NAB reports (Jan-Dec 1948)

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K\VI»W — The Nation’s Center Broadeasting Co., Hutchin¬ son, Kans. — (yranted involuntary assignment of license from William Wyse, Stanley iNIarsli, deceased and Bess AVyse. d/b as The Nation’s Center Broadcasting Co, to AVilliam \\'vs(' and Bess Wvse. a iiartnership, d/l» as Radio Station KAA’BAA^ ( BAL-(!73 ) KCOK and KCOK-FM — Kaoiil A. Cortez, San Antonio, Tex. — Granted volnntar.v assi.gnment of CP and license and FM conditional .grant from Raoul A. (Jortez to KCOR, Inc. (P,APL-34: BAITI-,5<i) 1030 KC. KWBC — Century Broadcasting Co., Corpus Christi, Tex. — Granted extension' of SSA for six months to operate on 103(1 kc.. ')() KAV, during hours from local sunrise at Boston. Alass., to local sunset at Corpus Christi, Tex. 1330 KC. Concord Bntadcasting Corj)., Niagara Falls, N. Y. — Granted, in part, petition for leave to amend application (BP-r),s2.5: docket S223 ) to specify 1230 kc. in lieu of 1340 kc. Bay State Broadcasting Co., New Bedford, Mass. — Denied lietiti'on for review li.v Commission directed a.gainst grant hy Alotions Commissioner on Sept, 11, 1047, of petition for leave to amend liled l),v Southeastern Alassachusetts Broadcasting Gorp,, New Bedford, Alass,, to specify frecpiency 1230 kc., 250 watts, unlimited time, in lieu of 1400 kc., 2.50 watts, unlimited lime, re its application BP-41S5: docket 70o3. (Sec Additional Misccllancoiifi Actioni-: on Page dd) AM— Applications Accepted for Filing 550 KC. KFBM — Midland Broadcasting Co., Kansas City, Mo. — Ijicense to coviu construction permit (B4-l’-5154. as modilied) which authorized a new standard broadcast station and authorit.v to determine operating power h.v direct meas¬ urement of antenna power. WCON — The Constitution Fuhlishing Co., Atlanta, Ga. — Incense to cover construction permit ( B3-1‘-40SG, as modilied) which authorized a new standard broadcast station and authority to determine operating power h.v direct meastireiiKuit of antenna power. KFNI — Midnight Sun Broadcasting Co., Anchorage, .Vlasha — Aloditication of construction permit ( B1’-4S17, as moditied, whii-h authorized a new standard liroadcast station) for extension (jf completion date. 560 KC. KYl’M — Yiinia Broadcasting Co., Yuma, Ariz. — Construc¬ tion permit to <'lmnge frecpiency from 1240 to 500 kc.. increase power from 250 watts to 1 KAAh change type of transmitter and install directional antenna for night use. Amended to change transmitter location from Southwest corner First Street and lOth Ave., A'uma, Ariz., to Nortluaist corner First St. and Ave. C, Yuma, Ariz. WFIIj — Triangle Publicalioiis, Inc. (The Philadelphia In(jiiirer Division), Philadelphia, Pa. — Aloditication of con¬ struction perndt ( B2d’-4303. as moditied. which authorized increase in power, installation of new transmitter and dii-ectioiial antenna for day and night use and change trans¬ mitter location) for extension of completion date. 5!)() KC. VVYFK — Blnegrass Broadcasting Co.. Inc., Versailles, Ky. — License to cover construction permit ( B2-l*-5130. as modi¬ tied) which authorized a new standard broadcast station and specify studio location as North Alain St., A’ersailles, Ky., and authority to dettuanine operating power l»,v direct meas¬ urement of antenna power. WIHJ’ — Panama City Broadcasting Co., Panama City, Fla. Aloditication of license' to change from dire'ctional an¬ tenna day and night to directional antenna for night only. 610 KC. WSLS — Koanoke Broadcasting Corp., Roanoke, Va. — Alodilication of construction permit ( B2-l’-401)5, which authorized change in freeiuency, increase in power, installation of new transmitter and directional antenna for day and night use, and change in transmitter location) to change frequency from 51)0 to 010 kc., change type of transmitter for approval of directional antenna, and to change transmitter location from Roanoke Gounty, ATrginia, to Near A'a. llwy. 311, approx. 3 miles N. of Salem, A’a., and 0.5 miles NAA' of prin¬ cipal business district of Roanoke, A’a. Amended to make change in directional antenna system. 630 KC. WDN’C — Durham Radio Corp., Durham, N. C. — Alodificatlon of construction permit (B3-P-317(). as moditied. which authorized installation of new transmitter and directional antenna for day and night use, change in frequency, increase in powei’. and change in transmitter location and mount FAI antenna on AAl tower) for extension of completion date. 630 KC. VVSA’V — WSAV, Iiic., Savaoiiah, Ga. — Aloditication of con¬ struction permit ( B3-P-307t), as moditied, which authorized a change in frequency, increase in power, installation of new transmitter and directional antenna for night use, and mount FAI antenna on AAI tower and change transmitter location) for extension of completion date. \VJM8 — Upper Aliehigaii-Wisconsiii Broadcasting Co., Inc., Iromvood, Mich. — Alodihcation of construction permit ( B2P-4!)0!), as moditied, which authorized change in frequenc.v, increase power, install new transmitter and directional an¬ tenna for day and night use and change transmitter loca¬ tion ) to install new transmitter and tt) make changes in ground system. 64() KC. M’HKK — United Broadcasting Co., Akron, Ohio — Gonstruction permit to install a new transmitter. WHKK — United Broadcasting Co., Akron, Ohio — Construc¬ tion permit to install old main transmitter at: Near Inter¬ section (d’ Akron Peninsula and Theiss Rds., Akiam, Ohio (present location of main transmitter), to he used for auxiliary purposes with power of 1 KAA^ employing direc¬ tional antenna. 680 KC. WLAW — Hildreth and Rogers Co., Lawrence, Mass. — Incense to cover construction permit (BP-63!)1) which au¬ thorized installation of old main transmitter at present site of main transmitter to he operated on 080 kc., with 5 KAA’ power, for auxiliary purposes only. 730 KC, NEW — .Ybe Lapides, Pontiac, Mich. — Construction permit for a new standard broadcast station to he operated on 830 kc.. power of 1 KAA^ and daytime hours of operation. Amended to change frequenc.v from 830 to 730 kc., install directional antenna, make changes in ground system and change transmitter location from : to he determined, I’ontiac, Alichigan, to; AA’est Side (d‘ Joslyn Road between A’inewood and Taylor Road, I’ontiac, Alichigan. 740 KC. N'K\V — Harvey Radio Laboratories, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. Alodilication of construction permit (BP-5707, which au¬ thorized a new standard broadcast station) to change type of transmitter .and for approval of antenna and transmitter location. 770 KC. WCAL — 8t. Olaf College, Northtield, Miiiii. Alodilication of construction permit ( Bl’-5011). as moditied, which author¬ ized installation of new transmitter) for extension of comidetion date. 790 KC. WFTB — East Tennessee Broadcasting Co., Johnson City, Tenn. — A’oluntary transfer of control of licensi'i' corporation from Garl A. .limes, .)r.. II. L. .Jones and Airs. Dorothy J. Clark, to I’ress, Inc. (Continued on next page) JANUARY 12, 1948-30