The Nickelodeon (Feb-Sep 1909)

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10 THE NICKELODEON. Vol. II, No. 5. TyASY THE SIGN WITH ACTION FORCES THE ATTENTION OF EVERYBODY The Revolving Lights are a Great Advertising Attraction and Leave a Lasting Impression We have installed a great many OLIVER ROTO SIGNS for many picture theatres with great success. GETS ALL THE LOOKS ALL THE TIME THE COST IS FROM 1 TO 3 CENTS PER HOUR. THE ROTO WILL BRING MORE BUSINESS THAN OTHER SIGNS. WRITE FOR ESTIMATES AND CATALOGUES The Oliver Roto Company 191 Fifth Avenue, CHICAGO, ILL. m L A. ) AT NIGHT OPERA CHAIRS of Standard Dimensions — in plainest to most elaborate designs. Several styles of inexpensive stock chairs, suitable for vaudeville and moving picture theatres. Walk into any theatre in your city, and you'll probably see them. Write for Booklet T-13. Samples and prices submitted on application. AMERICAN SEATING COMPANY ChlcM«,2l5 Wabash Ave. New York, 19 Weit 18th St. BoKon, 70 Frankllo Kreet PhllidelphU, 1235 Arch 81. BRANCHES EVERYWHERE A Business Record for Picture Exhibitors Name of Machine Theatre. "■■■'■■" ""-■ ■ Proprietor; — — — M unigcT. Mo. Day TTTix or riLM. VMweVtLU ACTS. Tiric or iLLVCTRATCo sonos. wttx\rt% •••••: 1 . ' SiBdey . MoDlay , — -• ... -" liesday " ~ - ' — — •— Wedn'ilay ~ , IDursday friilay .„..„.„.......™. Salirdiy , — — — \\ \i\\ ilillllllii-iiiNiJir: UmaApa tar WMk-r^ren RKAlpCs tor Waak-^Mbrt Total R«c«lf«» tor WMk. Taul EiywuM tor Wnh. Net Vnfli to' WoA. If The above facsimile reduction shows a page from Pyle*s Business Record for moving picture and vaudeville theatres. The book contains 104 large pages of ledger paper, sufficient for two years' business Each page is 9x12 Inches, bound substantially and handsomely in blue cloth. We will send it prepaid to NICKELODEON subscribers upon receipt of $1.50. Address all orders to ELECTRICITY MAGAZINE CORPORATION Monadnock Building CHICAGO, ILL.