The Moving picture world (October 1921)

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October 22, 1921 MOVING PICTURE WORLD 937 LET THE U-r-Z PLAN YOUR PROJECTION ROOM NO PART OF YOUR THEATRE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR PROJECTION ROOM— 10' I I 4 ^ . J-\^ i k-4a— |-3<H ■34 >-3fc 4-34 \ T?ootri \ -28' yet it is usually the last to be considered in the design and construction of a theatre. What you are marketing is picture projection and if it is not up to the standard, your business will suffer, however beautiful and well appointed your theatre may be. We have known cases and you have too, where the "eleventh hour" consideration of the projection room has resulted in cutting into the curve of a beautiful arch, or removing a section of the balcony, PLAN OF IDEAL PROJECTION ROOM, BY U-T-E cxpensivc proccdurc, bcsides permanently muti lating the artistic beauty of the auditorium. In other cases the projection room has been installed in awkward positions so that the angle of projection is bad. Why not start right? Ask those competent to give you advice before you start. The TZ-T^iC represents those best able by long practice and experience to help you in planning your theatre. Let the tl-^K' co-operate with your architect from the inception of your project. Equipment is another important item to consider and here again the Cl-^-JC can serve you best. *XJ-^JE^ —is the guarantee to you of good pictures with service. SELECT YOUR EQUIPMENT FROM THIS LIST: HALLBERG Motor Generators Proctor Projectors HALLBERG Arc Controllers HALLBERG Speed Indicators HALLBERG Rheostats HALLBERG A C Economizers HALLBERG "4 m 1" Regulators Z/-7-2r Magic Carbon Holders UNITED THEATRE EQUIPMENT CORPORATION H. T. EDWARDS President 25 WEST 45th STREET, NEW YORK Brmnch Stores in All Principal Citie* EVERYTHING FOR THE MOTION PICTURE THEATRE EXCEPT THE FILM J. H. HALLBERG Vlce-Pre«ident