Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1919)

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PiioioPLAY Magazine — Adnehtising Section ••a -Hi '6y^ ports can be rinnous to \ .>ur aimplejtion. Re-pair the damage with ^Iolor Cream on." ot the "M'v«-n." Altrr tormj; or any ollu-r prolonged outdoor M i your skin usually burns and teeU stiff with the dirt whkli has b<^en ground into its tiny pores. You are tempted to dxth cold water over your face the moment you enter the house. Nothing could be worse. Water merely irritates and causes more burning than before. It cannot remove the grime buried deep in the pwres of the skm. How you can feel and look at freth as a daisy f L'so the right method to immedi.itelygiveyourface a thorough cleansing with Lettuce Cream which coaxes the hidden dirt out of your pores. Then use a liberal application ot Motor Cream. Its effect IS instantaneous. Any extreme redness, whether from sunburn orchapping IS prevented. Theunpleasant hurningsensation vanishes. Your face feels soothed and refreshed, and looks it! Many women apply Motor Cream, then Marineilo Powder, before starting out to motor, or to take part in any outdoor sports. Men find it excellent for use after shaving, and also after motoring, boating, swimming, golfing. Why there are seven Marineilo Creams Skin-1 vary. Somf are inclined to be too dr>', othfrt arc too oily, others .\'!.>w, etc. Few complexions are as beautitui as they ijn be. For this fi '^.'n the Marineilo skin speaalists perfected a different cream for every (iilitrent skin condition. Now your skin can have the specialized care it needs. Study the Chart of Mannello Seven Creams. It will help you to select the proper cream for your skin the cream that will give you the radiant, healthy skin you long for. If you wish to ask any particular questions about your skin, address our Hxpert Dep.irtment. Ti*ftu« Cr««lll ior a rough, dry skin, ll tHiilils up the skin and fpir% it the extra nuurishmenl which It needs :60c and fl 20. Astrlfigant Cr«ain for an oily sWm It rrstntins the loo .tliun<^' fr;i<.n"loil;r«iandfl.^, WhItanInK Craam iur i sallow skin. • .lies >oiir skin that "pink ami '. hit"' ■ ri'sr.Ieai quality; Mt an.l {1 -■". AeiM Craam Iur Meniishes and )>Uckhea<ls. This disai^rcahle rondiliun may t,e overcoiiie in a sliort while il you »Tr taithful to the use ol this cream : 60c and |1..'0. Motar Craam lor skin proiec, Hon. Neither wind nor wrathrr c in h.irm >otir skm il vou lortily II w,!l. Mot r Cream fin«: 60e .in>l il ]\ Fa«ndatlanCraaml,eforeutliif ,1 i)-t*<\rt. It makes the pow<ler u jfo on so niucli more smoothly Vcr and suy longer ; 75c J G/ [Now sold bij I Druq stores Department stores "-""3500 BeautuShop; i •1 wrlla t» •JeertlnTi plmaa mrnUon pnOTOPI,AT MAO AZINB.