The Moving picture world (November 1926-December 1926)

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608 MOVING PICTURE WORLD December 25, 1926 Short Subjects Separated From Features KM a< Pictnrc Keriew Fig LeaTci fCBnesBorden) Comadr dmu Jnly 17.. Family Upttairt (VaU-MacDaBald) ...Conudy drama Jnly 31.. Xidnicbt KiM Comedjr dnou Asg. 7.. Ho Man i GoM (Tna Mix) WeMcn Aug. M.. TTjror Bad Mro CStar cait) Spectacalar thrill ado. .Anc. 28.. Uarrug'. Ljorntti 'AJma Bnben*) Mother-k/re drama Sept. 4.. Firmn Honcman ^Bock Jooea) Acuoo weatcra S<^ II.. Blue '0»/.ffg» O'Bnen; Urama Sep. '^i.. W-OTian^vwrr 'GraT»> PrriTr) Co«nedy drama O^t 2.. The Lily rB«Ilc Besnetti FmoWotl 4raan Oct 9.. Great K. & A. Tram H'^j^j^t (Mix) Fact mdodrams Oct. K. . Coontrr Beyond 'ObTe Borden) Ctirwocid drams Oct. 2}.. Wbi»I>eriag Wjrct 'Ar,iia S.trwarti Mrntery melodrama Oct. 30.. Istemauonal Euchsrimc Congmt Ittli«ioo» Nor. 20.. Ketnm o< Peter Grjnini '»tar att) Drama from piaj ?•-.>■ ''f. The Citr (iUA>tn fniKi) ' l/de Fitcb draoia What Vrvjt <j.'/ry'' 'a I iHr) War comedy-drama Wirjgi 'jiS the .^''/rnj 'Thunder-dog) Melodrama J. r'/irri 'M \^y^.\ 'Tom Mix) , Typical Mix Uv.. w.. GoiziK r.r'yJi'A 'Bettie Lore) CrorA meiodnuBS Dec U.. Short Sab)ecta Old Virginia Variet/ .Jan. 23.. A Flaroing Affair Imperial coaudy Jan. J). . A Banltropt Hooeymooa Come»Jy Feb. 6-. Officer of the Day Imperial Comedy Feb. 13.. Egypt Today Vanet/ Feb. Fawstbop f'Mtica Imperial comedy Feb. 27.. MoTtsg Day Helen and Warren Mar. 6.. Dropa from Heavea Vanetiet Mar. 6-. Woman of Letter* Helen and Warren Mar. 13.. From the Cabby"! Sent O. Henry oomedr April 10.. Two Uyt m HolUnd (MarisB) Comedy A»»a 17.. A Prfar BarOB Imperial comedy April 24.. Too Many Rrlatiw! Helen and Warrca May IS.. Canary Islasd Varietiea May 22.. Wild America Varietiea May 2».. A Social Triangle O. Henry leriea .Jone 5.. Eight Cylinder BnD Corned/ Jvae 12. Belgitim Today Varietiea Kak! Kakl Beiddbers Van Bibber rom><7 MuiMli'na W tke Law : Varietiea Poiaad — A Natioa Kebora Varietiea Svimmtsg lactrtwtor Van Bibber Jaly ). Jerry tbe Giant Kid and animala Jnly }.. It^f a Pipe (Georgie Harria) Imperial comedy Jnly I.. Cooipletc Life O. Henry oomedr July 3.. A-L Society Xomtij July 10.. Family Ficnic .Comedy -Jnly 10.. Lickpeeny Lorcr X). Haary acrica Jaly 24.. Dancing Arosnd tbe World. Variette* Jnly 31.. HeQo Lafayette (Sfaielda) Imperial eoaaedy Aog. 7.. Potting on Ooc Varietiea .Aag. 7.. Lumber Jack* Varietiea Aog. 14.. Steeplechaaer (Cooley) Faroe eamrfy Sept. 11.. Koo-Stop Bride 'Gene Cameron) Coroedy Sep. 25.. Kir z Boio Vaa Hbber comedy Oct. 2.. R' Moontain Gold ..Varietiea Oct. 9.. Ciff Dweilera at America Varietiea Oct 9.. Dizzy Dancera (Gene CasMroa) Imperial eomedy XkS. 16.. Lyia' Tamer Orme SUdda) Imperial oomedy Oetjl.. Marry Moatk al Hay O Henry comedy -Oct 30.. King of the Kitchen fConley) O/m'^ij Nor. 6. fill J meal Hoapital ......Imperial ciumtdj Kot. U.. Hapoieaa. Jr AnimaJ oomedy ...Kor. 13.. Maryland. My Maryland Variety JIvw. 20.. Hot to Be Tntated lAUaa Foncat) Helen asd Warrca Nov. 70.. Great Lakei Variety Kor. 27.. Ba>>ei m the Jungrle O. Henry aeriea Nor. Zl*. . Light Wmea and Bearded Lodiea Imperial ojoiedy Jfoy. 2V. Madam r>»naTnite Imperial oocnody Des. 11.. BattJi-ig Kangaroo Arji-na; e'^rn^dy Dee. 1*. . .JWK 12.. ..Joae 19.. .Jtme 36.. Feet 5.971 $//25 5745 t/m 7.m 4fi71 4.m S.363 5.906 5/as 1. 'f 2'i 2. '/' K'.i ZHU 2/Xti IffA 2X00 2xr/() 7jr» ZfS» 1. VW 927 9» vm %o» 7>S Z4R» 0S «2i 2^ 2>ll« 2400 2;m 2xno 2/XI 2//ja 743 2,000 749 750 2, '/« 2/M no MS 2X00 3rta 2 rla . 2rU 2 rla. 2 rU 7S0 2rla 900 2 rla. 2 rU. 2 rla 2H* GOTHAM PRODUCTIONS Sbadmr on the Wall fHale Percy, r>mt o< tbe BraTeat 'Ralph \jrw\\i Fbaatom of the Foreat 'Thnnder-dog).. Speed limit CMcKee-SbaBnoB) Racing Blood Heart* and S(>«Dg1e« SiKo (A tbe Cbw rPeter. tbe Great) Gotdea Wek fRieb-GordoB) Biede Svnal HUlpb Lewia) WtaaiBg WaBep fW. Fairbaaka) Money to Bum (Derore MacGregor).. ...ijrama .... ...Fire Dept. — Drama ... Romantic eoBi. ...Racing Drama ...Circ^t Romance ....IV^r pictTire Melodrama , Railroad melodrama . Action comedy-dr. ., RoT'* action dr.. «J»li SJ» J J» SJfiO MOI ijm Cjgm ..Sept. 11.. MOO ...Oct. 9.. ism .jOtt. JO.. ia» ..Nor. ».. 5JW METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER -r'at ini. dr Jnly r>i--* Aag .. yr.-T. -./ea com. Aug. ...Vi-i Aog. . ..M-r," 'j-r •ragedy Ang ...R'r~,»T.'i- cnma Sep. ...P>V» nnr^taaliam -Sept. ...Drawing room eomedy Oct. ...Drama Feb. ...Comedy-dr Mar. BeitJty Prire (Daaa) Comedy dr Oct. Tower of Liea 'ChaaeyShearer) Drama of patboa Oct Exchange of Wrrea fBoardmaa) Married life com. Oct. Midah^Bma damoB IPrraiio) Naral cr.rr drama Oct Go West fBtMter Keatoa) Burlea^-se wratem Nor. Urfrti of Old Broadway (Darlea) Old N Y. drama No». •pH CJotbea (Coacaa) Typical feature Nor. ta f^aa. Say) Tf* com-drama No». Pretty Ladiet TinaMowe PentmgVjB/ Slare of Fa»hioo 'Vor-rja Shearer; Kerer the Twain ShaJl Meet (Stewart). tnholy TTiree Tym Chaney) SoB-Cl. 'Starke-Wagd) Merry WVJ'/w fMarray-Gflbert) Mystic Tringle-TcBrle) Tbe Orcle d. Boardmaa) Great Diride (all atar) Rag Man 'Coonn) re (Sua) 1925 2S . 5Jt2l 1.. 5J06 • .. S.143 15 .. (.941 29.. S.SI9 I2..Mji7 12.. <.147 3.. 5.511 21.. 7;bi 14.. SJOR 11.. $750 10. . (.S49 17 .. «jm n.. 7/m 7 . 14 . 6/4J7 21 5.915 Br%ht Lifbta .. Gay TUbk fHwrdiaaa-Wacel) Glyn kxre draa Masked Bride (Mac Marray) Faria andtrwoi SaOy, Irene aad Mary fStar caat) Matieal uaaiiij "^BC. the Cruadian CBaaefc-Cody) Vwitmt drwaa UiB Secretary tShtMtti^sf 0cs-Bw (Smmob Xovsnv)* .Dee. .Dee. .Dee. .Dee 6MII SJB* .Licfet .Lew WaBaee alary .Jan. Jan 19 SJ«4 » 47S7 2. . U. .12400 Kiad of Pictora leriew Mike (SaOy OTfeaD) ilnman miereat cooudy Jan. Z}.. Dance Madaeia (Nacel-Wiadaor) Conaedy drama Feb. Tbe Bladdwd (Lea Ouney) Crook Drama Feb. U . Marc Noatroai 0tex Ingram prod.) Ibaoez Novel Feb Z> La Bohemc (Gabert-Giah) Famow opera Mar. 13.. Aoction Block (C. Ray-Boardmaa) Comedy -drama Feb. V.. fbaoez' "Torrent" fCortez) Drama Mar. 20.. TTie Barner fNormai K«^ry) , Alaikan melolrama Apr. 3.. DeTil'a Circut Wo- -r; Drama Apr. 10.. Beverly of Granati Dariea)....Romaatic Comedy May I.. Brown of Harvarc ..-lan) College comedy-drama May 15.. M'>r.ey Taiki 'Mv-r? ■■ .»/:/ Farce comerfy May 22.. Paris "',l.a>. P.ay; Parittaa drama Jane 12.. fyrrey Ma-r 'Beaaie Lore) Drama Jaly 3.. ■ ' , .,dalay (Chaaey) Melodrama Jaly 10 . ' RomaBtic eamcdy Aag. 7.. TJIIian Giah) Drama from aoad Aag. 21.. ,. -v-.j..^,^ Faiice eomtdy Sept. 4.. -arer) Light comedy roouncc 'Jet. 2.. '■ '/••jreao-iyAr^)...n)ane*' aovd Oct. 23.. ■--jj Rex Ingram prod Nov. 6.. -.oent (Gilbert) Daahing romance Nov. 13.. }. Pickiord) (ximedy Nov. 20.. ■■■1 Vaodeville com.-dr Nov. 27.. Adoree).. Nortbweat Corwcnd dr.. ..Nov. 29.. /r) War comedy Dec, 4.. '>^.era t raoacripttoB Dec 11.. PARAMOUNT Faal OJIO MOO (.750 ooio 7.941 5,U9 sjoo 9jm ua (..960 iMl *jm (.567 6jm 0.114) Man Who Fomd Himadf (Mdchaa) Crook drama >.. Ojaat of Folly 'Swanaoe; Society drama Sep. 12.. In tbe Name of L/yve ">.«tez-}(iaacB)....(^oB>ear drama Sep. 12. Golden Princcas 'Beity Bronaon) Bret Harle weatcra Sep. 19.. Posy Expreaa 'Ooze pr'^loction) I^P*C of weat Sep. 2i.. A Soi of H>i Father 'Beaate Love) Weatera drama Oct. W. <a aiepilar Fel>/w 'R. GnSth) Typical comedy Oct. 17. VaBtaaing American 1>ix'WilaaB) Indian apectacolar Oct. 3*. Flower of tbe Wght Ke^ri) Drama Oct. 31. Lorert in Qoaranttne Daaiela) Farce-ooaaedy Oct 31. Beat People 'Star catt; Society eoaacdy Wot. 7. King on Main Street 'Mer^ioo) Oamedy Wot. 7. .S^ven Keyi to Baldpate 'McLeaa) G. M Ojfaaa play Nov. 14. y.-,r-. 'R..t« I^rre) W. DeMUle proi Nov. 14. ' 'Hoh-Dove) Lomber camp dr Vv. Zl. -'■> Malay locale dr Nov. 20. ■ Coaaedy featarc Now. 20. . .-^ '•••.gL^B) Melodraau Dee. i. Oybra 'Valeatmo) Drama Dee. 19. A W'/maa of the World (Hegrfl Comedy -diaaM Dbc. ». The Spleadid Criaae (W. DeMiUe prod.).... Danida eaMdy Jaa. *? A Kias for Oadartlla 'Broaaoa) Barric ahwidi al Jan. 9. EndttBled TUB (Hotl) Weatera Jan. 9. WomarimadBad (Richard Dia) Wesccra Satir* Taa. W. That Boyle Gtr) (Pern pater) D. W. GriAth prod. Jan. 21 Vamenvm (Joyce Oaldlo) Crook -comedy-dr Jan. 10. Handa Cp (K. Grifith) Bnrleaqne oa war Jaa. 30. AmericaB Venoa ' Ralatoa Lanphicr) "Beantiea" eomedy FeK 0. Vng and Dance Man faD-atar) OtaMdv-drama Feb. 13. Behirid t» "roat 'Beery Ha ttoa) War (aree.eom Feb 20 Grand Dncheaa and the Waiter CMrB)aa)..RamaBtic eeaaady Fch^ 21. Vl'jaaa Soatb Sea elitdy Feb. 27. Sea Horaea Drama of tropica Mar. (. Dan<ir^ M Teaffe-B<nr) CoBMdy-drama Mar. 13. I>e! i (Trf v.. iVilaoB; Farce-ttroedy Mar. 20. .N'e" Crwyn ■ . ib) Farce-etimedy Feb. ( Miti Brewater'i Mil ion. rDaaida) C—ady-ilraam Mar. 27. Ne» Kl'Xidike Thoa. Meighaa) (xanedy drama Apr. 3. I'num»d Lady 'Glona Swanaoa) Society draau Apr. 3. Crown 'A Liei 'Pofa Negriy R^mantie dri Deaert <>M 'Hamator Maaoo; Zane Orey For Heaver/a Sake 'Harold Lloyd) Trpttal eomedy B5ii»J fx-xldeaa 'HoJt Torrence) Mrtfery Drama That'a My Bahy 'Donglaa MacLaaa) Farce comedy A Socia' '' • ••>• "■'-'•ioB) OjTriedy drama The R ; Melodrama Faactr> Drama AJoaaa . (COte Gfsy) Wet Ri • • f i ! -t.-jt.'. GrHttk) Faree-eomady R-airmaker 'OVlier, Jr.) Draaaa Ss' ^ r>:n 'Dix) TraTeaty-farea • ielt; Thrill awlodraa • rhty 'PoU Need) Society romady Viri 'Be be Pialrfi) .. '. i . ,• Jaaniaga) Bvri; to tbe Wet (Jack Hoh) Weatera h % the end Army Game (W. C FfeMa). « Mar,traT. 'TorrenceBow) Drama Yoa Never Kaow Women (Vidar) Draau Aa*. 7 PadVx.ked fl>»ia Moraa) Mekwirama Aag. 20. Beat) C 'R rild Coimaa) Drama Sept. 4. The < -d Stcrtl^) Character eoamdy Sept. 11. lyr/.'r Hamiltoo) Modernixed Sardoa play. ..Sep. 25 '~amv,. Daniela) k'""*** ^ 2 Tm Goda (Tbomaa Utigbaa) • Oct. 2 Yoo-d Be iarariaad 'JL GriCtk) Satirical eoamdy X>ct. 9. Kid Bor/ta (EMc Caator) Co«>ed' -jP** " ■ V.«^r'/w. of Sataa (D. W. CrlM pra©.. Drama Oct. 21.. Don't Give Up the SUp One Red apacial Oct. 21 Ace of Cadi (Meajoa) Draau Oe». 30. C^jartTtjack 'Ricba'd Dix) Fv/tbaU oomedy-dr Nov — ■ Nov. II Behind FroBr....Nov 20 Nov. 2tl ....Nov 27. .... Nov W Iff U4t 9.920 MS SJUf lojta tJ74 i.f 5.700 «;040 S.44t 0.700 MR ■ 9JUk . ty» . 0.901 . 5J0I . 7^01 . «J97 . sjoi O.JU . CM . 6J»» . 7.M0 . (JOO . 9/no . 7/MJ . t.U2 . iMB . MOO . tJlf . 7Ji» .Farcc-aeaaady .Drama, ahort acraiea London (DoroChy Gi*V) Drama V.V., V .V, ^Ctt *:-.» 'Beery -HattaB)...Se4nel. V " C. Fiekla) Comedy 'V.wtex) Sea drama • cat*) ^»r» romedy-dr. 'an atar). .i -"raBia Iter). <.9K *. '/n . i.WM tl ria . 7>IM C.X7 7.250 «IJ9 t (Brcaf). drama .Farce cimedy .Omacdy drama ..Dec ..Der