Moving Picture World (Jan-Jun 1909)

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678 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD FILM SERVICE OF MERIT — ftiippi irn BY 0. T. CRAWFORD FILM EXCHANGE CO. Licensed by the Motion Picture Patents Company, and furnishing an exclusive licensed service, using only the films made by the following Licensed manufacturers: American Mutoscope & Olograph Co. Edison Manufacturing Co. Essanay Film Manufacturing Co. Kalem Company. George Klelne. Lubin Manufacturing Co. Pathe Freres. Sellg Polyscope Co. Vltagraph Company of America. A regular weekly supply of 18 reels of splendid new subjects is now available. THREE OFFICES ST. LOUIS, MO. 1401-05 Locust St. LOUISVILLE, KY. 421 4th Avenue. NEW ORLEANS, LA. 314 Carondelet Street We make the best lenses in the world for projecting motion pictures and lantern slides. Can you spend a little money more wisely and profitable than by ordering a set of lenses which will nsAH] IN THE IMPROVE YOUR PICTURES? NEW PRICES M. P. Projection I,enses any size with our improved jacket with spiral adjustment $1 S.00 No. 1 Stereopticon Lenses IS. 00 No. 2 Stereopticon Lenses 20.00 All dealers sell them on approval . WRITE FOR OUR NEW CIRCULAR When ordering state the size of your screen and the length of the picture wanted. Give the distance from the lens to the screen. Remit the price of the lens or fnrnish references. CUNDLACH-MANHATTAN OPTICAL COMPANY 808 Clinton Ave., So. Rochester, N. Y. Are "Business Bringers" Our citalog terf« Why, Send for it today. ATLANTIC ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY, Atlantic City, N. J. Song Slide Company of America 613 OGDEN BUILDING, CHICAGO Manufacturing to Grades of Song Slides We claim the Chicago Slides at $3.50 per set are the best made for the money, and Imperial Slides at $5.00 a set are the equal of any slides made. Give us a trial order. Gallatin, Mo. — A. C. McCoy, of Hamilton, has purchased the moving picture theater here from W. L. Hare and has taken possession. Pocatello, Ida.— W. W. Hodkinson, of Ogden, Utah, is making arrangements to open a new moving picture theater here. Waynesboro, Pa. — Cashier W. H. Gelbach, of the Citizens Bank, has contracted with A. R. Warner for the building of a new moving picture theater on Center Square. Bloomfield, Iowa. — J. H. Newell, of Fort Dodge, is making arrangements to open a new moving picture theater here in the Wishard building. Sedalia, Mo. — James A. Capen has opened a new moving picture theater on East Fourth street. It is known as the Lyric. Peru, 111. — Anton Schlaugh, of Wyanet, has completed arrangements for the opening up of a new moving picture theater in the Germania Park. Nebraska City, Neb. — Frank S. Morse has purchased the moving picture show of Reasoner & Son, known as the Fairyland, and has taken possession. Sioux Falls, S. Dak. — C. D. Adams has decided to open a new moving picture theater in the Geeley building on South Phillips avenue. Birmingham, Ala. — M. McArdle has leased the O'Brien Opera House and is fitting it up as a vaudeville and moving picture house. Ft. Wayne, Ind. — The Minuet, a new moving picture theater at 121 Washington Boulevard, East, opened its doors to the public. Walhalla, N. Dak. — John Piler, proprietor of the Bijou Theater at Grafton, is planning to open a new moving picture show here. Grand Forks, N. D. — Architect J. W. Ross was awarded the contract to make extensive improvements to the Bijou Theater here. Donora, Pa. — Hopton & Evans have had plans prepared for the erection of a new theater here. It will be known as the Star. Ogden City, Utah. — The Progressive Motion Picture Company has purchased the Globe Theater here, on Washington avenue. Springfield, Mo. — Capt. George H. Peabody has leased the building at 307 College street and will remodel it into a moving picture theater. Tacoma, Wash. — The Princess Theater Company is making arrangements to open a new moving picture establishment at 907 C street. Audubon, la. — A. L. Bliven and Geo. Fuller are making arrangements to open a moving picture theater on lower Broadway. I'lraae mention The Moving Picture World when corresponding with advertlsere. The Chronophone Gaumont Co. 124 East 25th St., New York City.