The Moving picture world (November 1926-December 1926)

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l3eceml)er 11. 1926 MOVING PICTURE WORLD 455 Theatre Building On Increase With Fine Equipment Demanded NEVER before has the building of theatres been a more active field. At no time has there been more activity in the remodeling of houses which are taken over by circuits or individuals. But the biggest punch is the demand for nothing but the highest quality in every equipment item that goes into building or replacement. EL. DORADO, ARK. — M. A. Lightman, president and general manager of Arkansas Amusement Enterprise, announces work will start soon on new theatre, with seating capacity of about 2,000. Estimated cost $200,000. LOS ANGELES, CALIF.— United Artists Corporation, 922 South Olive street, plans erection of fireproof theatre. Estimated cost $1,000,000. DENVER, COLO. — New theatre will be erected on Broadway by Thomas M. Jones, president of South Denver Bank. This will be the third large theatre for this city. Estimated cost $250,000. INDIANAPOLIS. IND. — Organization oi Dearborn and Tenth Realty Company, capitalized at $200,000 to finance erection of new Rivoll moving picture theatre at Dearborn and Tenth streets has been completed. Estimated cost, $225,000. BOSTON. MASS. — Pope Company, Inc., 6 Stainford street, plans erection of theatre. Estimated cost $150,000. PONTIAC, MICH.^ — Ground has been broken for new ten-story theatre and office building to be erected by Kleist Amusement Enterprises, Inc., on site of Eagle Theatre at 11-15 South Saginaw street. Previous plans Included only 1000-seat house and threestory building. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. — O. Bachechi, care Pastime Theatre, has plans by G. Williamson, Sunshine Building, for three-story brick and terra-cotta trim theatre, 75 by 142 feet, to be located at Fifth and Central avenue. Estimated cost $150,000. HOBOKEN, N. J. — Harring & Blumenthal Company, 271 Central avenue, Jersey City, contemplates erecting theatre on Washington street, between Third and Fourth. Estimated cost, $1,000,000. BROOKLYN, N . Y. — Laemmle Building Corporation, 730 Fifth avenue. New York, is taking bids for two-story brick and stonetrim theatre and store building to be located at New Utrecht avenue and 46th street. Estimated cost $1,000,000. DAYTON, O. — West Side Amusement Company, South Jefferson street, has plans by F. S. Hughes, U. B. Building, for two and three-story brick and reinforced concrete theatre and store building, 100 by 140 feet, to be located at Fifth and Williams streets. Estimated cost $150,000. ENID, OKLA. — Jack Johnson, manager of Royal, Melba, Rialto and Mecca Theatres, announces that new up-to-date building will be erected to replace present Melba Theatre. PHILADELPHIA, PA. — Preliminary plans have been filled with the Bureau of Building Inspection, City Hall, for 15-story combination theatre, store and oflice building to be located at southwest corner 17th and Market streets by Fox Film Corporation, of New York. Theatre will have approximately 5100 seating capacity. Picture Theatres Planned BIRMINGHAM, ALA. — Publlx Theatre Corporation, 162 Forty-second street. New York, plans soon to start work on three-story theatre at Third avenue, North and Eighteenth streets, seating capacity 3,000. Estimated cost $1,000,000. SAN GABRIEL, CALIF.— Mission Playhouse Corporation, 341 LiiPayette Park place, has plans by A. B. Benton, 1848 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, for theatre. Estimated <:ost $250,000. CHICAGO, ILL — Balrd & Warner, 134 South La Salle street, have plans by Childs & Smith, 720 North Michigan avenue, for theatre and office building to be located at 111117 Waoker drive. Estimated cost $1,500,000. CHICAGO, ILL— Syndicate, Harry M. Englestein, president, 6005 South Halsted street, has plans by A. Levy and J. Klein, 111 West Washington street, for three-story brick and terra-cotta trim theatre and ballroom, 500 by 300 feet. Estimated cost $3,000,000. CHICAGO. ILL — American Amusement Company, 2433 West North avenue, has plans by John Eberson, 212 East Superior street, for six-story brick and terre-cotta trim Egyptian theatre, hotel and store building to be located on North avenue, between Troy and Albany streets. Estimated cost $2,500,000. BOSTON, MASS.— B. F. Keith Theatres. Seventh avenue and Broadway, New York, has plans by Thomas W. Lamb, 644 Eighth avenue. New York, for four-story brick and stone-trim theatre. 145 by 215 feet, on Washington street, extending through to Mason street. SPRINGFIELD. N. .1.— Jacob Helncourtz, Summit, N. J., has plans by Nathan Harris, 20 Branford place, Newark, N. J., for twostory brick and terra-cotta trim moving picture theatre. 186 by 170 feet. NEW YORK, N. Y.— Ludlose Operating Corporation, Marcus Loesv, president, 1540 Broadway, has plans by Thomas W. Lamb 644 Eighth avenue, for theatre, 21 by 68 by 52 by 87 feet, to be located at 31 Canal street. Estimated cost $225,000. NEW YORK, N. Y.— Fourth Street Operating Corporation. Marcus Loew, president, Broadway and 45th street, has plans by Thomas W. Lamb, 644 Eighth avenue! for two-story theatre, 24 by 275 feet, to be located at 93-105 East Fourth street Estimated cost, $350,000. Big Ones Going Up POTTSTOWN, PA.-J. Patts Realty Company, care Fried & Fishman, 262 South 17th street, Philadelphia, plans erection of fourstory theatre and hotel building. Theatre will have seating capacity of 1500. PROVIDENCE. R. I.— A. C. Emery, 36 Exchange street, has plans by J. F. O'Malley 84 Broad street, Pawtucket, R. I. for twostory brick and reinforced concrete theatre and store building, 100 by 160 feet, to be located at Hope and Fourth streets. Estimated cost $175,000. KENOSHA. WIS.— E. and F. Dayton, care Dayton Hotel, have plans by W. R Whitney care R. Levine & Company, Otis Building', Chicago, for five-story brick, concrete and terra-cotta trim theatre, hotel and store building, 125 by 125 feet, to be located at WANTED TO BUY Good Used MOTION PICTURE CAMERA SAUL SCHWARTZ 14 North Tryon St. Charlotte, N. C. Elizabeth and Grover streets. Estimated cost $425,000. MILWAUKEE, WIS.— Badger Building .Service, 445 Milwaukee street, has plans by Peacock & Frank, 445 Milwaukee street, for one and two-story theatre and business building, 100 by 133 feet. Estimated cost $300,000. MONROE, WIS. — Fischer Paramount Theatres, 36 South State street, Chicago, 111., has plans by Wolff & Ramsthal, 453 Mitchell .street, for one and two-story brick, tile and concrete theatre and business building, 100 by 137 feet. Estimated cost $150,000. LOS ANGELES, CALIF.A. V. Perkinson, 3077 South Vermont avenue, has contract for four-story theatre, store and apartment building. 80 by 145 feet, to be erected on Sichel street for United Income Properties. Estimated cost $275,000. Many Houses Refurnish BATON ROUGE, LA. — J. G. Mortimer and E. C. Kingsbery will make alterations to building on Main street for theatre, with seating capacity of 300. VICKSBURG. MISS.— Walnut Theatre. Prank Shipley, manager, plans to redecorate .nnd malve other improvements. GLENS FALLS, N. Y. — Acker Building Company, Inc., 4 Nelson street, has general contract for alterations and one-story brick addition, 113 by 152 feet, to be made to theatre on Warren street, for Star Theatre Comparty. Estimated cost, $75,000. NEW YORK, N. Y. — Palace Theatre Realty Corporation has awarded general contract to I... M. Neckerman Company. Inc., 1003 Park avenue, for alterations and erection of brick addition to theatre at 1564-66 Broadway. LENOIR CITY, TENN.— James McCampbell. Knoxville, has contract for extensive improvements to Grand Theatre, including new stage, settings, curtain, scenes, etc. RHINELANDER, WIS.— H. J. Selmer Con.'struction Company, McCartney National Bank Building. Green Bay, Wis., has general contract for one-story brick and concrete addition, 25 by 80 feet, to theatre on Main street, for State Theatre Company. Peter Rouman, manager. Estimated cost, $30,000. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Help and Situations Wanted Only 3c per word per insertion Minimum charge 60c Terms, Strictly Cash with Order Copy must reach us by Tuesdaj* nooo to Uuur* publication In that week'i Issue. SITUATIONS WANTED AT LIBERTY— Organist, first-class. Eleven years' e.xperitiice in best tlieatres. Exceptional ability cueing pictures. Feature all classes of music. Play piano for vaudeville. State particulars. Address "Musician," 413 North Madison, Bloomington, 111. ORGANLST MANAGERS, NOTEl First-class man desires engagement where tlie best is wanted and appreciated. Highly accomplished musician. Thoroughly up-to-date, trained in this country and Europe, with 12 years' picture experience. Concert and Feature Soloist. Modern organ and good salary essential. Wire or write. Organist, 117 South llth St., Cambridge, Ohio. ORGANIST-Union man. Kight years' experience, most y in better class houses averaging 1600 seats. Ample and complete library. Sound musical education. Desires change to better instrument. Plenty references. Will deliver the goods for $75. Box 398, Moving Picture World, N. Y. City. HELP WANTED LABORATORY MAN wanted in large city, western New York, to take over all the developing and printing in small well-equipped laboratory. Must have two or three years' experience in large studio, be capable of turning out perfect work, and be willing to accept moderate salary until the turnover warrants more Do not neglect to state salary wanted, experience. When available and phone number. Alex Gunn, Northbridee Center. Mass. * TTEmPfa^w C^4^v!'3l^!^ S^^Io^n