Moving Picture World (Jan-Mar 1916)

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January 15, 1916 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 477 car. It is the Head Sister. Dr. Rameses and tile Head S.SLer nasteu to the tormer's liouse, me upper uuurs oi wuieb are ^ivlu uvt-r lu tue uocLur a ieeiures uu ujpuuLiaui aud iiigyptlan WiaUom, tlie DarieliieUL utu uelug lue piaee wuere ue receives lue erimiuais iu His empiuy. 'luree-uugered Jeuuy, a irusiy eoiitederate oi tile Head bister b — au luiiiate oi Ule Uray bistertiood Hoine^is waltiug tuere wilil lier soil, -Mciiie, a dumb boy oi teu, wiio is used by Ui. Kaineses ou special occasions. Jeuuie aud Nictie are gneu uurried instructious about tue niglii s worit. Koger Udell sliows Lord John tile wonderful muuiiiiy case beluugmg to Alaiua aud tbe elaborate electric wiring system wuicii surrounds it auu prevents tueit. as Koger IS going away, aud iviaida will also be out o£ tbe bouse, lie eouudes to Lord John the secret o£ lUe valuable curio s saiety. He gives mm two envelopes, one containing diagrams oi tue apparatus, tbe otuer tbe printed ■key' to tue secret system, one being useless wituout tUe otber. VVUUe Lord Joun sleeps, alter consulting aud noting some deductions ia bis journal — cnieUy bis su^^picions oi Tue uray bisttrbood, and tne eagerness oi tbe head oi it to gain possession o£ tbe mummy — .Sickle slips trom under tbe bed. He cuts on the automobile number noted on Lord John's cuu: — his chief object in coming. When Lord Jonn later nnds tne box under the bed, mioses tbe envelops and sees the severed cull, be knows be has been tricked, but can do nothing. In the early morning Lord John starts out in his motor to be at tue point where he knows Maiua will be met by the Head bister and driven to the home, un the platiorm he sees a woman whom he recognizes by her garb to be the Head bister. Ihe wind toases her veil irom her lace and she is seen to be wearing a gray mask. Word comes that Maida's train is stalled up the track. Lord John huds Maida troubled by the delayed train and in this condition persuades her to tell him what is and always has been the shadow oi her Hie. Maida conudes her story : Years before, her mother had jilted Roger Odell's father to marry an English Army Officer of whom nothing was known. Three years later the mother returns, dying, and begs Odell to take Maida. As a young girl she is loved by Lieutenant Granville, who is insanely jealous without cause. In the midst of a ball he enters the small anteroom where Maida is surrounded by young men. He then vents bis jealous rage upon the girl, hnally sinking into a chair, panting, asking Maida to get bis handkerchief where it protrudes from bis cuff. Maida draws it out. Granville starts and falls writhing to the Boor as a muffled report rings out. Maida tears open his shirt, revealing a revolver with a string leading from the trigger to the handkerchief. The guests burst into the room and Granville's mother accuses Maida o£ murder. This is her tragic past — and the world has never let her forget it. She is entering the Gray Sisterhood in search of peace. Lord John jots in his faithful journal : "My Maida's sorrows make her mine to save from the Gray Sisterhood — tonight." In the Sisterhood home Maida is asked if the mummy case will come with her trunk. She says it can never be removed from its shrine. Then a light beams from the half-globe of glass, and in the aperture Rameses' face appears. But Lord John had discovered the nunnery and is waiting for just such a contingency in his automobile outside the gate. He assists Maida to escape and then restores her to the Odells. ■<tu^^» ■<^^§> -<rt^^ MovingPicture Exhibitors a THE RE'WARD OP CHIVALRY— Three Reels — Jan. IS). — The cast: Stanton Ware (Herbert Rawlinson) ; Doris King (Jean Taylor) ; Richard King (Alfred Allen) ; Wallace Aines, crook (Barney Furey) ; Horace Brighton (Scott Leslie) I His Wile (Mrs. Kraft). Stanton Ware, a young Southerner, holding the sacredness of woman's honor above everything else. Is in love with Doris King, a vivacious Southern girl, but she holds Ware's impetuous advances oS in spite of a real liking for him. Ware demands from Doris an answer one way or tbe other and she promises a deflnite answer on the opening of the social season. Doris' father, a gentleman of the old school, loves Ware like a son and does everything possible to help him along. Finally Doris gives Ware a tentative promise, but declines his engagement ring. Horace Brighton, a power in newspaper cir (3) Get your supplies from -<m^> the /S\ W house ttiat carries everythiag you need wr ^ E. E. FULTQN CO., 1S2 W. Lake SL, Chicato ^ ■<^^^» -"^uSg^ -<Ju^> -^u^^* Get acquainted 'with the ERBOGRAPH WAY of Developing and Printing ERBOGRAPH COMPANY 203-U We»t 146th St., New York City ACETINE FILM CEMENT AT ALL SUPPLY HOUSES OR WRITE QUAKER CITY CO. J»55 R(l>GE AVE. PHILA, PA THE STERLING CAMERA & FILM CO. Manuficlurers of Featurt Film Productiont Commercial, Industrial and otber Camera Work a Specialty. All Work Guaranteed 145 W. 45th St., New York, N. Y. There Is No Program So Good That One of Our Features Cannot Improve Paxquali, Terriss Feature Film and Interstate Feature Film MASTERPIECES Picture Playhouse Film Co. n W. ard St. New York City Perfect Developing and Printing Your negative developed, printed, titled and shipped within TWELVE HOURS C#% per foot 9Cb complete Special price on quantity orders. TITLES in any language. Cards Free — Tinting Free Satisfaction guaranteed by our fifteen years' experience. GUNBY BROS.,lnc. 145 West 45th Street New York City cles, is conducting a crusade against gralt in tbe northern city where he lives aud is making things so hot tor the gang of crooked politicians, that Uouguerty, tiie Doss, orders his "go between" i\ines to iranie up something against lirignton. Aines agrets aud tells hts boss tnat tht! oiiiy way to work Brighton is through his, the latter's wife, Brighton has promised to take his wife South for the winter. Aines learns of their contemplatod trip and precedes them to the city, where he meets them on their arrival aud maKes such a good impression they accept him as a friend. Aines and Mrs. Brighton become intimate companions. Brighton meets King at a dinner, where Ware has brought Uoris aud bur father. Brighton and King are old friends. Doris is Introduced. Aines at once begins to cast about for a way to win her good graces. Ware takes Uoris and her fatuer to the big masquerade ball, where they again meet the BrigULons and Aines. Doris in a wilful mood llirts with Aines and Ware, coming upon him holding Doris' hand, demands an explanation. The girl tells him she will do what she pleases. Holding tbe happiness of tbe girl above everything else. Ware withdraws In Aines" favor, but warns tbe latter if he is just triUing with her," he will kill him later. Aines protests his good intentions. The Brightons return home. Aines receives a cordial invitation from them to visit them. He reports bis progress to Dougherty and they begin to weave their web to "get" Brighton. Ware, broken hearted decides to leave and is given a note to Brighton by King. He is given an assignment as reporter. Dougherty and Aines meet at a road house to complete their plans and while there one of the girls resents Dougherty's advances. As she leaves she bears Aines and Dougherty planning their scheme and resolves to repay them in their own coin. .Coming out on the street she is arrested. Ware takes pity and goes her bond, gives her money and helps her out to a cab. She tells him of Dougherty and Aines' planning and If he wants to make a scoop to be at a certain road house that night. Doris, meanwhile, has repented and makes her father bring her North to locate Ware. They meet the Brightons and are told of Ware's occupation, but as he is out on an as>>ignment, Brighton promises to bring him to the house. Ware has arranged to be at tbe road house that night. Aines induces Mrs. Brighton to take an auto ride and gets her into the road house. She is "doped." Dougherty then calls up Brighton and tells him that unless he calls off his graft investigations, he will make known the fact of Mrs. Brighton being with her lover at a famous road house. Brighton is entertaining King and Doris when he receives tbe message. He tells of the message. They all set out for the place. As Mrs. Brighton revives Aines enters her room. When she screams Ware breaks through the window. He is about to choke Aines when he recognizes him and still thinking Doris loves Aines, kicks him out. He is trying to soothe Mrs. Brighton when Brighton, King and Doris burst in. Ware, trying to save Mrs. Brighton, refuses to make a statement and he and King are about to shoot, when Doris rushes in and pushes her father's arm aside. Aines is aiming through the window to kill Ware, when Doris sees him and pointing her father's arm, forces him to pull tbe trigger. Mrs. Brighton has explained to her husband and Ware receives his reward in the surrender of Doris. You Should Read Page 489 L-KO. SAVING SUSIE FROM THE SEA (Jan. 19). — The cast: The Rivals (Dick Smith and Jos. Moore). Susie is loved by Dave and Joe. She prefers Dave, although he is poor and Joe is rather well to do. The father insists upon her marriage to Joe and Susie despairs. Dave becomes a street cleaner. One day he sees bis sweetheart in an auto with her father and the. rival and hitches his street sweeper's little barrow to the auto axle and is wheeled down the avenue to the beach. Dave gets employment as a life saver. Susie hires a boat and loses ^er oars. Dave thrusting aside the father and the rival jumps into a boat and rigidly rows to her. He lifts her into his boat and rows her ashore, where the COMEDIES Little Brown Hen REtEASE OF THURSDAY, JANUARY 13th BOOK IT