The Moving picture world (January 1920-February 1920)

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February 7, 1920 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 'Ji>6 National Cash Register Co. aqnipa ■alesmcn with THE NEW PREMIER PATHESCOPE FUck«rI«ra •VtJtHy Standard" Motion Pictnro Projoetor After years of practical experience with commercial motion pictures and recent exhaustive tests and comparisons of all projectors in their own fully equipped Projection Department the National Cash Register Co. has selected the NEW PREMIER PATHESCOPE, and placed an initial order for a large number of machines and sets of Pathdscope safety prints of their own film. Other mannfactnrors nalnr Indaitrlal Film* can aafely accept tho ical of approral Mt br National Caah Bc«1at«r Co. Sdiooli can follow Uw example of Ui« New Yeiit Board of Education la eeleotlnc Uie NKW PBEMnra PATHE8C0PB after c&refnl technical Inrestlfratlon of all other Projector! and Bdooatlonal Film Berrloe. Bend for SS-page omvinoing catalog. The Pathescope Company of America, Inc. Dept. H. W., Aeolian Hall, New York Ageiwlei aid Servtea Statloat la Prtiel»iJ CtHti PERFECT PROJECTION can be effected by employing in your machine tlie Speer "Directo-HoM-Ark** Combination for Direct Current and Speer "Altemo'' Noiseless Carbons for Alternating Current Make your own investigation of the merits of SPEER CARBONS by purchasing a trial package from your dealer and trying them in your machine. *The Carbons With a Guarantee" Speer Carbon Company St. Marys, Pa. MM Lutomaticket Register Users We don't ask you to accept our word for it that the Perfected AUTOMATICKET REGISTER gives you a record of each day's business and eliminates leaks and losses. Ask AUTOMATICKET USERS. There are thousands of them. AND cashCj^^register ca 1731 Broadway New York City Every Theatre Is Dependent On Its Lobby Unconsciously, playgoers form an opinion of a theatre by the first impression the lobby gives them. Is your lobby neat and inviting? Does it radiate a refined, polished atmosphere ? BILT-RITE Display Frames are a potent factor in establishing the rating of a theatre with its patrons. Made in many standard styles or built to order from blue prints or rough sketches, they offer a large selection to the careful Exhibitor. BILT-RITE Display Frames carry the endorsement of the country's foremost showmen. Ask your local dealer for the BILT-RITE line or write us direct for complete information. Ask for Booklet C-5 Consolidated Portrait & Frame Co. 1029 Vy^est Adams Street Chicago, 111. New York Representative: ACME AGENCY 2S23 Grand Central Terminal Buildinr