Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1919)

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Photoi'Lay iSlA(iA/iNE — Advkhtising Skction p w ww'W'M M'N N-qra-n-M-wia tu rniiiiing jor/Tuthorsliip ^ y^^^^ HoWto^'nlo.WlidnoWrik-. "' and Whorv K? soil. m CuHi\'aK' _>oiir niinj. IVvV'U^p V NOur IIKtuVv jj>tt» MjJvt (hi yctur ipuiv 4lnu* protiKlbUv Turn voitr iJt.'U:> ittlo Joltars. Wi.t.;:,;. etc.. uuiiit ix.w... Dr.LsemsCin. ally by Dr. J Bets Es^nwrm fx mjny \cire tvii'.or ai' Lippincott i MJSi:uw, and a stjff of liwrjirv c\prr'.i Coostnictive cnlxrrijn hoiwsi. ^fIplul idvic*. AJ«-j/ rcacAino. 0«« pup* kft* rK«t««4l o««f ^,(NW for •>««>«• And ArtKle* wTi«t«« BMrily w *p.Ar* ttan«— "pUy *«c4,' hm cdb IL Aft*dtoc pupJ rv<«i«'e<l o«*r SI. 000 bvlor* »ir<gif •«■■* $75 a w«ck fr\>m Thrre b no o(h«r institution or ac«nc)r doing so much lor wntefV young or i-M Thr ■jnr.-rr-cit^-; rrc\-v;^'"<^ Hiis, for ov«r one ^ e>cultMS of hither LJMraiy DepMtmr: Ihcy Are constiintiy rvoomnirtHiini^ uur courses. Zfxe Home Corivjspondoniv School "Don't Shout"|3 ^^[ ' L ! -i \ I c*n Kc*r ^ * • □ % 15 v»e'! fci anybody. • Ho^ ) Wtk tk HORUY aV PflONE. \'\r a pair m mv can now. bitf thry arr in\'mble. I v«-ouid not know I had ihrm in. tTseV. only that 1 hrar all ri] T>>r lOtLn PHONE fof th<r s DEAF lo the can wKat gUsM* are lo the cya. Id ^^^inUe. cocnfortablc, wnghiicM wxi hamues. Aiyti « •«■> iL~ Om 100.000 »ti Write br U*Uh a^ IcsiiiMaab. THE MORLEY CO.. Dept. 789. Perry Bldg.. Phila. Violin, Hawaiian Cuitar Ukulilt, Guitar, Mandolin, Cornet or Banjo i-v. , I SetMol el Mutt. Pan. 414. Oi.eaBo, li. Every advertisement in PKotopla3; is guaranteed, not only by the advertiser, but by tKe publisKer "Here's an Extra $50, Grace — Tm making real money now!" "Yes, I've been keeping it a secret until pay day came. I've been promoted with an increase of $50 a month. And the first extra money is yours. Just a little reward for urging me to study at home. The boss says my spare time training has made me a valuable man to the firm and there's more money coming soon. We're starting up easy street, Grace, thanks to you and the I. C. S. !" Today more than ever before, money is what counts. The cost of living is mounting month by month. You can't get along on what you have been making. Somehow, you've simply got to increase your earnings. Fortunately for you hundreds of thousands of other men have proved there is an unfailing way to do it. Train yourself for bigger work, learn to do some one thing well and employers will be glad to pay you real money for your special knowledge. You can get the training that will prepare you for the position you want in the work you like best, whatever it may be. You can get it without sacrificing a day or a dollar from your present occupation. You can get it at home, in spare time, through the International Correspondence Schools. L It is the business of the I. C. S. to prepare men in just your circumstances for better positions at better pay. They have been doing it for 28 years. They have helped two million other men and women. They are training over 100,000 now. Every day many students write to tell of advancements and increased salaries already won. You have the same chance they had. What are you going to do with it? Can you afford to let a single priceless hour without at least finding out what the I. C S. can do for you? Here is all we ask— without cost, without obligating yourself in any way, simply mark and mail this coupon. Thternational"correspo"ndence schools BOX 6501 , SCRANTON. PA. ExpUtn, without obllK:illng me, liuw lean quality tor the potlilon, or In Ihe ^ubjcci, brjure which I mark X. ELECIIlKll. rXilNrMI KUftrIa l.ltbllnc aud Uti. Electric Witinit ^Tclrgraph f nKinrrr Telephone Work ■ RCIIl^lriL (.^(il^EEII ^■•ebBnlekl UraflsMan _ IfapblB* Miop I'rartlra I'oolfnakar Gai tnsirir Operating CIVIL LNC.INI^KK HnrTrrlnt anlt Mspplnr ■ l>E >OII> Ml> or t M.-ll HiiiiiiMiiT em;im tit Marine Knglneer Ship Draftaman ARcmiEcr CvDtrartar and MntM*r *r«blt*ttorBl l,rar(«aaa Concretr llulljrr Strurturil FriKlnrer PLimiiMii.^ii Mriii>e Sheet Metal Worker Tvttlla Ovartaar ar hnpi. CHBBIRT nsM.fSMANSHIP n AI>VhK USING [JWinJow Trimmer nshow c:«rd Writer pSIgn ralntrr ^ riallroad TralnmBn ^ll-LLM K.MISG (Cartooning ;jBOOKKKtPER Kl.noffrapbar and TrpUl (>rt. I'uh AnountaDI ^, IHAtHC MASAGta r. Hallway Arcountaol Comtnerclal Lair ^t.OOIJ ENGLISH ^ I eaiher [jr<»a.a Rakaal SaklMl* ^^ Mathematica (.IVIt. .StHVICE Kallway Mall Clerk ]^al IIIMIIIIII.K oriiUTiia lata Hipalrlai QNaTlgatlon inWpaaUk rjiliMil I l.t('IIKl'jrr..<h LJI-aallrT llalalat l^llallaa NUDC___ Prraent Occupation. BIrtjel »nd No Uljr -SUIIL. Wb«i TOO iTTlU to kdrerUMn r Ai/T'n'lJl.t UJkOAZIXE.