[N.B.C trade releases]. (1957)

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NANCY HERBERT ROOM 320 I A SERVICE 2 COPIES X-H THOMAS E. KNODE JOINS STATION RELATIONS DEPARTMENT OF NBC AND WILL BE PROPOSED FOR ELECTION AS A VICE PRESIDENT FOR RELEASE MONDAY A.M., JULY 1 Thomas E. Knode will join the Station Relations Department of the National Broadcasting Company on July 1, and will be proposed for election as a Vice President at the next meeting of the NBC Board of Directors on July 12, it was announced today by Harry Bannister, Vice President in charge of Station Relations. Mr. Knode will report directly to Mr. Bannister. Donald J. Mercer will continue in his present post as Director of Station Relations . Mr. Knode had been associated with NBC for almost 20 years before he resigned as Director of Station Relations on March 31, 1955, to become Vice President and General Manager of Television for the Edward Petry Company. "I am delighted by Tom Knode 1 s decision to return to the Station Relations Department where he has served NBC and our affili¬ ated stations so capably," Mr. Bannister said. "His experience and ability in this important area of network operations are widely recognized throughout the broadcasting industry. His return to our staff will be as warmly welcomed by our affiliates as it is by the NBC management . " (more )