Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1919)

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'4 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section "Hello. Hnck" CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING n h n nn n n n^nn n n n n r^ n n rtn;n'nnn-nri n RECALL that ^ohlen day when you first read " Huck Fiiui"? How your mother *■ said, "For goodness' sake, stop laughing aloud over tiiat book. Vou sound sosilly." Hut you couldn't stop laughing. Today when you read '" Huckleberry Finn" you will not laugh so much. You will chuckle often, but you will also want to weep. The deep humanity of it — the pathos, that you never saw as a boy, will appeal to you now. \(ni were too busy laughing to notice the limpid purity of the inaster'-i stvle. MARK TWAIN When Mark I'wain first wrote ''Huckleberry Finn'* this land was swept with a gale of laughter. When he wrote '*'I'he Innocents Abroad*' even Europe laughed at it itself. Bui one day there appeared a new book from his pen. so fpiriiual, so (rue, so tnfty, thai those who did know him well were amazed, "joan of Arc" was (he work of a poc( a historian — a seer. Mark Twain was all of ihcsc. His was not the tieht laughter of a moment's fun, but the whimsical humor ihai made the tragcdv of life more bearable. A Big Human Soul Perhaps >ou think >ou have read a good deal of Mark Twain. Arc you sure ? Have you read all the short stories? Have >ou read all the brilliant fiehiing essays? — all the humorous ones and the historical ones ? Think of ii 2.^ volumes filled with the laughter and Ihc tears and the fighting that made Mark Twain so wonderful! He was a bountiful giver of joy and humor. He was yet much more, for. while he laug'ied with the world, his lonely spirit struggled with the sadness of human life, and sought to find the key. Beneath the laughter is a big human soul, a big philospber. Low Price Sale Must Stop Mark Twain wanted every one in America lo own a set of his books. So one of the last things he asked was that we make a set at so low a price that every one might own it. So wc have made this SCI. And up to now wc have been able to sell it at this low price. Rising costs make it impossible to continue the sale of Mark Twain at a low price. New editions will cost very much more than this Author's National Edition. But now the price must go up. You must act at once. You must sign and mail the coupon now. If you want a set at a popular price, do not delay. This edition will soon be withdrawn, and then you will pay considerably more for your Mark Twain. The last of the edition is in sight. There will never again be 'a set of \*ark Twain at the present price. Send the coupon only — no money. Harper & Brothers Franklin Square. NEW YORK CuCouXMbCaupon amdmod ACTgdoii HARPER & BROTHERS I'hoto? 19 18 Frankhn Square, New York V r .-.. . I r. (.a .). It net of Mark Twain'n workfi. in tw, r 'rttU-ii, Uiiinil in handitomc irrri-n doth, atjt < (iK-rl rflirrn. ir not NiitiHfartMry. I will r^-t . . (Hhrrwinr I will i»cmt tou f2.lKl uithui fiv» tf. fnr \h nvtnlhd. Knr muh. dcduc! 8 p»r r«nt ff tn rrrmtitirx • .'^•nil for iip««LBl CatiAtJiKn ofTrr. SAMI: ADDKI SS. iKi t r. i Tii '.V For our h^autlful tmJ half-l^aihrr fditinn, rhanvo above Urma to •l.iO wllMn & flajra and M.VOa month fur 12 rmmtha. fk iJll'U.iJ.l All Advertisements have equal display and same good opportunities for big results. TUULTU UU'UU This Section Pays. 81' of the advertisers using this section during the past year have repeated their copy. J u u uu u u u lUr'a^j-Tj FORMS FOR SEPTEMBER ISSUE CLOSE JULY FIRST AGENTS AND SALESMEN $40 TO $100 A WEKK. FKKK S.\M1M,KS. OOLl) SiKii l.ftli'is anyone fan pnt on windows. IUk demand. Mliernl offer to KiMicral agents. Metallic Letter Co., 431 -K X. Clark. Chicago. S.\L1CSMK.\: CITY OH TKAVEUNG. rjCPEKIonce uiimcessary. .Send for list of openings and foil linrlirulai-s. I'repare In spare time to earn the biu suliirles — *2.r)fln 111 $10,000 a year. Kniploymenl service renderiU members. Nat'l. Salesmen's Tr. Ass'n.. Depi. 13S-II. Chicago. 111. 1 WA.NT lOO MEN AND WO.MK.N TO ACT AS my agents and take orders for Comer raincoats, rainraiies and waterproof aprons. I paid Eli Bridge $88.9.') for orders taken dnrlng his spare time in one week. Cooper made $314 last month. Woiulerful values. A dandy coal for $4,98. Pour average ortlers a day gives you $2,.'i00 a year profit. No delivering or collecting, I'll give you a sanijile coat and complete outflt fur gt-iting orders. Hurry, Write for my Ulteral offer. Comer Mfg, Co,, Dept, R-33, Uaylon, Ohio. ACE.VTS KAR.N $30 AND CP I'ER WEKK IN spare llino selling "Maketla Guaranteed Woolen Anny Itlankets." 100,000 sold f, S, (Jovemment: not one rcjiction : every home and cluh a jirospect: sells for $4.00; write for full information; greatest blanket value on the market, Maketla Co.. (ill, R-40 Drexel HIilg,. IMiiladelphia. Penn. HELP WANTED WO.MEN TO SEW. GOODS .SE.NT I'REPAin TO your door: plain sewing: steady work; no canvassing. ,*>end stamped envelope for prices paid. t.'niversal Co.. Dept. 21, Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED—.') KKIGHT. CAPAHLE LADIE.S TO travel, demonstrate and sell dealers, $2,5,00 to $.'iO,00 per week. Railroad fare paid. Write al onco. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept, .'i9, Omaha, Nebr. governmi;nt positions are desirable. Prepare for Railway Mail, Cost Office, Rural Carrier, Custonii-lnternal Itevenue, Departmental. Inimigration and other branches through our exiiert. former (government Examiner. Write for free lH)oklet giving full infonnation al>ttut these ixjsitions and our MuneyBack Guarantee! Contract. PATTERSON ClVII, SERVICE SCHOOL. Box 40 24. Rochester, N. Y. R.\ILWAY TOAFFIC INSPECTORS: $110.00 A month to start and expenses: Travel if desired: Unlimited advancement. No age limit. Three months' home study. Situation arranged. Prepare for permanent iiosition. Write for booklet C.M2B Standard Itusiness Trailing Institute. Buffalo, N, Y, $18 TO $3G WEElvEY IN YOfB SPARE TIME doing special advertising work among the families of your cit.v. No experience necessary. Write today for full particulars. American Products Co.. 963 AnierH'an BUIg.. Cincinnati. Ohio. WANTED l.MMEDIATELY. MEN— WOMEN, 18 OR over. Hundreds Government .I(»bs, now obfainablc. $1.000-$l,10a first year. Common education sufficient. List positions free. Write Franklin Institute, Dept. F204. Rochester. X. X. CKOCIIETERS WANTED. POSITIVELY NO CAN vassing. Stamped, addressed envelope for particulars, .Mrs. Meixel. 517 Lycoming St,, Williamsiiort. Pa. If you are earning less than $50 PER WEEK iinii like to dr;iw — \ou should study Commercial Art Leading Art Managers — the men who know — mend us and employ our students. We Ui.i antee to make vou "uccessful-I^earn ac s,...r. till,.' ..1 i„oiiri.-s; sch.iol Day oreveninK. Write tor FREE IMuslralad calalosue. COMMERCIAL ARTSCHOOL, 724, 116 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago. III. SAFETY HAIR CUTTER ran ("OMU your hair you can cot your n hnir with tliiB marvelous invention. Cuta 1 hair any deaired lenifth. ahort -sr lonff. , ^^ ^*rf^ '^liofls ttio job aa nicely aa any barber lo qoartar LTVi/Zh^^j^^he time, before your own mirror. You can cut tbo fll.' rvn>T.-tII childroo'shairatliocDe in a jilTv. Can bo uied aa an ordmary ra7.or tw ebave the face or finmh around temple or neck. Sharpened lilte any rnxor. I.aate a lifetime. Savea fta co:-t firat time uiied PRICE ONLY 35^c pofilnaid. Extra Biadaa 5c aaeh. JOHNSON SmiTH * CO., Dapl. 1507 322« N.Haiat«ISt.,Chlcago .VEW CHOP CU)VER HONEY FOR SAI-E. VEKY choice quality. Sami»lc In cents. Price list Free. M. V. Fiicey. Preston, Minn, MANUSCRIPTS TYPEWRITTEN SIE.NAKIOS, MA.MSCRIPTS T\Pl-33 TEN CENTS page. Spelling corrected. Seven years' experience. Marjorle Jones, 322 Monadnock Block, Chlcaeo. TYPEWHITINf! any line of work, scriiits a siiecialty lOOS 17th AT KEASONAUEE RATES FOR All work strictly private. ManuSend for prices. M. E. Foote. Kock Island. III. MOTION PICTURE BUSINESS $35.00 PROFIT NIGHTLY. S.MALL CAPITAL starts you. No ex[)eriencc needetl. Our machines arc used and endorsed by government institutions. Catalog free. Atlas Moving Picture Conriiany, 4 38 Morton BUIg., Chicago. OLD COINS WANTED WE PAY Ul" TO $1(10.00 each for certain dates of (lolit Dollars. Piemiiims paid on some coins as late as 1!)16. TlioiLsands of coins wanted. Many are in circulation. Watch your change and get posted. Send 4c. (let oiir large Illustrated Coin Circtilar. Send now. Numismatic Rank. Deijl. 7j. Fort Worth. Texas. PATENTS PATENTS. WHITE FOR FUICE lUA'STRATED guide book "How to Obtain a Patent." Send Model or sketch for opinion of patentable nature free. Highest References, Prompt .\ttentlon. Reasonable Terms. Victor J. »>aii.s & Co.. 763 Ninth, Washington, D. C. IN'^'ENTORS— SEND SKETCH OF Y'OITR INVEN tion for advice regardini; patent proto-tion. Twenty Years' Exjierience. Hand-book on Patents sent Free. Talbert & Talbcrt. Patent Lawyers. 4724 Talbert BUIg,, Wa.-^bington. D. C, PHOTOGRAPHY FILMS DEVEI-OPED lOo A ROLL. CUARANTEED prints 3c and 4c each returne I next day. (Complete price list on request. Kodak Film Finishing Co.. 112 Slerchants Station, St, Louis, SPF/CIAL-TRIAL OFFER, YOFR NEXT KODAK film develoiwd .'jc, Pr iits 2c each. Moser & .Son, 1910 St. .lames Ave., Cincinnati, O, SHEET MUSIC FIFTICE.N" RIG SONC. HITS. $1,00. Shop. 729 West 63rd St,, Chicago, THE MUSIC MISCELLANEOUS TIXL THE READERS OF PHOTOPLAY WHAT you have of interest to them. You can reach them at a very small cost through an advertisement in the classifieil section. 81^^ of the advertisers using this section during the past year have repeated. The section is read and brings results. WE PAY SPOT CASH US AMV "^^^ '*'" '"'<^'^^" Jewc'I'y. diaiiionds. VrNIl U^ Hill set or unset, gems, old gold, sil\ ijlJivL^ platinum, nicrcurj'. talse teeth, niagnelo puints. precious metal ores, or nuggets, bonds. •^oins. stamps or .tnything of value. We send cash ( no checks / hv return mail ami hold your goods subject to your approval i>( -.iir prite. Dun .ind Br^dstreet. references. OHIO SMELTING & REFINING COMPANY 204 Lennox Building, CLEVELAND, OHIO FREE BOOK Learn Piano <m This Interesting Free Book shows how >oii can b.*cr,nif a skilled pl.-\VLT of pianoiir ortr,in at quarter usual cost. It shows why one ksson with an axoert is worth ;> dozen other lessons, llr Quinns famous Written MFthod irirhijcs wtl of ihe many important mod ,rn irnprovciiionts in teaching ntuaic. Brings rilhf to your homo th. trnat .i.lvanl.'.Kcs of conservatory atudy. For the botiiincr or expencncc. players. Kndorscd by Kr»at artists. Successful trraciuales cver>-where Scientific, yet easy to understand, t'ully illustrated. All mualc «re». Diploma rranted. \VKi-n-: Today for Free Book Qulnn l'onMr\>. Studio P(i. Social I nion BIdg,. Boston, Mass. _^„. 'RL^c.VriooToihiict,k^nirepul»»-'' GAi literature. i..aniplo«. (niaranteo; all fKtE. , ,,.„j DETROIT SCHOOL OP LETTERING SSbliah "18I9 6^;" S of L. Bid,.. DCTSOIT, MJCH. Every adverllseniciit in PHOTOPI^Y MACAZINE Is guaranteed.