Prix Italia, Reports, 1954-1956 (1954-1956)

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13 The Juries for the Italia Prize and for the additional Prizes shall be formed as follows: Each year the ordinary General Assembly , mentioned in Art. 24 , shall form , for the following year , many Juries as are the categories of entries to which the Italia Prize and the additional Prizes are to be awarded. The seats in the various Juries shall be divided among all the Organizations 'participating in the Italia Prize. No Organization may be appointed two years consecutively to attend on the same Jury. Each Organization may be appointed to attend on only one Jury and may send , as Juryman , a broadcasting expert of its choice. 14 Each Organization may submit two musical compositions with words , two literary or dramatic works with or without music as well as the works mentioned by the additional Statutes. However an Organization appointed to attend on a Jury may not submit any entries to that same Jury. 15 The decisions of each Jury shall not be valid if three members at least are not present. Should the Jury not attain the said total , it shall be the Secretariat’s responsibility to complete it by calling on a broadcasting expert of its choicei 16 Representatives of the Organizations participating in the Italia Prize who are not members of the Jury, may be present at the playback of the entries submitted. 17 Travel expenses incurred by members of the Jury shall be defrayed by the Organizations which they represent. 25