Paramount Around the World (1931)

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Page 4 'anmoim I VS \v«‘ ring down llie cnrlain on 1980. it is natural lo look l»ack and reded on llie extraordinary de\ (do|>nu‘tils and notable aeliieveinents of the past lwel\(‘ inonihs. Reviewing the year as a whole, the <inl>landing e\onts niay he snnnnarized as follows: I. r he liiicoinmon record oj the Forenjn Let/ioii ui an luiconiaiou year. Despite the fact that )930 was marked by a major business (iepression, world-wide in scope, whieh was further aggraN'ated hy politieal, financial and social revolutions in many quarteis ot the glohe, the Foreign Legion proved its mettle by doing the higgest business in its historv. 2. The esiahl isln)ieiit and speelaealar achieve went oj oar Pans studio. By every standard of modern industrial elhciency, the construction of a studio plant costing well over two million dollars, ahjng with the simultaneous production of more than 100 multi lingual feature pictures and shorts, all within a period of sic m(,)nths, stands out as one of the most remarkable accomplishments oj the past yeaic or ot any year for that matter. 3. The inaiu/nration oj the Poreu/n Let/ion “Halt oj Fame.” d hat tl'iis enduring lorm of public recognition tills a long-felt need has ahead} Ireen demon''trated in two instances. That it will continue to serve as a powerful stimulus to efifort is a foregone conclusion. For year> to come, the “Hall of Fame” wall represent the aristocraev of achievement of the Foreign Legion. 4. The release oj that ai/eless epic, “ITith Byrd at the South Pole.” This picture will >till be playing live, ten, fifty, and even a hundred years from now — long after thousands of other films ha\'e Inui their dac and been forgotten. For the Foreign Legion to be associated with this lic'ing record of the most glorious ad\enture of modern times is both an honor and a privilege. 5. 'The first European convention in Para iiioii nt history, d his event not only has an historic Importance, marking, as it does, a memorable milestone in the development of our company, but it also furnishes an impressive commentary on the revolutionary changes that have taken place in the motion picture industry. 6. The change in the name oj our eoiiipany. 1 he new name, Faramount IFibli.x Corporation, has both an internal and an external significance. Internally, it represents a well-deserved tribute to our Fublix I heatres organization, whose trademark has come t(.) xignify “the best theatre in town” in the same way that the Faramount trademark denotes “the best show in town.” Externally, the name is nnjre symbolic of our supremacy in every branch ol motion pictures production, distribution and theatre operation. /. The resou lid 1 1! g success registered hy “The Fove Parade.” 1 his magnificent entertainment has enjoyed unp.i ralleled triumphs in its victorious march round the world. It is the higgest moneymaker the Foreign Legion has ever had. d he records it has established for receipts, attendance and length of run indicate verv clearlv that, with the coming of sound, song and dialogue, the box office has become more elastic, d'he possibilities are now unlimited. b. The sensational debut oj Marlene Dietrich, dffiere is little doubt that this glamorous German actress will duplicate abroad the stunning personal triumph she scored in America wdth “Morocco.” Which means that the Foreign Legion has in I