The Moving picture world (November 1926-December 1926)

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Last M i n u t e News From Everywhere WHITK home:, PAUL, Paul Gulirk, chief goM course Inspector (or Universal, has sent no word eawt since leaving for Hollywoo*!. Please notify nil 10th hole keeiiers. MOVING PICTURE WORLD HALI/-MII,I.S \iyVK Mordaiiiii Hall of \. V, Times didn't vo<«' for Hon. Oi^den llilU nf the recent election. \otliini*: personal in tliiM, f«ir Freddie didn't vote. VOL. 83 New York, November 20, 1926 No. 3 Several Hundred Studio Employes "Fired" in West Producers Open War on Union Labor (From Moving Picture Worlii's Cnast Office) Hollywood, 10 A. M.. Nov 11. Rt'ports of the release tUiring the past few days of studio employes numbering several hundred are Interpreted in various quarters out here as the first move by some producefs to fisht the strike set in the ultimatum delivered to Will H. Hays for December 1. I^at reports unconfirmed by studio heads describe the exodus as being a precautionary move to nip in the bud any inside propaganda by disciples of unionism. The demands of the union have just been submitted locally. Approximately $14. .100,000 will be spent on pictures at Universal City for the J027 program, according to the announcement made locally by Carl Laemmle. f'rior to this knowledge and ;<inee he arrived here a week ago, the X'niversal chieftain has been busily conferring with executives and reviewing company statistics. Tom Koiman, director, shot and killed himself at his home Jiere, according to poU^'e records. Porman had been inactive for several months. The shooting QccUrred aftre his first " day's work on "The Wreck" for Columbia rictures Corporation, it it* stated. " Marcus Loew is in Hollywood. He slates that he is here principally to recuperate from a recer}t attack of pneumonia. The English film industry and America's attitude came to bat at a luncheon tendered Krnest Kredman, British trade paper editor, by T. K. Chiulwick .-it the Ambassador — r Hollywood Facts FOR the bcnettt of movIngf picture people arc unable to commute to Ilollynood. Tom Wnjlcr's column is conducted weekly in MOVING PICTIRK WORLD to brinn:; Hollywood to them. ■Wnfch for this complete weekly reconl of people and event* In the woi Id "f motion pictures. Originals Sought Tlie orii-inal story written directly for the screen is ;^'aining' in popularity, Florence Strauss, scenario editori has reported to First Xationnl Pictures. Of thirteen stories bought by F". N. during the last six four were originals, three were plays, four ivere novels, one was a ni;igaxine short st4»ry ard one a remake. Tlie reading department has Iveen going over ait average of GOO stories a month. Minneapolis Joins War Against Film Bicycling {Sf^ciitil to Moving Fictcre World.) Miniifai^olis, iVoi'. 9. The Minneapolis Film Board ot Trade has joined the nationwide war against bicycling with adoption of the three steps recommended for halting the practice. These steps include: Warning members not to make agreements with guilty exhibitors until after cases hav-^ been submitted to the boar.l or to the arbitration body. Request of home offices to local exchanges to grant i.ontracts only covering one town, making' separate contracts for separate towns. Closer checking of pictures exhibited. Kent Recovering The condition of Sidney R. Kent of Flamous Players, operated on Tuesday afternoon for appendicities. was described Thursday afternoon as "qta/i.te satisfactory" by a physician at the Harbor Sanitarium, NewYork. Mr. Kent has steadily improved since the operation and should be back at his desk in about two weeks. Star-Making Competitor to Sheehan Appears, Fades Out Armando Volpe Loses Ingloriously in Fox Versus Fox Argument — Grassini Tries His Luck By Sumner Smith Winficld R. Slieeliaii is recognized as the man who makes tinFox Film stars. Imagine the surprise, therefore, when a competitor, Armando Volpe, whose name, translated, means Fox, bobbed up recently. It became more or less a question of Fox versus Fox. and William Fox, abb' represented by Mr. Sheehan, won a victory horde of Italian waiters and waitresses, laborers and domestics, were paying tuition for the recipe to fame and fortune. Mr. Rogers was little interested in the school as such, but lie was interested to hear its firm name and to hear from investigators that Volpe was advertising that his pupils would "receive positions" with Fox Film Corporation. .\ member of the Fox legal department got in touch with Volpe. The instructor of budding stars refused to discontinue use of the fii-m name on the argument that it was only a translation of his own name, Volpe filed a certificate of incorporation. Fox I<''ilni men then outlined tlie matter to Italian language newspapers and Volpe found difficulty in advertising. Mi-, rtogers applied to the New Vork .'Supreme Court for an injunction. Volpe Couldn't be located, so the subpoena server took a chance and served one Frassini whom he found in the office. This office was elegantly de.corated with iioslers of Mary I'ickford. Houglas Fairbanks and Rudolph Valentino. Also a motion picture camero Several w-eeks ago, Saul E. Rogers, general counsel for Fox Film Corp., heard that a certain Armando Volpe was conducting a motion picture actors' school at 275 Sixth avenue, New York, under the name of the Ideal Fox Film Company and advertising in Italian language new-spapers for would-be-screen stars. A London Cable Moving Picture World Bureau, London, November 8. "Beau Geste" broke the record for the Plaza last Tuesday after the French ban and the French ambassador's protest. Hundreds of people were lined up booking for the following week. "Ben Hur" was presented at the Tiv oli yesterday. This is a marvelous production and may well challenge the run of "The Big Parade." Most of the phonofilms shown here are of American artists. Gaumonts have started producing sound films under the title of Acoustic Films. Cabanne Now World Champion at The New Game of "Audible Golf" '■'s go out to the Palos Veriles links and hear Christy Cabanne pla> golf!" This is one of the suggestions for an entertaining Sunday heard these days about the Metro-fioIdwyn-Mayer western studios, since (^hristy Cabanne, noted director, has taken uii the noble game of the Scots. Rystanders say Cabanne plays the" finest game of "audible golf" ever heard at I'alos V'erdes. Every time he tops a ball his sentiments become far-reaching— and when he swings for a giant drive and misses the pill his vocabulary becomes triumphant. In a game with Harry Rapf, studio executive, and Joe Farnham, associate executive and title writer at the studio, tlie director said so many words that Farnham, famous for his knowledge of language, says Cabanne lieats him by two and a half diet ionaries. Raijf shot two holes in par ;ind Cabanne did the same in twelve — but still beat Rapf by 2l!,06.'i, rJIt w-ords! (Coitliinird ''Glory" to Open \>'illinni Kox will present "What Price Glory" at the Sam H. Harris Theatre. \ch Vork City, on >louda.'>' evening. IVovcinlier 'I"hc featured plji>ers are lOdniuiid l,o>^i». \i<*ior >lel.iigl4'ii and Dolores Del liio. Kaoul Walsh directed. The lilii< ^vas sc\'en nioiitlis In (lie niakliiK and einplo.-vs a east of thonsaiids. I) »ill have Its »orld i»ri'micrc Jit the Carlliay. l.os Angeles, on \i»veniher Ml.