Paramount Pep-O-Grams (1927)

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P E P-O-G RAMS Page Five HOW THE HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS OF PARAMOUNT PEP CLUB VIEW 1928 By JESSE L. LASKY Vice-President , in Charge of Production The outlook for the Paramount-Pep Club cannot help but be of the 'rosiest hue, for the Club is truly a reflection of the great Paramount organiz a t i o n, and from the standpoint of production, Paramount is facing the greatest and most s u c c e s sfully p rogres sive year in its history. Great Paramount pictures of 1928 will far outshine the greatest of previous years; and that fact alone, in spelling progress for our beloved organization, will more than ever spell progress for the Paramount-Pep Club, wherein is reflected the true spirit of the men and women who comprise the living-, energetic personnel of our organization. By SAM KATZ President , Pnblix Theatres Corporation We most emphatic ally think of every new year as a twelve-month period that will witness n e w triumphs and greater advancement for our organization— and Nineteen Twentyeight is no exception to the rule. This year will see the names of Paramount and Publix welded even more securely into the symbol of the P a r amount Trad Mark : and no force will play a greater part in the welding than will the Paramount-Pep Club which so jointly and triumphantly represents the personnels of both Paramount and Publix. Thus, thanks to the Club, we are endowed with still more optimism for the facing of this mighty year of 1928. By S. R. KENT General Manager, Paramount Famous Lasky Corporation Progress and prosperity in the motion picture industry can come only through intelligent cooperation. This also is true of the Paramount Pep Club. Members of the Paramount Pep Club should cooperate with their officers and one another to further the interests of the club. Those interests are not only for the benefit of this corporation but are primarily for the benefit of the individual members. During its career the Paramount Pep Club has made a notable record. However, in this big organization there are many, many opportunities for greater service both to the company and to its members; and in 192S I am confident that the officers and members of the club will grasp these opportunities and carry their organization to even greater heights of service and good fellowship. For every member of the Pep Club 1 sincerely wish a Year of health, happiness and prosperity. By ELEK J. LUDVIGH Secretary and General Counsel, Paramount Famous Lasky Corp. I congratulate the Paramount Pep Club on the energy and initiative of its officers for the 1928 term, and on the splendid plans already lined up for making this year’s activii i es surpass every other efort on record. It should always be v emembered that one of the major tasks of the Paramount Pep Club is that of keeping pace with the ever swiftening' progress of the Paramount organization; and from the indications already listed for 1928 I should say that the Club is living up to this ideal aim in most splendid fashion. By EMIL E. SHAUER Assistant Treasurer and Gen . Mgr, of the Foreign Department I have viewed the closing of the old year and the dawn of the new year from a very old part of the world — the land of the Pyramids. But m y thoughts have been of the future, and of the Paramount idea which was so big that it not Dnly encompassed' the hard facts of modern business, but was able to also encompass the human element in business,’ and to make occupation under the Paramount Trade Mark a distinct and understandable delight. This much I have found in every country I have visited, and I count it as one of the mightiest factors in making 1928 what it will unquestionably be — the greatest year in Paramount history to date. By RALPH KOHN Treasurer, Paramount Famous Lasky Corporation Viewing the 1928 progress of the Paramount Pep Club is a, comparatively simple matter, for it merely means reviewing the progress already made under the new administration and then possessing the conviction that such an auspicious beginning cannot help but mean still greater achievements . The Club has gained a great start in what promises to be the greatest year of all: it has capable officers, a progressive program, the undivided support and good-will of its members — and there isn’t any force or organization in the world that could set out under happier conditions than these. The entire world will worthily watch the Paramount Pep Club’s progress during 1928.