Photoplay (Apr - Sep 1918)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section HE'S gone across — YOU "come across"! Adopt a SOLDIER and Supply him with "SMOKES" for the Duration of the WAR! YOU know that our fighting men are begging for tobacco. Tobacco cheers them. They need it. "Send more cigarettes." "We can't get half enough smokes over here." "A cigarette is the first thing a wounded man asks for" — almost every mail brings many thousands of such requests Let's "come across." Now that our boys are suffering anddying in the trenches that we may be safe at home, let's keep them steadily supplied with the smokes they crave, need and must have. $1.00 a Month Keeps a Soldier Supplied— WiU YOU Be a "BIG BROTHER" or a "BIG SISTER" to a Lonely Fighting Man? Please don't say, "Oh, there's plenty of time, I'll send my contribution later." Dig down for his tobacco cheer now, today ! — all that you honestly feel you can spare. And that can't be half what he really deserves, for his service can't be measured by dollars. Adopt a regiment if you have the means. A War Souvenir For You A feature of this fund is that in each package is enclosed a post card addressed to the donor. If it is possible for the soldier receiving the tobacco to mail you this post card receipt, it will be a war souvenir you'll treasure forever. Every dollar sends four 45c packages of tobacco. Mail the money and coupon right now. "OUR BOYS IN FRANCE TOBACCO FUND" 25 West 44th Street, New York City Depository: Irving National Bank, N. Y. "I wish you all possible success in your admirable effort to get our boys in France tobacco." THEODORE ROOSEVELT Endorsed by The Secretary of War Rabbi Wise The Secretary of the Navy The American Red Cross Cardinal Gibbons Lyman Abbott Gertrude Atherton Theodore Roosevelt Alton B. Parker and the entire nation "OUR BOYS IN FRANCE TOBACCO FUND" 25 M. 44th Street, New York Gentlemen:— T want to do my part to help the American soldiers who are fighting my battle in France. If tobacco will do it — I'm for tobacco. (Check below how you desire to contribute.) I enclose $1.00. I will adopt a soldier and send you $1.00 a month to supply him with "smokes" for the duration of the war. I send you herewith my contribution towards the purchase of tobacco for American soldiers. This does not obligate me to contribute more. Name. Ask the manager of your favorite motion picture theatre to book DORIS KENYON Heading her own company, DE LUXE PICTURES, Inc., in The Street of Seven Stars By Mary Roberts Rinehart Read what MARION RUSSELL, most critical of reviewers and champion of clean photoplays, says of it in The Billboard: THE STREET OF SEVEN STARS Theodore C. Deitrich Presents Doris Kenyon in a Magnificent Picturization of the Story by Mary Roberts Rinehart. A Screen Idyl All Smiles and Tears Like an April Day Merits Highest Commendation. This is indeed a picture de luxe, devoid of sensationalism, relying solely upon its appeal to the emotion. The Street of Seven Stars is a step forward in the progress of motion picture building. In a quiet, unobtrusive manner, this narrative, which is simplicity itself, gets over the footlights and registers the biggest kind of a hit solely on its intrinsic worth. No platitudes can do justice to the care bestowed upon its production, and the marvelous effect its gradual unfolding has upon an audience. Here masterful direction is paramount to dramatic thrills, and genuine merit in depicting a story by photography has never been surpassed. This unprecedentedly beautiful photoplay will afford pleasure to the world at large for many a day to come. To Director John D. O'Brien all credit is due for this unusual production. ***** Doris Kenyon is in a class by herself, being of a spiritual type of feminine loveliness, in which an active intelligence blends with a complete grasp of stage technique. ***** The De Luxe Pictures Corporation is to be congratulated on this vitally alive screen story that will inspire better thoughts and refresh those who witness this extraordinary photoplay. This picture should be booked all over the country and we predict that dates will be demanded. Produced by DE LUXE PICTURES, Inc. Theodore C. Deitrich, President 516 Fifth Avenue, New York City Released through'the WM. L. SHERRY SERVICE Exchanges in Principal Cities LEAPN PERSONAL CULTURE PERFECT YOUR BEAUTY EARN BIG MONEY Short-Story Writing A COURSE of forty lessons in the history, form, structure and writing of the Short Story taught by Dr. J. Berg Esenwein, for years Editor of Lippincott's. One student writes: — "Before completing the lessons, received over $1 ,000 for manuscript sold to Woman's Home Companion, Pictorial Review, McCalVs and other leading magazines" Also coursesin Photoplay Writing, Versification and Poetics, Journalism. In all over One Hundred Courses, under professors in Harvard, Brown, Cornell, and other leading colleges. ISO-Page CatDr. Esenwein alog Free. Please Address The Home Correspondence School Dept. 95 Springfield, Mass. We write music and guarantee publisher's acceptance. Submit poems on war, love or any subject. CHESTER MUSIC COMPANY 638 South Dearborn Street. Suite 251 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS HOTEL JVINTON When you are in Cleveland stop at the newest and finest hotel in the city. 600 Rooms— 600 Baths $2.00 Up To be complete your trip must include a visit to the Famous Rainbow Room. C. M. SNYDER. MinigiriE Director Prospect Avenue at East Ninth CLEVELANR mUblu In Your Home FKlL By the Oldest and Most Reliable School of Music in America — Established 1895 Piano, Organ, Violin, Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, Etc T 85 ^e ± )$qu com Atoiol TtUuxt V&t t&u quufc^*, Beginners or advanced players. One lesson weekly. Illustrations make everything plain. Only expense about 2o per day to cover cost of postage and music used. Write for Free booklet which explains everything in full. American School of Music, 68 Lakeside Bldg., Chicago When you write to advertisers please mention PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE.