The New Movie Magazine (Dec 1929-May 1930)

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To those who EAT THEIR CAKE . . . and then regret it Take Pepto-Bismol and enjoy quick relief from indigestion, heartburn, byper-acidity, and sour stomach ! Doctors know.They have prescribed Pepto-Bismol for 25 years. It is safe. It checks acid fermentation. It does not form uncomfortable gases. Even children like its pleasing taste. Good eating should bring good feeling. If it doesn't, Pepto-Bismol will — or your money back. At your druggist's, in the 3-cornered bottle. Only 50 cents. Pepto-Bismol relieves INDIGESTION quickly MAKERS OF UNGUENTINE tyclajh rPcaulificr Instantly transforms lashes into a dark, rich luxuriant fringe of lovei liness. Lends sparkling bril, | liance and shadowy, invit.;i$ing depth to the eyes. Tht .i' easiest eyelash beautifier to apply . . . Perfectly harmless. Used by thousands.Tryit. Solid or waterproof Liquid Mi" belline, Bl? ' at all t. " USB 1EAHN The New Movie Magazine One of the first portraits ever made of Clara Bow. When this was shot Miss Bow was playing the hoyden in Elmer Clifton's famous film epic of whaling adventure, "Down to the Sea in Ships." •k* and Art 5° \ <*VIOLI N, TENOR 128 r.. tot tin-. V .) »