The Moving picture world (November 1926-December 1926)

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our Equipment Service for l/ou^Jheatre Owrwr-^-Builder^Studio^ Qflhoratorq Sxchanqe txecutive ^Jrom yourJncjle Sdited bij d. Van. Qaren foweil Donh Treat Supply Man Like a Brother EXHIBITORS who believe in the brotherhood of man and who try to treat every man "like a brother" will do W6I1 to lay off this particular relationship when dealing with the local supply man. You know how brothers act ! The one who, by virtue of age, weight or ingenuity, holds the upper hand, "borrows," "takes" or "swipes" the other's ties, socks — girl, maybe — even money! And that isn't all he takes. He takes his time returning them. All the under dog can do is bide his chance — and then retalliate. That is why it is given as a warning, "Don't treat your local supply dealer like a brother." It's bad practice for you. It's bad business for him. If 3'OU have the upper hand, by virtue of buying ]:)owcr, and take his equipment items and then take your time returning their equivalent in cash — he has no other recourse than that usually falling to the lot of the under-brother. Ketallation when the chance comes. Case Where Friendship Beats Brotherly Love Being a brother to your supply man isn't half as good a relationship to adopt as that of a good friend, by W'ith sympathy and help in adversity. That's the attitude to take toward the supply dealer. A friend will play fair, give and accept counsel, stand Ask him for friendly counsel when you are planning to put in new equipment. It is his will and desire to advise you to your own advantage, so he can hold your friendship. It is on that and on your good will that he thrives. Discharge your obligations when they are due, instead of letting your "brotherly" supply dealer wait till you're good and ready to settle. He can thus hold up his head, discharge his own obligations, give you better service. Cain Stunt Out of Date One brother of historical record went further than merely taking his brother's goods. His name was Cain. When you raise Cain with a supply dealer by sticking him till you're ready to pay up, you are killing his means of livelihood, and he may have more spunk, or be more on his guard than Abel. Friendship is much finer business practice than brotherly love of the usual brand, when it comes to you and your supply dealer. Let him be your friend, and treat him as such, at least six working days each week — and save the "brother" stuff for Sundays. Places Seating Next to Fine Projection as Patron Holder IT IS EVIDENT that Mr. L. O. Davis opened a' subject of vital interest to exhibitors when he stated in these pages that After Projection be considered Music most essential to the gaining of patron good will. Mr. Chas. Lee Hyde contributed as his idea the importance of ventilation, and now Mr. H. H. Hedberg — and they are all live-wire exhibitors, you will note — champions as second to projection the Seating, which Mr. Davis placed third in importance. By H. H. HEDBURG Amtise-U Theatre, Melville, La. .As to that question about the item of equipment, next to good projections, that tends to build good will for a theatre, my guess is good seats. Even though one of the Gang names ventilation and another music, the first named should be a condition found fair in any house called a motion picture theatre and the second is of much less importance than a good.comfortable seat. The music may be PATENTS and TRADE MARKS Protect Your Most Valuable Assets I offer expert professional service and invite correspondence fro™ anyone contemplating the registration of a trade mark or the patenting of an invention, LESTER 1 SARGENT Registered Patent Attorney S24 Tenth Street' Washington, D. C. poor, but if the picture is excellent and the patron is viewing it in comfort he will leave, after it is over, in a rested, satisfied condition and will tell frends that such and such a show certainly has the most comfortable ROLL — Machine — Coupon TICKETS QUALITY— Second to none! SERVICE Unexcelled— our LOWEST PRICES will be mailed to you on request. State your requirements by mail — Today I TRIMOUNT PRESS UXRGEST AMUSEMENT TICKET PRINTERS IN NEW ENGLAND FOR 17 YEARS 119 ALBANY ST., BOSTON, MASS. seats in town even if one note on the organ was a little out of pitch. If you don't believe seats (nice ones) of much importance, try giving them fine music, wonderful pictures, and benches with one board for the seat and one for the back, and you'll hear about the "bum" picture, "bum" music, "bum" seats, "bum" show, and everything else bum. When we open a new show, let's give good seats a major consideration as the second best item of equipment. CHICAGO. ILL.— J. McHugh & Sons. 840 West 70th street, have contract for brick, terra-cotta and reinforced concrete theatre, store and apartment buUding-, 125 by 175 feet, to be erected at 4923-37 Chicago avenue, for Symphony Theatre Corporation. 822 West 70th street. Estimated cost $1,600,000. OMAHA. NEB. — Thompson Starrett Constructlon Company, 140 South Michigan avenue, Chicago, has contract for six-story brick and concrete theatre to be erected at 16th and Harney streets, for Orpheum Circuit, 190 North State street, Chicago. Estimated cost Jl, 000. 000. PINEVILLE MO. — Work has started on new Bone Theatre, located on tust side of Main street. For Sale AIOVING PICTURE THEATER— Rochester, N. Y. Seats 552. Attractive appearance. Splen did equipment. Profits in Season $150 week. Owner out of City, will sacrifice at $4,000. Terms. Wire Hunt, Brisbane Bldg , Buffalo,