National Archives and Records Service film-vault fire at Suitland, Md. : hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, Ninety-sixth Congress, first session, June 19 and 21, 1979 (1979)

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11 Causes Cure 1. dry film I of film loop Too much t«n«lon on Ml* or Uko>up Hlffi tomp«raturw or low humMKv cauaa dry fHm, whlOt In turn CBUSM bfWlfn— > «rvd w«r»ki«. £tor« film In • eontroMo^ •tnMMphar^ Ctwck y«ur proctor porlcOcilly for ouV«f>HiM nirli Ipfoffc^l Moth mint bo •tt^mfta vmI pfpar film I Incorroct UicOHip roM tin & Spliu«« of 1»m, and itopplnf c & Unovon rowind I of f Hn Badwiica Torn parforatlonf SArlnkaffa impropar thraadlof l_ou of film loop Dirty prolactor 1. Too mucft htiinMlty ANovf fllrtn^wj^r^ wind* or df-<K(«tinC^y In • controlMd atmoa* ' ii^ra and humidity that to apoy abova 60% raiatlwa humidity wOl Color dyas ara afiadad by tamparatura iM FlinvOard. tor aM now film protactlon. Ciaan ttta profactor and apartura ptataa thoroufhiy . . , din partlciat tand to bulM up thara. Both raali ihouM ba fraa of wot>t>ia% bands or bunx A bant or wobMy raal can cauaa oiu and ilnat on aach ravolutlon of tha film. Handia fUm only with claan Impaction tlo«*fc Turn off lamp bafora Mopplnf projactor, Fira ahuttar tfiouM ba In Ht propar posNIoa Film and proiactor mus and lubrlcatad aiff Iclantly to Maura all parts runninf at max»> imoothnaia and afflclancy. ExoauKa liArlcatlon It datrlmanui to both fMm and pro>actar. Tha taka-up raal tfiouM ba at laast tha lama capacity a« tfia faad raal to that film will not ovarflow. vllling on to tha floor, Lock raau to thair tfiafu to ihay don't "m»ti*-ot1,** watch to aaa that film wind* avaniy and imoothiy without protruding rld9*s on Uk»4ip raaL Maintain constant flm 'k>op« ... a wddan >ark can tlfhtan tha film and cauaa braak. Alt wlkas ihouM ba aaalad tiffht wtth no torn parforatlons protrudlnfl anywttara. Propar humidity a«td tamparatura controlt m ftoraffa araat wM kaap moKtura In tha fMm and pra««nt damap^ Ctaan proiactor to Imura Ks imooth par^ formaitc^ wtian thraadlni^ anta9« tha iprockat taath In parforallofts and ntamtaln propar film loop& Tact wtth maiiy al controls watar and film do not mix. Idaal storafa laJna aMiadcanat SOOF. and 50% raUtlva humidity. Cxtrama* abo«a TSor. and ratatKa humidHy that falls balow )S% and riaaa afeoaa M% will tarlouaty damapa flinw Q %%74 nUiUFE, IPiC.