The Nickelodeon (Feb-Sep 1909)

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lAN 13 1909 32 THE NICKELODEON. Vol. I, No. 1. How Jones Saw the Carnival. — ^The humorous situations of a Yankee abroad. Dec. 5. — 652. A Su'mmer Idyl. — A comedy in which a summer girl is made to play the title role. Dec. 5. — 300. Making Moving Pictures. — A subject intended to be educational, giving a glimpse of the interior of a film studio. Dec. 8. — 885. Slippery Jim's Repentance. — A dramatic story beginning with the sentence of the criminal to a short term in prison. At the end of the term the convict seeks revenge upon the judge. He enters the judge's home Christmas eve, but a crippled child, believing the marauder is Santa Claus, exerts an influence over the convict which causes him to repent. Dec. 12. — 565. Christmas in Paradise Alley. — A Christmas drama, portraying the festivities of the poor quarters. Dec. 12. — 355. Slumberland. — A beautiful Christmas fairy story. Dec. 15. — 590. Sheridan's Ride. — An historical subject of great action, showing Gen. Sheridan in his famous twenty-mile ride. Interspersed with the views is the beautiful descriptive poem. Dec. 15. — 327. The Dancer and the King. — ^A Spanish drama of early times. A street dancer is taken before the king, who falls madly in love with her, but his intentions are resented. Dec. 19. — 650. Weary's Christmas Dinner. — A comic with Mr. Hobo and his holiday vision, which is rudely spoiled. Dec. 19. — 395. The Flower Girl of Paris. — A heartbreaking tragedy of a flower girl of Paris, depicting the misery which attends some of the unfortunate poor. The Hazers. — A short drama, depicting the methods of students when hazing a raw victim. Dec. 26. — 300. BIOGRAPH COMPANY. The Valet's Wife.— A lively comedy in which the valet's wife contributes to the merriment in her efforts to hoodwink a wealthy country uncle. Dec. 1. — 508. Money Mad. — In this suggestive title the drama illustrating retribution attending financial greed is vividly brought out. Dec. 4. — 684. The Test of Friendship. — A beautiful drama with friendship as its theme. Dec. 15.— 775. An Awful Moment. — A drama based upon the operation? of the Black Hand and presenting ingenious as well as thrilling situations. Dec. 18. — 737. The Christmas Burglars. — The story of Christmas eve in poverty row. Dec. 22.-679. Mr. Jones at the Ball. — The humor of this subject centers about a dress suit which has been donned by a gentleman not familiar with that garment, and who wouldn't look well in an overcoat. Dec. 25. — 503. The Helping Hand. — Depicting the working girl's struggle against despairing conditions. Dec. 29. — 841. KLEIN OPTICAL COMPANY. The Bewildered Professor. — A hand-colored film of great beauty and rare magic quality. Gaumont, Dec. 5. — 310. Thompson's Night with the Police. — ^The principal is intoxicated and the police endeavor to reach his home, being guided by cards found in his possession. The humorous situations follow. Gaumont, Dec. 5. — 567. Animated Matches. — ^A magic production with a box of matches for the subject. A film requiring great care in the making, and one which will endure for a long time. Gaumont, Dec. 12. — 257. A Good Watchdog. — A story intended to emphasize the value of a sagacious dog. Gaumont, Dec. 12. — 327. Timid Dwellers. — Funny situations following an altercation and a challenge by two men possessed of mortal fear. After numerous ludicrous attempts the match is called a draw. Itala Rossi, Dec. 12. — 344. Fighting for Gold. — ^A drama with the greed for gold as its chief motive. Itala Rossi, Dec. 12.— 887. The Madman of the Cliff. — A strong drama of the mediaeval age. Lux, Dec. 12.-847. The Little Chimney Sweeps.— The luckless Christmas story of two lads of tender years who receive an abundance of abu'se at a time when most children are being happily entertained. Gaumont, Dec. 19. — 450. The Good Playthings.— -A pleasing short story combining comedy with magic. An accident starts a conflagration and the toys extinguish the flames. Gaumont, Dec. 19. — 170. The Christmas of a Poacher. — A cheerless Christmas story, but ending with a happy climax. Gaumont, Dec. 19. — 667. The Poor Singer Girl. — A drama pathetic in all that it contemplates. Gaumont, Dec. 19. — 597. Troubles of an Airship. — A comedy woven about an aviator who gets into the hands of a policeman and, after obtaining his liberty, gives vent to his temper by abusing the members of his household. Lux, Dec. 19. — 500. Grimsol, the Mischievous Goblin. — A well rendered magical subject. Excellent in photographic quality and delightfully entertaining. Lux, Dec. 19.— 374. Braving Death to Save a Life. — This dramatic story portrays the heroism of a young school mistress who risks her life to save one _ of her charges. She is adequately rewarded by a thankful parent. Aquilia, Dec. 19.— 584. A Fatal Present. — A tragedy which is occasioned by a jealous rival who sends a bomb as a wedding gift to the object of his adoration. Aquilia, Dec. 14.— 490. An Interior Cyclone. — A comedy showing great ingenuity. A machine on the order of a vacuum cleaner is attached to an apartment building which removes the contents. Itala Rossi, Dec. 14.— 427. The Angel of Activity. — A pathetic Christmas story portraying the hardships of a poor family at the most joyous season of the year. Lux, Dec. 19.-300. FOR SALE — Eighty reels of film at twenty to thirty-five dollars. Closing out our entire stock of films and songs. J. Swart, Fort Scott, Kansas. — Adv. Conversations on Electricity By TOSEPH G. BRANCH, B. S., M. E. f f f r FIRST STEPS IN ELECTRICITY IT has been the author's object to deal with the subject of electricity in as clear and ELEMENTARY a way as possible, so as to familiarize the student with the PRINCIPLES of electricity before undertaking to show how these principles are applied in practical work. The working theory of electricity, or applied electricity, has been developed to a high degree of perfectior., and in this volume the author treats EXCLUSIVELY of the PRINCIPLES of electricity and not of its APPLICATION. The volimie treats of the generation of both direct and alternating currents, especial attention being paid to the ALTERNATING current, its generation and application owing to its daily increasing use. In writing this book the author has chosen the form of DIALOGUE, believing that its impression upon the mind is more penetrating and vi\T[d than ordinary descriptive matter. The volume contains two hundred and fiftj^-four ; pages of text, with seventy illustrations, and a full INDEX. Price $2.00 Postpaid Address all orders to ELECTRICITY MAGAZINE CORPORATION Publisher Monadnock bldg. CHICAGO