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e German Curse
The famous Bochkareva, organizer of the Battalion of Death, the women's regiment which actually went into battle, and defeated the Germans in a major engagement.
"f I 1 HE world believes that Russia sold out her allies knowingly, but my
"*■ camera will show that it was the German propaganda of lies that undermined this great country."
"When the Russians forget politics and German propaganda they are more than a match for the Germans."
These are two of the titles for ''The German Curse in Russia," Donald C. Thompson's war film which is released by Pathe. The outstanding feature of this picture is that it shows what happened in Russia and why it happened. It is not fiction, but fact. Mr. Thompson, who has been on every fighting front, taking pictures of every Allied army and a'so of the Turks, is a born "camera correspondent." Originally a "still" photographer on various Western newspapers, Thompson realized the importance of the motion picture camera in gathering news, and applied for a commission with the first Canadian Division. Accepted, he went to France with the Canadians; and since then has done much in preparing a remarkable visual history of the Great War. The spirit of Russia is eloquent in these actual scenes caught by Thompson; he emphasizes the fact that German propaganda is wholly responsib'e for the pitiable Russia of todaj-; that German lies might do to America what they did to Russia if America would give them half a chance.
Members of the Battalion of Death drilling under a regular armv officer.
This man is an officer in one of the many battalions, every man of which is loyal to the best interests of Russia and has sworn to fight till the very end — "Victor)' for the Allies or death ! "