The Moving picture world (October 1921)

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950 MOVING PICTURE WORLD October 22, 1921 CURRENT FILM RELEASE DATES I Educational Films Corp. Kinograms (Sundays and Thursdays). Sell!;-Rorfc, The Northern Trail. R-111. The Policeman and the Baby. R-111. The Ne'er to Return Road. R-S08. Chester ComediCN. (Two Reels). Snooky's Wild Oats. R-n2. CliriNtie Comedies. (Two Reels). Nothing Like It. R-S29. Exit Quietly. R-692. Torchy Comedlex. Torchy's Promotion. Doggone Torchy. R-447. Mermuid Comedies. Robinson Crusoe, Ltd. R-111. Holy Smoke. R-339. Vnnity Comedies. Ninety Days of Life. R-439. Chicken Hearted. R-831. Robert C. Urnce Series. Voices of the Sea. C; Vol. 49, P-629. The Merry Little Put Put. R-326. Chester Outing Scenies. The Red Trail s End. Music in the Air. R-830. tJayety Comedies. Here Pro Tern. R-235. Assault and Flattery. A-439. Wild and Willy. R-732. Chester Screenlcs. From Dear to Dam. Buzz-z-. Mi.scellaneous. Golf (Slow Motion). Dixie. R-643. Punch. The Love Egg. R-111. ARROW FILM CORP. Features, The Sheriff of Hope Eternal (Jack Hoxie). Ii-116. The Star Reporter. The Stranger in Canyon Valley. Dangerous Paths (Neva Gerber). The Yankee Go-Getter (Neva Gerber). God's Country and the Law (Curwood Productions). Screenart Series. The Broken Spur (Jack Hoxle). R-321. Five Westerns starring Roy Stewart and Marjorie Daw. Six Jack Hoxie Features. Five Society Dramas starring Neva Gerber. Nan of the North (Ann Little). Fifty-two two-reel Comedies. God's Country and the Woman (Curwood Prod.). Love, Hate and a Woman (Grace Davison). Serials. The Blue Fox (Anna Little). R-539. Thunderbolt Jack (Jack Hoxie). Comedies. Broadway Series. Hank Mann Series. Spotlight Series. Eighteen Single Reel Spotlights (Violet Joy and Billy Fletcher). Fourteen Two-Reel Broadway (Eddie Barry, Harry Gribbon, Helen Darling). Twelve Two-reel Cruelywed (Lilie Leslie, Paul Wiegel). Twelve Two-reel Speed Neely Edwards, Charlotte Merriam). Fourteen Two-reel Mirthquakes (Bobby Burns). NoTelty. Sport Pictorials (One Reel Each). asso. exhibitors FEATURES. The DevH (George Arliss). What Women Will Do (Anna Q. Nilsson). The Rider of King Log (Special). C-495. The Road to London (Bryant Washburn). R-642; C-47. HAROLD LLOYD COMEDIES. (Two Reels Each). Now or Never. Among Those Present. PLAYGOERS PICTURES. The Butterfly Girl. R-97. Women Who Wait. They Shall Pay. R-208. Home-Keeping Hearts. The Family Closet. Discontented Wives. WWHODIUNSON ERNEST SHIPM.VN. God's Crucible (All Star). R-319; C-529. BENJAMIIV B. HAMPTO.\ — GREAT AUTHORS' PICTURES. The Spenders (Claire Adams). Vol. 47, P-769; C-R. Vol. 48. P-194. A Certain Rich Man. R-809. 2ANE GREY PICTURES, INC. The U. P. Trail (All-Star — Seven Reels). R-434; Vol. 47, P-386; C-R, P-580. The Man of the Forest. R-434, C-603. J. PARKER READE, JR., PRODUCTIONS. Love Madness (Louise Glaum — Seven Reels). R; Vol. 45, P-1067: C-R. P-12n. The Brute Master (Hobart Bosworth). R; Vol. 47; P-639; C-R, P-852. ROBERT BRUNTON PRODUCTIONS The House of Whispers (J. Warren Kerrigan). R; Vol. 47. P-1080: Vol. 48, C-R, P-46. The Coast of Opportunity (J. Warren Kerrigan). R; Vol. 47, P-1080. IRVIN V. WILL.4T PRODUCTIONS. Down Home. Partners of the Tide. R; Vol. 49, P-515: C-R P-581 The Face of the World. R-538; C-539. J. L. FROTHINGHAM PRODUCTIONS. The Breaking Point (Bessie Barriscale). R: Vol. 48, P-729; C-R, Vol. 49, P-31. The Other Woman (Six Reels). R; Vol. 49, P-627; C-R, P-705. ROCKETT FILM CORPORATION. The Truant Husband. Keeping Up With Lizzie (Enid Bennett). R-324; C-387. HUGO BALLIN. Pagan Love. East Lynne. R; Vol. 49. P-415; C-R. P-469. The Journey's End. R-113; C-589. RENCO FILM CORPORATION. Lavender and Old Lace. R-92; C-149. VlTAG RAPH SPECIAL PRODUCTIONS. The Heart of Maryland. R; Vol. 49, P-629; C-R, 823. The Son of Wallingford. ALICE JOYCE, Her Lord and Master (Six Reels). R-754, C 947. The Scarab Ring. The Inner Chamber (Six Parts). R-94; C-273. CORRINE GRIFFITH. It Isn't Being Done This Season. R; Vol. 49, P-414; C-273. What's Your Reputation Worth? R-759; C-R 823 The Single Track. Moral Fibre. EARLE WILLIAMS. The Silver Car. R-641; C-47. Lucky Carson. Bring Him In. A Master Stroke. C-273. ANTONIO MORENO PRODUCTTIONS, Three Sevens. R; Vol. 49, P-991; C-49. The Secret of the Hills. ALICE CALHOUN'S PRODUCTIONS. Closed Doors. R-433; C-803. Peggy Puts It Over. The Rainbow. The Matrimonial Web. WILLIAM DUNCAN, Where Men Are Men. R-450; C-629. Steelheart. R-450; C-529. LARRY SEMON COMEDIES. The Bakerv. R-642. The Fall Guy. The Bell Hop. JIMMY AUBREY COMEDIES. The Nuisance. The Back Yard. The Applicant. The Riot. SERIAL, The Purple Riders (Joe Ryan — Fifteen Episodes). Vol. 49; R-877. American Rlm Odmpany The Blue Moon. Vol. 48, P-99. Their Mutual Child (Margarita PIsher — Six Reels). Sunset Jones (Charles Clary and Irene Rich). R; Vol. 49, P-995; C-49. Payment Guaranteed (Margarita Fisher). R: Vol. 49, P-991. Realart Pictures Ducks and Drakes (Bebe Daniels). R; Vol. 49; P-628; C-R. P-705. The Outside Woman. R; Vol. 49, P-627: C 947. The Little Clown (Mary Miles Minter). 5,031 Ft. R; Vol. 49, P-877, C-947. The House That Jazz Built (Wanda Hawley). 5.225 Ft. R; Vol. 49. P-990; C-387. The Magic Cup (Constance Binney). R-86; C-267. Shelteifd Daughters (Justine Johnstone). R 209 Two Weeks With Pay (Bebe Daniels). R-641; C-699. A Kiss in Time (Wanda . Hawley). R-846; C-291. The Land of Hope (Alice Brady). R-114; R-236. Such a Little Queen (Constance Binney). C589. Moonlight and Honeysuckle (Mary Miles Minter). R-830; C-88o. Don't Call Me Little Girl (Mary Miles Minter). R-113; C-291. A Private Scandal (May McAvoy). R-847; C 291. The March Hare (Bebe Daniels). R-538; C 695. A Heart to Let (Justine Johnstone). R-636; C-695. Little Italy (Alice Brady). R-539; C-695. Her Sturdy Oak (Wanda Hawley). R-828: C-885. One Wild Week (Bebe Daniels). R-451. Little Italy (Alice Brady). The Land of Hope (Alice Brady). R-114. 0695. SEASON 1921-lftZ2. Room and Board (Constance Binney). R-319; C-273. Her Winning Way (Mary Miles Minter). R 676; C-649. Everything for Sale (May McAvoy). R'C PICTURES What's a Wife Worth? (Cabanne Production —Six Parts). R-432. Good Women (Gasnier Production — Six Parts). R-208: C-803. Nobody's Kid (Mae Marsh). R-322; C-696. If Women Only Knew (Six Parts). R-642; C-885 Beach of Dreams. R-541: C-189. Black Roses (Sessue Hayakawa. R-88: C-149. Salvage (Pauline Frederick). R-433: C-803. Cold Steel (Six Reels). R-538: C-699. Live and Let Live (Cabanne Production — Six Reels). R-537: C-47. The Greater Profit (Edith Storey). R-llS; C-695. When Lights Are Low (6 Parts). (Sessue Hayakawa). R-236: C-789. The Sting of the Lash (Pauline Frederick). Six Reels. R-931; C-397. Shams of Society (Walsh-Fielding Prod.). Six Parts. A Wife's Awakening (Gasnier Prod.). Six Parts. R-94; C-397. Moon Madness (Edith Storey). C-273. The Foolish Age (Doris May). The Barricade. R-807. FEDERATED EXCHANGES Screen Snapshots. SPECIALS. Hearts and Masks. R-209. The Servant in the House. Vol. 46, P-248. Dangerous Toys. R; Vol. 49, P-989. God-Bad Wife. MONTE BANKS COMEDIES. Bride and Gloom. In and Out. Peaceful Alley. R-830. Squirrel Food. R-692. Fresh Air. R-811. HALLROOM COMEDIES. (Two Reels). Friday the Thirteenth. R-237. We Should Worry. R-436. We'll Get You Yet. After the Dough. Two Faces West. Meet the Wife. C-807. Put and Take. R-808. Serial. Miracles of the Jungle. CHESTER COMEDIES. Snooky's Twin Troubles (2 Reels). R-830.