Moving Picture World (Jan-Feb 1927)

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BROADWAY ABLAZE WITH WELCOME FOR M-G-M $2 HITS “Fire Brigade’ ’ and “Tell It to the Marines ’ ’ are talk of town New York, N. Y.— New York has just witnessed the most exciting premieres of its theatrical history with the opening of two great M-G-M $2 attractions. “The Fire Brigade” opened Decem ber 20th at the Central Theatre amid the applause of a public that welcomed the first real thriller of years. Newspaper reviewers are commenting on the wonders that this unique fire spectacle unfolds and point out that it has a heart-throb power even greater than "The Old Nest”. The advance sale at the box-office with a $2 admission charge indicates that “The Fire Brigade” is a real hit. New York firemen are behind the engagement solid. In line with its policy to present only the biggest attractions at the Embassy Theatre, Lon Chaney in “Tell It to the Marines” began a sensational engagement Thursday night, Dec. 23rd, at $2 admission. Theatrical circles on Broadway predict another “Big Parade” and this theory is born out at the box-office where the house is WAITING FOR HER BOYS TO COME HOME! — you’ll cheer through your tears — you’ll laugh — you'll love it l A Metro ■ Coldaryn Mayer Pi dart CENTRAL B’w»y & 47ih Si. m Reproduction of a New York ad on “The Fire Brigade '* sold out for four weeks in advance' William Haines is the talk of critics and public. Full cooperation of the U. S. Marines is helping to establish this rousing M-G-M attraction. Lillian Gish “SCARLET LETTER” BOOKED HEAVILY Lillian Gish's big $2 hit ends five-month success on Broadway Richmond, Va.— At the Capitol Theatre, Richmond, Va., in one of the first engagements of its heavily booked schedule, “The Scarlet Letter” indicates that the country at large waits eagerly for Lillian Gish’s starring triumph fresh from five months of Broadway -acclaim at $2. Roy P. Rosser, Manager of the Capitol wires: “‘Scarlet Letter' opened Monday to turnaway business— matinee today in pouring rain. House filled. Looks like extended run production. Unanimously acclaimed great picture.” Cleveland, O. — “The Scarlet Letter,” in snow-bound Cleveland, registered on its second Monday, the biggest day’s receipts so far this season at the Stillman Theatre. Few pictures have enjoyed the advance praise and publicity received by Miss Gish’s great production and the volume of bookings promises to exceed any attraction in which she has ever appeared. LONCHANEY Twenty-four sheet stands that are being used heavily to promote M-G-M* s Big Specials “TIN HATS” BREAKING DETROIT WILD OVER RECORDS EVERYWHERE CHANEY IN “MARINES” Telegrams continue to pour into the offices of M-G-M regarding the sensational box-office success of the comedy hit “Tin Hats.” Doug Kimberley, Manager Colonial Theatre, Tacoma, Washington, wires: “‘Tin Hats’ breaking all records. Best business this year. S. R. O. sign out Saturday, Sunday, Monday. Crowds stood on line two hours tonight. ‘Tin Hats’ a Riot.” From the Pasadena Theatres Corp., Manager H. B. Wright, telegraphs: “M-G-M still breaking records. ‘Tin Hats’ does biggest business history of house.” In big cities as well as small towns it is evident that “Tin Hats” has struck the popular flair for comedy and will go on record as one of the year’s most successful pictures. S.R.O~.for *‘Tell It to the Marines " at Madison Theatre Detroit, Mich. — Detroit film men are watching with keen interest the S.R.O. crowds at the Madison Theatre, where Lon Chaney in “Tell It to the Marines” is settling into an extended run. The box-office reports opening day “from one this afternoon until nine-thirty tonight it has been standing room only. It looks as though the New York success will be topped in Detroit and throughout America. William Haines is coming star.” According to present indications bookings on “Tell It to the Marines” will have reached a greater total in quicker time than any previous M-G-M release. M-G-M STUDIO REVEALS BIG PRODUCTIONS COMING “Old Heidelberg” goes into work with Ramon Novarro starring Culver City, Cal.— The Culver City studio of M-G-M is humming with activity. Spurred on by the success of their nationally famous specials, studio officials, stars and directors are engaged on the greatest period of activity in the history of this -company. “Old Heidelberg,” starring Ramon Novarro, is under way. Ernest Lubitch is directing this giant enterprise and it will set a new mark in production annals. Clarence Brown is directing M-GM’s great epic of the opening of Alaska, based on Robert W. Service’s “Trail of Ninety-Eight.” Lon Chaney is working in the famous vehicle “Mr. Wu”, noted as both a novel and stage success. Among other important pictures nearing completion are Norma Shearer in “The Demi-Bride” with Lew Cody; “Women Love Diamonds”, with an all-star cast; “Winners of the Wilderness”, Tim McCoy’s new offering to follow “War Paint” and “Slide Kelly Slide”, with William Haines featured in a picture that will be to baseball what his “Brown of Harvard” was to football. Ten other companies are working on the M-G-M lot in addition to the above, and the audiences which today are applauding “The Fire Brigade”, “Tell It to the Marines” and other M-G-M hits may look forward to even greater entertainments in the coming months. LEO LION says: M-G-M knows publie taste. That’s why r the public knows rs M-G-M.