Moving Picture World (Apr 1916)

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110 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD April 1, 1916 "SUNSHINE DAD." "Sunshine Dad" is the fitting title given to the new Griffith feature in which De Wolf Hopper will return to the Triangle screen in a few weeks. Chester Withey. who made the film version of "Don Quixote" for Hopper's motion picture debut, has collaborated with Tod Browning on what is announced as an original American comedy. Withey again plays the heavy part with the huge star and Fay Tincher and Max Davidson, principals in the Cervantes spectacle, have proml Scene from "Sunshine Dad" (Fine Arts). nent roles Edward Dillon directs Hopper for the second time. William De Wolf Hopper. Jr., who has just passed his first milestone, makes his debut in "Sunshine Dad." He is on the payroll and his proud parent announces that his salary will start a life-sized bank account for the infant. iii Sunshine Dad' Hopper will be nan as Adonis Evergreen He is the principal sufferer from the complications arising from the theft of B diamond band from a Hindoo shrine. Before the situations are straightened out Evergreen's son and his sweetheart have been separated through misunderstandings for which the old beau is responsible. Leo, the Pine Aits lion, gives the principal players plenty of exercise before he la cornered bj Adonis and the stolen band resto the revenge-seeking Hindoos. 1 Carmen has been rewarded for patient effort by being cast for an important part In "Sunshine Dad." Eugene Pallet te and Raymond Wells complete the company. The production is in line with the present demand for more comedies. Tlie futun ol Doi rbanks in screen comedy Is appar entl\ ■ BtUle Burke In "Peggy" pleted a five-reelci with William Collier and has signed thi star for another, and Hack Bennett has Increased hls Hopper's third Fine nother original American com. RAVER TO HANDLE "AUSTRIA AT WAR." While most of the warring nations li their side of the conflict presented In motion pictures, the An .lone have been unrepresented In this information to the public. "Austria At War." the official pictures of the Austrian government approved by Emperor Franz Josef, are the very first to be launched on the American market showing this nation's side of the controversy. The Raver Film Corporation Is marketing this Austria war picture for the Austrian government. Every foot of the picture waa dn< matographed under the personal supervision of one of his majesty's staff officers and contains many Intimate views of the warfare which could not be secured otherwise. Some of the higher officers who are mentioned every day in the war dispatches are seen In action. Views of the territory where recent big battles were fought and many other places and deeds of Interest were caught by the camera. The two reels which comprise this production are the selection of the first ten thousand feet which reached this country. This Aill be followed by another subject gleaned from twenty-flve thousand feet of negative which Is now nearlng completion in the war zone. "THE HIDDEN LAW" (Horsley). "The Hidden Law" is the title of the David Horsley production, in which Margaret Gibson and William Clifford .make their second appearance as co-stars. It Is a drama plcturized In five reels and is scheduled for release March 25 as a Mutual Masterplcture, De Luxe Edition. The story centers around John Carlton, a writer and genius, and a "princess of the mountains," which parts are played reapectively by Mr. Clifford and Miss Gibson. "THE UNWRITTEN LAW" CAMPAIGN ON. After a number of weeks of painstaking preliminary work, contracts have been entered into between the California Motion Picture Corporation and a group of approximately a dozen representative States Rights buyers whereby the right to exhibit "The Unwritten Law," with Beatriz Michelena, throughout the United States have been given. During his present sojourn in New York City, General Manager Beyfuss of the California Company has had with him Archibald M. Johnson, Esq., son of the Hon. Hiram Johnson, governor of the state of California, who occupies the position of general counsel for the California Motion Picture Corporation. Mr. Johnson is connected with the San Francisco law firm of Sullivan. Sullivan & Roche. It was he who drafted the States Rights contract on which "The Unwritten Law" is being parceled out for exhibition purposes and he personally represented the California company in the signing of the con 1 1 acts. COMING VIM COMEDIES. "Burns and Stull" in their famous "Pokes and Jabbs" series are to he seen in some start lingly Original comedies. March 10, "Their Wedding nay." March 17. a Pair of Skins." March 24. "Behind the Footlights." March 81, "Anvils and Actors." These two nun are creators of limitless original situations which come out in each release. Bohhy Burns began his career as an acrobatic comedian, having made a great hit in Europe and Aiinrica. He is best remembered in his legitimate stage era In Kales m Toyland," "The Wizard of Os" and "Zlegfeld'a Follies" Walter Stull has had a lone, stage career from sto.k in Phiaideiphia to management of his own company. The growing popularit) of the "Pokes and Jabbs" comedies ami the Increasing demands for the same from exhibitors prove that Burns and Stull are In the lead as laugh-provokers of the B< "THE FOLLY OF SIN" (Great Northern). The next release of the Great Northern BMlm Company, 110 West 4"th St., New York, is a rive-part production entitled Folly of Bin." it is magnificently staged and wondrously led. the leading roles being interpreted by Miss Joan son. the charming and versatile screen artiste, and Messrs Wleth and Tolway, well known actors of quality. The atori li strong and sustaining and deals with the price de • I from the devote* II bidden pleasures. KEENAN IN "THE STEPPING STONE." i'i ink Keen. ins long absence from the Triangle screen is to an end. \ k duled for ae in April on the Triangle eervlce and the well known ter a vacation of sis weeks, la now hard at work on ■ at the Ince studios. He has a long contract and "The Stepping stone" is the Si aa of frequent re the [nce-supervlsed variety. "Tl nc, stone" presents as Keenan's leading woman Scene from "The Stepping Stone" (Ince). Mary Poland, who served John Drew In the same capacity for bo n Boland has the part of a wife who is by a weak but ambitious husband as a stepping stone to tree it b a nd position. Robert McKim plays the part of the husband. Reginald Barker directed the picture from a scenario by C. Gardner Sullivan. It is reported that Sullivan's work Is bo strong that a stag( adaption of the picture may be shown on Broadway next season.