Moving Picture World (Jan-Jun 1909)

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68o THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD "The Passing of the Illustrated Song" is the reason you should join the LECTURETTE LIBRARY At Once. Full particulars from GUN BY BROS., lO East 14tH St., New YorK Dissolving Effect for Single Stereopticons Simple and rapid, io operation. Slide is removed and new slides set in place automatically by one operation of the lever. The Ingento Dissolving Carrier changes slides with remarkably dissolving effect almost equal to double stereopticons. Change of slides is made in a fraction of a second. Made in two styles. No. i. Made entirely of brass and is handsomely nickelplated $3.50. No. 2. Made of polished mahogany with nickel trimmings $2.00. Ask Your Dealer or Write to Us BURKE & J\MES Jackson Blvd. and Desplalnes St , Chicago All Exhibitors Are Independent For If They Were Not Independent They Would Not Be EXHIBITORS NOW, why do not all the Exhibitors go to the " Independents/' as long as they are Independents? WE ARE INDEPENDENT And, if you want to be entirely Independent get your service from ltalo=American Film Exchange 138 Third Ave., New York. bet. 13th and uth sts. Phone 2775 Stuyvesant Simpson's Celebrated ong Slides A. L. SIMPSON, 113 W. 132 St., New York City The Finest Made. $S per Set All of the New Song Hits. WANTED: MOVING PICTURE CAMERA. Jenkins or Lumiere make preferred. Must be cheap and in first-class condition. Address, C. G. R., care of Moving ricture World. I TOLD YOU over a year ago that the HALLBERG Automatic Electric Economizer would do away with your hot rheostat and save 6o<& to 90% on your M. P. lamp current bill, and give a brilliant, steady light. Nearly one thousand M. P. theatre owners have bought the HALLBERG and saved from $300.00 to $1,600.00 per year Why Are You Holding Off Read the opinion of one man who is using five of my Economizers : PROCTOR'S THEATRE Elizabeth, N. J., March 9, 1909 Mr. J. H. Hallberc, No. 30 Greenwich Avenue New York City Dear Sir: I am writing in reference to the " HALLBERG " Economizer on alternating current, and will say since the installation of your machines the results have been very gratifying. A much better light is obtained, and a great saving in current, a wonderful improvement over the old rheostat system. As a practical man I can cheerfully recommend your machine. Thanking you for past favors, I beg to remain, Your very truly, F. THOMSEN, Proctor's Theatre, Elizabeth, N. J. WRITE NOW and get my NEW prices J. H. HALLBERG 28 Greenwich Avenue New York