Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1919)

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12 Photoplay Magazine — Adveiviising Section emarl(able^ •iribuiefrom Cecil B.deMiUe "I li*To no douM Ihtt the imatrur creative mliHl lan l>e Iraliinl ami drvrlopea uiiiler pruprr »>-Uml atul ( niiipi'irnt teai'luTs. . . Krnrn uliut I ajiil lu»rd of the ralriitT I'lan. I ' 1 rt-sard It aH pmhatily the iiio^t I tuul ii<>\v In cxlslciito for develop 1 . I ur rnailvo mind: ulillo the Manu *-r.i>; Si»u^ Itrpartiiifnt, It 8c*»nis to me. Is ceri.iii. to ho of iK'Hi'dt n<it only to pholopluy • uili.rH hut to produiiTS as well. I am naturally lnt4•^entt^l In any development that will nijike for aucco^sful itcenarlo writers boean>io iliiTo la alna.\8 a demand for orlKlnnl and well (> iK-elveil material." • tnirector-Gcncral Famous Players-Lasky Corp.] READ It again — and again — for this Is no ordinary lelier of lukewarm Indorsement. ■It Is a slgnlllcant message from the forelih'-l dlrcilor In the motion plelure field — one of the world's highest screen authorities. It Is a high-pvtwer stalement from the man who stands «I ihe very apex of ai hlcvement — the man whose name Is a warrant^' ot hlgh-callbre photoplays. And this remarkahlo letter, mind you, typifies the attitude of the enliro motion picture Industry toward the rainier I'lan of I'hotoplay Writing. For the Palmer Thoioplny Inslitule is filling a deflnlle, vital nevxl l>y serving as a Clearing House for the Interchange of photoplay Ideas — and by acting as the logical connecting link lielweui producer and writer. The Palmer rian Is making photoplay authors out of many people who never dreamed that their names would loom large on the silver screen. One member securetl a staff scenario position three week-* after enroUniciit. Anoilier meinher Buccee<le*l in having his first story accepted and produced. Another, after struggling unsucces.sf jlly for years, received fiOO for his initial effort through us. Another, a busy housewife and mother of four children. Is earning over $200 monthly from spare-time work. StlU another rose In a few montiis from an underpaid clerical position to Assistant Managing 1-Mitor of one of the film companies. Har<lly a day goes by but what we receive a letter from some grateful member with the story of his or her success. .4nd that, after all. Is the thing that counts — the tiling that Interests you. Understand— there Is no magic or mystery »l>out what the I'iilmcr Plan will do for you. It Is almply a concise, clean-cut plan that shows you how to put yovir "movie" Ideas and plots Into definite, cashatile form. It Is the only plan of photoplay training that helps you all the way througli— from primary Insiruition to Advisory Service and tliea on to Marketing Service. Through our Personal Advisory Service Bureau, Frevlerlck Palmer — one of the best-known screen authors In America — takes your bare "movie" Idea just as It Is, and shows you how to develop it prnperly ; how to blend mystery, suspense, sensation and surprise; how to create "human Interest" situations that tug at the heart strings <'f your au<llence; how to shape your "movie" plot Into a photoplay of tense moments and smashing climax. And remember — the criticisms you get are absolutely Individual; you get the personal help, the personal coaching of a master of photoplay construction — the man who In 8 months wrote 52 scenarios for "Universal." Ge'i our booklei on PhoioplayWriiit^FREE] If you want to know how to develop your creative ImaKlnallon to the fullest extent— If you want to know how to turn your "movie" Ideas Into money — if you v\ant to know the top prices ($100 to $1000) producers are willing to pay for aci-eptable plots— the least you can do Is to send today for our new Illustrated booklet, "The Pi-cret of Suciessful Photoplay Writing." Explains the Palmer Plan In detailshows the practical advantages of our Personal Advisory Service and .Manuscript Sales Department— shows our Iron-clad, money-back Guarantee. Your copy Is waiting for you— and It's free. Send for _ it today— mall the coupon NOW. PaI MEB PllOTOri.AY ConrOH.lTION 7171. vv. Ilciiiiuin Bldt., 1."i> Ant-eles. Calif. Please send me your new booklet and SiH'cial Rupploiiirnt of autiiL-raphert letters from the leadliiff stars, producers, etc Name ._. Palmer Plan of, PhotopkvWiiiiii? T-C Mary is going to have a birthday — ^ / and you've been giving her pins and perfume for years— and you are at the end of your string — and don't know WHAT to give — Try Our Subscription This includes Jim as well. Or if it's Uncle George or Aunt Susan — and you want to remember them with something that will make them think they are several years younger instead of a year older — fix it so they'll drop a year; send them that illustrated chronicle of youth, of sunshine, and moving pictures — send them Photoplay Magazine A subscription to PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE will please your friends on their birthdays — and please you, too, because you will know that you have given a gift that will be appreciated — not once but many times. Of course we tell the recipient who sent it. WTien you return coupon, attach, a Postal or Express Money Order or a Chech. BIRTHDAY GIFT SUBSCRIPTION COUPON Year, S2.00; Six Months, SI. 00; Three months, ,SOc; Canada, $2.50 a year ; ForeiKn Countries. S3.00 a year. All subscriptions to our soldiers in foreign countries at U. S. rates. PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE, Dept. G, 350 North Clark Street, CHICAGO, ILL. Gentlemen; Enclosed find $ for months. Send lo— Name Address From — Name [_• Aitdrr.': EF =D Ktery adverti?eiiienl In PHOTOPl-AY M.VCAZINE l.s guaranteed.