Moving Picture World (Sep 1916)

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September 16, 1916 TIM Mi »\ [NG PI< TURK WORLD l«x>5 POSTER and PHOTO FRAMES , RAME WITH EASEL, WOOD ■• »■<» ONI SHEET FRAME WITH EASEL, GALVANIZED [HON 8.S0 ONE SHEET KRAME WITH . BRASS 7-00 ONE SHEET W \l L FR VME, BRASS <-50 THREE SHEE1 WAL1 FRAME, BRASS JZ.W SIX SHEET VVA1 L FR wn , BRASS »•«> EVERYTHING FOR THE THEATRE WRITE FOR CATALOG ERKER BROS. OPTICAL CO. 608 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Just one clear picture after another with Eastman Film The him that made motion pictures practical plays a big part in their present stage of perfection. Look for the stencil mark "Eastman" in the margin. EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, ROCHESTER, N. V. In answering advertisements, please mention The Moving Picture World PRICE LIST OF MUSIC Suggested in the cue sheet for the current Metro release "THE UPHEAVAL" Prices quoted are in all cases Publisher's Berg's for small orchestra Marked Special and piano. Price. Price. Kiefert— Valse Caprice, No. 13) $0.60 $0.20 Kiefert— Poppyland, No. 13 \ Noble— Morris Dance 1.00 .75 Tyers — Love's Menu 1-00 .75 Albers— Basket of Roses 1.05 .50 Densmore — La Gloria 80 .60 Tyers— A Fabian Romance 1.05 .79 Reynard — Fantastique 1.05 .50 Eysler— Matinee Idol 60 .45 Loraine— Bide-A-Wee 1.05 .79 Chaminade — Scarf Dance 80 .60 Loraine — Tulip Dance 1.05 .79 Bendix— The Dawn of Love 1.05 .79 Borch— Jovous Allegro, No. 25 60 .20 Minot— Hurrv, No. 26 60 .20 Kiefert— Allegro Agitato, No. 1 60 .20 Kiefert— Agitato, No. 6 60 .20 Minot— Galop, No. 7 60 .20 Any live suggested numbers will be sent postpaid on receipt of cash. Address your orders and correspondence directly to S. M. BERG Columbia Theatre Building 47th Street and Broadway New York City $4.80 A Big Saving Each Year $4.80 Qn account of the greatly increased cost of paper, engraving, etc., we have been compelled to make the single copy price fifteen cents. For the present direct subscription prices will remain the same This means a saving of four dollars and eighty cents yearly on direct subscriptions. In addition you get your paper earlier. It will pay you to fill out this blank and mail at once with your remittance. ONE YEAR $3.00 SIX MONTHS $1.50 See title page for rates Canada and Foreign MOVING PICTURE WORLD 17 Madison Avenue, New York Cut out and mail Theatre.