The Moving picture world (April 1920-May 1920)

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744 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD May 1, 1920 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 3c Per word for situations wanted and lielp wanted. iVIinimum $0.50 5c Per word for ail commercial advertisements. Minimum $1.00 SITUATIONS WANTED. AT LIBERTY — Manager, with 14 years' experience in moving picture and vaudeville theatres. Knows business from A to Z. Will go anywhere. Sober, reliable : best references ; business producer. Address Christian, care M. P. World, N. Y. City. OPERATOR — 10 years' experience ; any make machine. Will go anywhere. First-class projection. Five years in last place. Charles A. Bryfogle, 252 W. 44th St., N. Y. City. YOUNG MAN desires position as assistant cameraman. &o anywhere. Box 105, M. P. World, N. Y. City. FIRST-CLASS ORGANIST desires immediate engagement in high-class picture theatre. Experienced, expert picture player. Thoroughly trained musician of International reputation. Splendid library. Pipe organ and good salary essential. Arthur Edward Jones, Hotel Dagmar, Hagerstown, Maryland. MANAGER, 33, eight years' experience, vaudeville and pictures. Expert advertiser-booker. Best references. Make proposition. Box 103, M. P. World. N. Y. City. AT LIBERTY — Organist, with extensive experience in setting and playing for moving pictures, desires Immediate engagement. First class house. Pipe organ only. Excellent accommodations, past and present employers. Write or wire, F. W. Lesterlelgh, care Palm Theatre, Rockford, III. CAMERAS. ETC^ FOR SALE. FROM CANTON. UAJNOIB, to Canton, CUnt, 100,000 e«itom«n nse onr won4erfaI Mtaloc and •ervlce for all their pbotocraptale need*. Movie cameraa, tripods, projector!, northern llshta, text books, supplies, etc., etc., all at eeneatlcxnal money saving prices. Write for thU valuable, F-R-E)-B catalog today. David Stem 0«mp«ny, "Value, lervloe, Batlefaetlon alnce 188S," Chloaco. IlL "BEHIND THE MOTION PICTURE SCREEN. " a complete treatlee on making and taking the picture, price $3.65, poetpald. BASS CAMERA COMPANY, Chicago. III. C-2 DE VRY. perfect condition, ready for u»e. $100.00. C-90 DeVry. perfect condition, guaranteed, $150.00. Headquarter* for new and used portable projectors. BASS CAMERA COMPANY, 109 North Dearborn St.. Chicago, III. NOW READY— The New Minor Ultrastlgmat F :1.9 lens for motion picture cameras. Price in barrel, $75.00. Quotations for mounting on any camera on request Send your orders in now. BASS uAMERA COMPANY, Charles Bass, Pres.. 109 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. III. FILMS FOR SALE OR RENT. FILMS FOR SALE — One million feet, all makes, lengths and varieties. $4.00 per reel and up. Send for list Feature Film Company. Loeb Arcade, Minneapolis. Minn. FOR SALE.— "Million Dollar Mystery." 46 reels; "Beware of Strangers," 8 reels ; "Redemption," 6 reels; "Cleopatra," 8 reels; "Flaming Italian Battlefront," 10 reels ; also series "Mary Plckford" single reel specials, 15 releases, with new paper, and large selection miscellaneous features, comedies etc., all In fine condition, with advertising. Ouaranty Pictures Co., 145 West 45th Street, N. Y. City. EQUIPMENT WANTED. WANTED— A Five K. W. Electric Generating Set, Engine for natural gas preferred. Must be In good running order and reasonable price. John Hafner. Donora, Pa. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. CRACKED LENSES won't bring people back to your house, but "Picture Theatre Advertising." by E. W. Sargent, will show you how to keep them coming. As full of ad-pep as a bottle of tabasco. •iOO pages of live advertising stunts. $2.00 postpaid. The Chalmers Publishing Co.. 516 Fifth Avenue. New York, N. Y. THEATRES FOR SALE OR RENT. FOR SALE — Moving i)icture theatre: seats 430; in good manufacturing town; central Michigan; In heart of the best farming country ; seven-day town ; leading house in the city ; small bouse on the side street the only competitor ; no road shows ; located in the center of business district ; complete equipment and In good shape ; showing a very nice proflt. House has been established nine years. Price. $12,000. Look It over and ask questions ! Box 102. care M. P. World, N. Y. City. In answering advertisements, please mention The Moving Picture World EXHIBITORS TAKE ALL FOUR Of These Books a»d Find That Each One Has a Definite Place in Their Business MOTION PICTUKE ELECTRICITY IN THE MANAGER'S OFFICE Motion Picture Electricity is the dynamo that will light your way to economical maintenance and renewal of your electrical equipment. Illustrated. 280 Pages. $2.50 postpaid. IN THE PROJECTION ROOM The Motion Picture Handbook will project its individuality onto your screen in better pictures and less trouble getting them. Profusely illustrated. 700 Pages. $4.00 postpaid. PICTURE T H £ A T_RE ADVERTISING IN THE BOX-OFFICE Picture Tlieatre Advertising is paclted with magnetic ways of attracting the "long green" to your till. Every page is electric, with tried and provedly successful, attention-grabbing stunts. :)00 Pages. $2.00 postpaid. IN THE FUTURE Modern Theatre Construction when the other three have helped you to make enough to spread out, will show you how to build, or to renovate your present house the safe, comfortable, light-cost way. 266 Pages. $3.00 postpaid. THE SET. COMPLETE. 1.546 PAGES OF LIVE HELPS 111.50. POSTPAID WrlKht-Callender Bldg. Loa Angeles, CaL THE CHALMERS PUBLISHING COMPANY 516 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY 64 West Randolph St. CHICAGO, ILL.