The Nickelodeon (Jul-Dec 1910)

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THE NICKELODEON Published Semimonthly on the 1st and 15th oi Eai h Month n the ELECTRICITY MAGAZINE CORPORATION Monadnocb Building. Chicago ED. J. MOCK an,, PAUL H. WOODRUFF. Editors. LAURENCE F COOK. Advertising Man,, Long Distance Tklephonk; HARRISON 3014, European Office-. .% Maiden Lane, Covent Garden. London. S. RENTELL & CO.. Representati Table of Contents "The Indian Raiders" Frontispiece Editorial 8c,.90 Picture Theater Advertising 89 Those Awful Posters 89 Concerning the Motion Pictures 00 Advertising the Picture Show. By Laurence F. Cook 91-04 "Rambles in Many Lands" 94 Paris Modes Pictured in Buffalo 94 Little Stories of Great Films. By H. Kent Webster 95-96 Motographic Goods in Australia 96 Motion Pictures in Africa 96 The Case for Motion Pictures. By George J. Anderson 97-98 Authors' Copyright Protected in Paris 98 New Amusement Patents. By David S. Hulfish 99 The Permanence of the Picture Show 100 Savage Races and Photography 100 School Children Barred in Vienna 1 00 Frisco Operators' Union in Dilemma 100 Of Interest to the Trade. By L. F. Cook 101-105 Substantial Projecting Machine Improvements 101 Shop Talk 103 Three St. Louis Firms Merge 105 Independent Templar Film 105 Synopses of Current Films 105-111 Among the Picture Theaters 111-114 ' From Our Correspondents Ill Roll of the States 112 Record of Current Films 115-116 Terms of Subscription. -United States. Cuba and Mexico Per Year $2.00 Canada Per Year 2.50 Foreign Countries within the Postal Union Per Year 3.00 Single Copy .10 Distributing Agents: The Western News Company and its International Branches. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.— Changes of advertising copy should reach the office of publication not less than five days in advance <■[ date 1 f issue. Regular date of issue, the first and fifteenth of each month. New advertisements will be accepted up to within three days of date c ■! but proof of such advertisement can not be shown until the appearance of the edition containing it. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. — Remittances should be made by check. New York draft or money order, in favor of The Nickelodeon. Foreign subscriptions may be remitted directly by International Postal Money Order, or sent to our London office. The old address should be given as well as the new, and notice should be received two weeks in advance of the desired change. ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER JANUARY 15, 1910 AT THE POST OFFICE AT CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. UNDER THE ACT OF MARCH 3. 1879.