NAB reports (Jan-Dec 1948)

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WEAU— Central Broadcasting Co., Eau Claire, Wise.— Modification of construction permit ( B4-l’-4312. which au¬ thorized to increase power and make changes in directional antenna for night use) for exteusioii of completion date. WTAK — WT.4K Radio Corp., Norfolk, Va. — License to cover construction permit (B2-I>-5303) which authorized to make changes in directional antenna a^id mount FM an¬ tenna on top of tower #3 and authority to determine operat¬ ing power hy direct measurement of antenna power. WTAK — W’TAK Radio Corp., Norfolk, Va. — Authority to determine operating iiower by direct measurement of antenna power. (Aux. ) 830 KC. WNYC — City of New York, Miuiieipal Broadcasting Sys¬ tem, New York, N. Y. — Construction permit to increase power from 1 KVf day and night to 1 KW night and 5 KW day, install a new transmitter and to make changes in direc¬ tional antenna. 860 KC. KP.AN — Kandall County Broadcasting Co., Canyon, Texas (Marshall Forniby and John Blake, a partnership) — IModification of construction permit ( BP-r)09.5. as modified, which authorized a new standard broadcast station) to change name of iKumiittee from Marshall Formby and John Blake, a partnership, d, b as Randall County Broadcasting Co., to Marshall Formby and John Blake, a partnership, d/b as Flereford Broadcasting Co. : change type of transmitter and change transmitter and studio locations from Hereford Rd.. Canyon, Texas, and : To be determined. Canyon. Texas, re¬ spectively, to Hwy. GO, l.G miles from city limits, Hereford, Texas. 870 KC. W’HCl' — Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. — License to cover construction permit (BP-6360) which authorized to install new transmitter, make changes in vertical antenna and mount FM antenna on AM tower and change trans¬ mitter location and authority to determine operating power by direct measurement of antenna power. 910 KC. W'AYL — Tri-Boroiigh Broadcasting Co., Apollo, Pa. (Cecil F. Clifton and Andrew J. IVest, a partnership) — License to cover construction permit ( BP-5710) which authorized a new standard broadcast station. NEW’ — Christian Broadcasting Ass’n, Honolulu, T. H. — Construction permit for a new standard broadcast station to be operated on 1340 kc., power of 250 watts, and unlimited hours of operation. Amended to change frequency from 1340 to 910 kc.. power from 250 watts to 1 KIV ; change type of transmitter and change transmitter location fiami 1146 Port St., Honolulu, T. H., to : "To be determined,” Honolulu. T. H. 920 KC. W’KRT — Cortland Broadcasting Co., Inc., Cortland, N. Y. — Modification of construction permit ( BP-6091, which au¬ thorized a new standard broadcast station ) to change hours of oi>eration from daytime to unlimited, change power from 1 KW to 500 watts ni.ght, 1 KIV day. and install directional antenna for night rise. Amended re change directional an¬ tenna pattern for night use and make changes in ground system. 940 KC. W’MAZ — Southeastern Broadcasting Co., Macon, Ga. — Modification of construction permit (B3-P-4899, as modi¬ fied. which authorized increase in power, changes in trans¬ mitting equipment and install new transmitter) for exten¬ sion of completion date. 950 KC. WLOF — Hazlewood, Inc., Orlando, Fla. — Modification of construction permit (B3-P-3973, as modified, which author¬ ized change in frequency, increase in power, installation of new transmitter and directional antenna, and change in transmitter location) for extension of completion date. 990 KC. W’LCK — The Litchfield County Radio Corp., Torriiigton, Conn. — License to cover construction permit ( B1-P-544,S, as modified) which authorized a new standard broadcast sta¬ tion and specify studio location and authority to determine operating power by direct measurement of antenna power. 1010 KC. WHIN — Sumner County Broadcasting Co., Gallatin, Tenn. — Modification of construction permit (BP-6277, which au¬ thorized a new standard broadcast station) to change type of transmitter for approval cif antenna, transmitter and studio locations at West side of Hwy. #109, 2.6 miles north of city limits of Gallatin. Tenn. KSMN — Mohawk Broadcasting Co., Mason City, Iowa — Modification of construction permit (BP-6193, which au¬ thorized a new standard broadcast station) for approval of antenna and transmitter location, transmitter location to near Mason City, Iowa, make change in antenna and ground system. Amended re changes in antenna. 1070 KC. KBKI — Alice Broadcasting Co., Alice, Tex. ( a partnership, composed of J. H. ilayberry, Buford Nicholson and E. G. Lloyd, Jr.) — Construction permit to change power and hours of operation from 1 KW (laytime to 5 KIV. unlimited time, install new transmitter and directional antenna for night use. Amended to chaigge transmitter location from approxi¬ mately 2 miles North of Alice, Tex., to Alfred, Tex. 1080 KC. WO.AP — The .4rgus-Press Co., Owosso, IMich. — License to cover construction permit (B2-P-5531, as modified) which authorized a new standard broadcast station and authority to determine operating power by direct measurement of antenna power. 1090 KC. WMUS — Greater Muskegon Broadcasters, Inc., Muskegon, .Mich.— ( lonstruction permit to change frequency from 1090 kc., to 1490 kc., decrease power from 1 KAV to 250 watts, change hours of operation from daytime to unlimited, in¬ stall new transmitter and make chaigges in vertical an¬ tenna. Contingent on AA’KBZ being granted change in fa¬ cilities. Amended to change transmitter location from .4 mile east of U. S. 31 on south side of Giles Road, north of Muskegon, Michigan, to site : to be determined — Muske¬ gon, Alichigan. 1100 KC. WT.4M — National Broadcasting Co., Inc., Cleveland, Ohio — Modification of construction permit ( B2-P-4745. as modi¬ fied, which aiithorized to install FM antenna on top of ver¬ tical antenna) for extension of commencement and comple¬ tion dates. 1150 KC. WTCO — South Central Kentucky Broadcasting Co., Inc., Canipbellsville, Ky. — Alodificatiou of construction permit ( B2-P-5635. which authorized a new standard broadcast station) to make changes in transmitting equipment, and for approval of antenna and transmitter location : On Hwy. #55 to Lebanon, 3.25 miles north of Campbellsville, Ky. WJKD — -James R. Doss, -Jr., Tuscaloosa, .41a. — Modifica¬ tion of construction permit (B3-P-5471, as moditied, which authorized change in frequency, increase in power, installa¬ tion of new transmitter and directional antenna for night use, and change in transmitter and studio locations) to (liange type of transmitter, and make changes in ground system. .Amended to change transmitter location (geog. coords, only). 1180 KC. AYH.4M — Stromberg-Carlson Co., Rochester, N. Y. — Alodification of construction permit ( Bl-P-4957. as modified, which aiithorized installation of new transmitter and change transmitter location ) for extension of completion date. (Continued on next page) JANUARY 12, 1948-31