Selig) 1276 What Happened to Mary No. 10, (High Tide of Misfortune, The)— Apr. 26 (Edison) 302 "What Happened to Mary," No. 12 & Last (Fortune Smiles)— June 27 (Edison) 1272 What Happened to Mary No. 11, (Race to New York, A)— May 23 (Edison) 840 What Is Sauce for the Goose — Apr. 17 (Melies). 200 What the Good Book Taught— June 5 (Patheplay) 944 Wheel of Death, The — June 16 (Kalem) 1172 When a Woman Loves, (3 parts) — June 2 (Cines) 1048 When Fate Decrees — June 4 (Kalem) 1054 When Greek Meets Greek — May 6 (Edison) 620 When Lillian Was Little Red Riding Hood — June 16 (Selig) 1166 When Men Forget — June 26 (Selig) 1276 When the Circus Came to Town — June 2 (Selig) 940 When the Right Man Comes Along — Apr. 28 (Edison) 403 When Women are Police — June 7 (Kalem) . . .1054 Where Shore and Water Meet— Jane 24 (Edison) 1272 While John Bolt Slept— June 7 (Edison) 1058 White Lies — May 29 (Patheplay) 842 White Slave, The, (2 parts) — May 31 (Vitagraph) 836 Widow of Nevada, A — May 22 (Essanay) 724 Widow of Winnipeg, The — May 30 (Kalem) 832 Willie's Alarm Clock— May 13 (Cines) 622 Will of Fate. The — May 14 (Eclipse) 622 Window on Washington Park, A — Apr. 30 (Vitagraph) 410 Wine of Madness, The — June 14 (Lubin) 1050 Winner of the Sweepstakes, The— Apr. 16 (Cines) 198 Winter in Upper Engadine, Switzerland — May 2 (Patheplay) 412 Winter Sports at Bodele — Apr. 22 (Patheplay). 304 Wise Old Elephant, A, (2 parts) — Apr. 14 (Selig) With Loves Eyes— Apr. 11 (Selig) 80 With the Assistance of "Shep" — May 7 (Edison) 620 With the Students of North Dakota Agricultural College — May 16 (Selig) 618 Witness "A 3-center" — June 27 (Essanay) ... .1278 Woman of Impulse, A — May 14 (Patheplay) 624 Woman — Past and Present — June 4 (Selig) .... 940 Woman Scorned. A — May 24 (Patheplay) 728 Woman's Heart, A — June 2 (Lubin) 940 Woman's Influence, A — May 17 (Cines) 622 Woman's Way, A— May 9 (Essanay) 505 Woodflre at Martin's, The — May 30 (Selig) 838 Woodman's Daughter. The — Apr. 14 (Selig).. 198 Wordless Message, The— May 28 (Selig) 836 Wrath of Osaka, The — May 8 (Vitagraph) 506 Wrecked Life, A— May 17 (Patheplay) 624 Wrong Pair, The— May 12 (Vitagraph) 618 Wrong Hand Bag, The-^Iuly 4 (Lubin) 1392 Y Yaqni Cur, The, (2 parts)— May 17 (Biograph). 624 Yarn of Nancy Belle, The — May 27 (Lubin)... 832 Yokohama Fire Department — June 20 (Vitagraph) 1164 Zulu King, The— June 24 (Lubin) 1278 Independent Releases A Ace of Hearts, The — June 9 (Dragon) Affray of Honor, An — Apr. 16 (Nestor) After the Massacre — May 17 (Reliance; 850 Against the Law— Apr. 22 (Gem) Aladdin's Awakening-June 20 (Nestor) U7S Algie on the Force — May 5 (Keystone) 518 All on Account of an Egg— June 1 (Eclair) All Rivers Meet at Sea^uly 2 (Broncho) Amateur Highwayman, The — May 21 (Solas) 744 Amateur Sleuth, The — Mar. 27 (Gaumout) 90 American In the Making, An — Apr. 22 il'han houser) 413 Anaradhapura— May 25 (Eclair) ....'.'.'.'" Angel of Death, The^une 26 (Imp) 1282 Angel of Mercy, The— Apr. 8 (Gaumout) 314 Angel of the Canyons — May 12 (American) 628 Animated Weekly, No. 55— Mar. 26 (Universal) 86 Animated Weekly, No. 56 — Apr. 2 (Universal) 202 Animated Weekly, No. 57 — Apr. 9, (Universal) 308 Animated Weekly, No. 58— Apr. 16 (Universal) 414 Animated Weekly, No. 59 — Apr. 23 (Universal) 512 Animated Weekly, No. 60 — Apr. 30 (Universal) 626 Animated Weekly, No. 61— May 7 (Universal) 736 Animated Weekly, No. 62— May 14 (Universal) 846 Animated Weekly, No. 63 — May 21 (Universal) 954 Animated Weekly, No. 64 — May 28 (Universal) 1066 Animated Weekly, No. 66 — June 11 (Universal). 1286 Animated Weekly, No. 67^June 18 (Universal), 1396 Annie Laurie — June 16 (Reliance) 1184 Apache Love — June 18 (Nestor) 1178 As Fate Wills — Apr. 10 (Frontier) 84 Ashes of Three, (2 parts)— May 28 (American) 852 At Shiloh (2 parts)— July 5 (Bison) 1396 Aunt Kate's Mistake — Apr. 10 (Imp) Awakening of Papita, The— May 7 (Nestor).. 514 B Badge of Policeman O'Roon, The (2 parts) — June 25 (Eclair) Bangville Police, The — Apr. 24 (Keystone) 310 Banker's Sons, The — June 20 (Majestic) 12S8 Barney Oldfleld's Race for a Life — June 2 (Keystone) 956 Barred from the Mails — May 11 (Thanhouser) . 740 Battle of San Juan Hill, The, (3 parts) — June 3 (Bison) 950 Bawleront, The, (3 parts)— Apr. 30 (Reliance). 618 Beautiful Blsmark — June 17 (Majestic) 1288 Bedford's Hope, (3 parts) — Apr. 8 (Bison) Beetles — May 17 (Imp) Behind the Times — Jnne 20 (Imp) Be It Ever So Humble — May 30 (Nestor) 846 Betty's Bandit — May 17 (Frontier) 628 Bewitched Matches, The — May 4 (Eclair) 740 Bewitched Rubber Shoes, The — Apr. 12 (Great Northern) Big Boss, The (2 parts)— May 14 (Reliance). 740 Billy Gets Arrested — Apr. 8 (Gem) Billy in Armor — June 2 (Gem) 952 Billy Plays Poker— May 20 (Gem) Billy's Adventures — May 13 (Gtem) 626 Billy's First Quarrel — May 6 (Gem) Billy's Honeymoon — Mav 27 (Gem) 844 Billy's New Watch— May 11 (Majestic) 740 Billy's Suicide — Apr. 29 (Gem) Billy the Suffragette — Apr. 25 (Powers) 308 Billy Turns Burglar — Apr. 15 (Gem) Black and White — June 8 (Crystal) 952 Black Chancellor, The, (3 parts) — Apr. 26 (Bison) Black Conspiracy, A, (2 parts) — May 2 (KayBee) 420 Black Jack's Atonement — May 23 (Powers) . . . 738 Black Small Fox Scare, The — May 7 (Powers). Blood Will Tell— Apr. 14 (Imp) Baby's Baby — Apr. 6 (Rex) Boobs and Bricks — Apr. 21 (American) 308 Boob, The — June 1 (Rex) 844 Book of Verses, A — Apr. 20 (Rex) 202 Boomerang, The, (3 parts) — June 13 (Kay -Bee). 1070 Boy from the East, The — Jnne 22 (Eclair) Boy Scouts to the Rescue, The — May 21 (Nestor) Bozo Arrives — May 9 (Powers) Bread Cast Upon the Waters, (2 parts) — Apr. 30 (Broncho) 420 Bred In the Bone. (3 parts) — Apr. 22 (Bison). Brother and Sister— June 27 (Victor) 1282 Brothers All — May 5 (Excelsior) Brothers, The — May 5 (Amerlcar 516 Burglarizing Billy — Apr. 22 (Gei Burning Lariat, The — Apr. 12 ( .ntien 86 Burden Bearer, The — Jnne 26 (R< 1284 Business Woman, A — May 30 C inhouser) 848 By the Aid of Wireless — Jnne f (Luxl 1070 By the Sad Sea Waves — June 17 (Gaumont)...