The Moving Picture World (Apr-Jun 1913)

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45° THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD ^imMi&r^^^MmmmmmJ!s.isM3a amua. i&jujjaii sfMWKTSvfiK 7K m7&7ftfStfgt7§^7Stf§tfS^/TFffim~f&ffi7fi-n THIS PICTURE IS NO GAMBLE Besides being the biggest production ever made it is the most adaptable for any kind of entertainment purposes. It is not limited to the theatre alone, but enters into the broader field of school and church work. One of the handicaps to motion picture exhibiting is the lack of advance sale. Here is a picture that can be shown as a whole or in parts on consecutive days, with special coupon tickets for the course. In this way the exhibitor is insured against bad weather and assured of a full house at each exhibition. "Les Miserables" is the first, big all around feature ever made. With proper billing and circularizing it will pack any house. We have various styles of I -3-6 and 8 sheets. Also 1 2-1 6-24 sheets. f-IU<rfi /fOff^<»