NAB reports (Jan-Dec 1941)

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pressions as "Producers of Irradiated Carnation Evaporated Milk” or otherwise, that it produces the milk from which its product is processed. In its stipulation the respondent corporation states that it does not produce the milk from which its evaporated milk is processed and also avers that "Irradiated Carnation Evaporated Milk” is cows’ milk which it produces from dairy farms which it inspects and which meet the sanitary requirements of the company, and that the product then is processed according to its own method in its own plants. The respondent corporation further avers that the words “Pro¬ ducers of”, when used in the phrase “Producers of Irradiated Carna¬ tion Evaporated Milk”, were used by it with the intent to convey to the public that its product had been packed under the conditions above mentioned. (02703) Cliekit Company — Hogan G. Smith, trading as Chekit Com¬ pany, 1710 Eirst Ave., South, Minneapolis, packager and seller of a powder product for use in treating hosiery and other garments, in a stipulation entered into with the Commission, agrees to cease representing that use of his product as a treatment for silk or rayon hosiery or lingerie will (1) prevent runs, rips, snags or breaks in, or the shrinkage of fading of, such fabrics; (2) double or improve the wearing quality of hosiery or lingerie which has already been given a treatment of this character; (3) reduce the user’s hosiery expense by one-half, and (4) make such hosiery proof against rain spotting or do more than increase its resistance to spotting by rain. (3021) Cole ami Company, a corporation, Sterick Building, Memphis, Tcnn., conducting an advertising agency which disseminated ad¬ vertisements for a cosmetic preparation designated “Nix Deodorant Cream”, on behalf of The Nix Cosmetics Company, Memphis, has stipulated that it will cease and desist from disseminating any ad¬ vertisements which represent that the application of Nix Deodorant Cream stops the flow of perspiration or stops perspiration odor for days; that Nix affects perspiration or perspiration odors in a new way or in a way different from that of other preparations; or that Nix neutralizes or has any other substantial effect upon perspiration acids. The repsonclent further agrees to cease and desist from misrepre¬ senting, by the use of misleading headlines or otherwise, that any girls are “wanted”, or from otherwise representing that The Nix Cosmetics Company has any employment to offer. (02696) Fnley At Company, 945 George St., Chicago, engaged in selling a medicinal preparation recommended for the treatment of coughs, designated “Foley’s Honey & Tar Syrup,” has entered into a sup¬ plemental stipulation in which it agrees to cease and desist from representing that the preparation has any therapeutic action in excess of temporary relief for coughing due to irritations of the throat and respiratory tract when these symptoms are due to mild inflammation of the mucous membranes of these structures; that it stimulates the irritated tissues of the bronchial tubes, other than their mucous secreting glands, or that it will give continuous comfort to the user without continuous administration. (014S4) <Jolm E. Liicey Shoe Company, and Leonard & Barrows Shoe Company, 191 Center St., Middleboro, Mass., two corporations having the same officers and a single place of business, and engaged in the manufacture and sale of shoes, have stipulated with the Fed¬ eral Trade Commission that they will cease and desist from repre¬ senting, as through the use of the words “London, England”, or the word “British”, that their domestically made products are British products, and from the use of those words or other words of similar implication as a mark, stamp, brand or label for their products or in any other way so as to convey the belief that the products have been imported from London, England. (3015) New Jersey Pulverizing Company, 205 West 34th St., New York, in a stipulation entered into with the Commission, agrees to desist from use of the coined word “Pummy” as a trade name for its product closely simulating pumice in aiipearance and designed for use in dental laboratories as a prophylactic or in the iiolishing of plates, the main ingredient of the product being sand. The re 58 — January 17, 1941 spondent also agrees to desist from employing the word “Pummy” or “Pumice” or any phonetic or other simulation of “Pumice”, the effect of which tends to convey the impression that the product is pumice, a volcanic ash or dust, as the term pumice is accepted and understood to mean. The respondent, according to the complaint, also sells other products, including pumice or pumice stone. (3020) Newman Prodiiets Company — William Newman, trading as Newman Products Company and as The Newman Institute, 135 Lorimer St., Brooklyn, engaged in the sale and distribu¬ tion of medicinal preparations designated “Williams KornX”, “Williams Foot Balm”, “Williams Foot Shampoo” and “Wil¬ liams Foot Powder”, has entered into a stipulation in which he agrees to cease and desist from use of the word “Institute” as part of or in connection with his trade name; issuing any so-called “Certificate” or similar document in which representations are made that the bearer or any person whose name is written or inscribed thereon has completed a course of study, has received or passed an examination in chiropody or any other course, or is qualified to lecture or advise concerning foot health or care; representing, by use or display of signs or placards bearing the words “Foot Health Clinic” or “Foot Health Remedy”, or otherwise, that his salesmen or agents are conducting clinics or are qualified to conduct clinics or examine and treat patients, or that his products are competent remedies for maladies, diseases or ailments of the feet generally; representing as the customary or regular price of his products prices which are fictitious and in excess of the prices at which such products are customarily sold; representing by direct statement or by reasonable inference, either in his advertising media or by state¬ ments by his canvassing salesmen or agents, that his commodities were manufactured by or purchased from J. B. Williams Company, that his business is connected with that of the J. B. Williams Com¬ pany in any way, or that he or his salesmen or agents are employed by or otherwise connected with that company; that any of the preparations offered for sale by him is a competent remedy or effective treatment for athlete’s foot, swollen ankles or ingrown toenails, or for tired, aching, burning or swollen feet generally; that any of such preparations constitute a speedy, prompt or permanent cure or remedy for corns, callosities or warts and pre¬ vents their recurrence, relieves pain or soreness incident to bunions, ingrown toenails or ailments of the feet generally, and that use or application of the preparations will result in the relief or alleviation of headaches, backaches or fatigue, or the pain or discomfort in¬ cident thereto. (3017) Lydia E. Piiikliam Medicine Company, Lynn, Mass., engaged in selling medicinal preparations designated “Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound” and “Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com¬ pound Tablets”, has stipulated that it will forthwith cease and desist from representing, directly or by implication: (a) That either product is of benefit to, or an effective remedy for female functional disorders, menstrual aberrations or menopause, in excess of relief of symptoms associated with and caused by menstrual aberrations and symptoms asso¬ ciated with and caused by menopause, and as a uterine seda¬ tive ; (b) That either product is of benefit for any symptoms, ailments or conditions that are due to organic disease ; (c) That either product will overcome melancholia, act as an aphrodisiac or enhance the attractiveness of the user; (d) That either product is a general system tonic; (e) That either product will afford permanent relief from nervousness ; (f) That the products are fully identical in purpose and effect. The Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company further agrees that whenever reference is made to the brand name of the tablets in advertising, it will state, in direct connection therewith, in appro¬ priate terms, that the product contains added iron. The company further agrees not to publish or cause to be pub¬ lished any testimonial containing any representation contrary to the foregoing agreement. (02702) Quill Club — V iolet F. Bezirjian, operating as The Quill Club, 3503 South Broadway, Englewood, Colo., engaged in selling lists of names purporting to be names of members of The Quill Club, for the alleged purpose of promoting social intercourse, has agreed to