The Moving Picture World (Apr-Jun 1913)

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1200 THE MOVING. PICTURE WORLD CHEAP STEEL FRAME THEATRE CHAIRS AB.OLU ELY NON-BREAKABLE Suitable tor small Tbeatera and Moving Picture Snows. \\ e ca t'l'y these cbairs In stock and can ship ii • dialel.v. Second Hand Chairs Also ' for out-of-door use. Address Dept. W. STEEL FURNITURE CO., Grand Rapids. Mich. New York: 150 5th Ave. Pittsburgh: 318 Bissel Blk. Philadelphia: 1943 Market St. Nashville. Term. : 315 No. 4th Ave. OH! MR. EXHIBITOR!! Tlilnk of the motherless, the fatherless, and the childless home* as the result of theater panics. Protect the lives of your patrons by Installing our "ANTIPANIC" THEATER CHAIR. 26 Dead at Oannonsburg, 170 at Borertown, 575 at Iroquois Theater, Chicago. Make these horrors Impossible. Onr chair Is a friend to the Public. It advertises your theater and makes your business grow. It la a space-saver, life-saver, money-saver. Gives 25% more seating. It will make your theater all aisles. It is the only ssnltary chair. It la the world's greatest theater chair, perfected to the highest degree. Write today for circular A. THE HAEDE8TT MEG. CO., Canal Dovsr, Ohio, U. 8. A. SHERLOCK HOLMES SERIES Eight suhjeets to choose from — two reels each. Territory In Indiana, Kentucky, Wisconsin (south of Green Bay), Illinois (north of Springfield. Allardt Feature Films, Inc. D. W. McKinney, Mgr. 810 Straus Bldg., Chicago Phone, Franklin 1474 ELECTRIC EXHAUST FANS Twenty-four-inch $80. Thirty-inch, $110. Also some oscillating twelve-inch fans, $13.75 each. All General Electric make and for alternating current, 1 phase, 60 cycle, 110 volt. GEORGE BENDER 82 C entre Street New York Cit WE CAN HURRY TOOK ORDm OCT ■TAtTORD Chain .Heavy Five Ply easts u4 hacks. TVs Isst-fererer kind, (■at yea are setae tea* after yea kin tmietlea the tries. STEEL CHAIRS TOO Weearry several kinds et feed chain la attack, all ffearsateed. ASK FOE OATAL6G E. H. STAFFORD MFG. CO. CHICAGO, ILL. WHEN YOUR PICTURE MACHINE NEEDS REPAIRING WHY DON T YOU SEND IT TO USt We bave the best equipped machine shop In the i-uuuti'y and can repair any make of machine. Write us and get acquainted. WE BUY SECOND-HAND MACHINES. GEO. M. HOKE SUPPLY CO. 176 N. Statu St. (bet. Lake and Randolph) Chicago, III. It pays to discriminate when you buy THEATRE SEATING UfDITC TflHAV fop Cat v2 'Mov.npr Picture Chairs) EI Ell IE. lUUAl ami Cat. V;: (Upholstered ' Send Floor Sketch for Free Beating Plan. Widest range of styles and prices. Large stocks. American Seating Company 218 S. Wabash Ave., CHICAGO. 15 E. 32nd St.. NEW YORK Send for our pricea before b -lying 0 . c +1 bSbWSdM 01 ■ ■ Z A 1 a» *i """"*! D "> BOM a. * A «R "8 BENNETT SEATING CO. 36 EAST 3rd ST. CINCINNATI, O. Steel standards will not break Steel or Cast Iron Standards in many styles Southern California representative, California Seating Co., 1109 Tea Nuya Bide., Los Angeles, Cal. N. W. representative, H. A. Johnson Seating Co., 811. Western Ave., Seattle, Wash, The Wisconsin Seating Company NEW LONDON WISCONSIN, U. S. A. cnt<iy„SoiiiWaba8hATe The A. H. Andrews Co. "ESSS &£ New York Office, 1165 Broadway. Seattle Office, 508-10-12 First Ave., So. San Francisco Office, 723 Mission St. ^VJViVJVJ9i9i9.9j9i9.VjVAW.9V9. v»v«v.v«v4V4V4yw»TrW4yiv*"/«y.»/.»5 •agsggmmppniB* «nnpMpp» Ml FAMOUS FOR llffwi 'FALL OF TROY:PALACE OF FLAMES lY/G/?/s]Wm 3i AND OTHER ■SUCC£SS£S /4J^X\ j) Q ACTUAL FEATURES EX^O % f -*SSBBW COPYRIGHTED .eSBBBMr > EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY § AVAILABLE ^ NOW. — * COPYRIGHTED COMING ZACCONI IN THE DREAD -OF DOOM THREE REELS t WRITE FOR f DETAILED i PROPdSITION ■i TODAYc ITALA FILM CO. OF AMERICA 805 COLOMBIA THEATRE, NEW YORK ^ F/*>A>At;«;t»:fAf.'»'r/»;t;a;t^f/»ktAt;t*»i*»tAt5 ^^^H£