Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1919)

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The Squirrel Cage A.Qnuti: 0^^ Motto: _ ■'Sw*»l*»t nut haih «uurc«t rinj. Such a nut i* KocAltnJ.** — .^i >■..!. /.iir ;/. SPKAKIXG of ••nul^" tlo you know that the .1 .,.1 « T .,-.. ..«pj jn KtiRlaml to define > I classes who emlcaMjreil ' -11= The Miniature Ref "'• .... , ..iiineii the wnnl and says fuithir that it protiabiy was "originated by a cKih of youn)! iclUnvs who called themselves the "irjts"; which title was formed bv the iniiial Utters of their motto. 'Nothini; Unless Thoro :shiv Sociable." " Well, »c can at least be '•-liable. DKKIXIXG pride. Col. Henry K. Honovan of the C'hicaRo F.JgK said: "If you tie a piece of red flannel ar..un.l a rooster's leg, the -. iiof-a-gun will gam »eii:hl." KRE is a case of what liapnens when a !>er«>n tries to be too sociable. It hap' -• ^ bridxe party, says the Cleveland ins," ureeil the hostess, "do have c cream." . I— '• : refuse, or I'll think you don"t "W ell. if you'll just give me a mouthful — " ••.\h. that's all right. Katie, fill .Miss (Ihoans' T '.-le foi her." WATCH To«r «la«< eye! It misht blow up '* ' ■ " hot or cold. .\ writer '" '*"■ ' tl JoHrual dcscrib<s the manner ,t has blown up when in storage .m.i ri nii.1,,11 instances when lieinc worn. H i> S.XFKTV -.7 are now ' -111 • ' . , . i«c the arnr. '*'■''" .■'■'' ■' >'^an shave l oi.raie .11 the men. In 330 t! t «>e-c f<.rbi<|.|rii to wear a bear<l giNe a h.iri.ile to their enemies. I to' our <t. by ex i.iins the • t-iek soldiers "lest it should There's reason for e-.-erything. but a little matter of more tl an years may change it. « D hi' y-. fc pro-. recet v dens ONT catch your over•ig a sermon you !i I'.-iri-h fhiirch in t! «■ \ u nr M n to '■■■.■\ti it and two war-Icning to it. OF course you are planning to visit Europe ,"""■, *'■?' '*;<■ ■«"■ •;. ".'■'•'■-. Jf you should "lift" \our brloiik'itli "no c|uestion'> 10 a fine of $150 ■: '^>i. W^^^y ^'"' '"'ye n problem in addition or ■'I e%er wonder where yf ' — ) signs came from' ^' ■ -xerr invr-,) eii)„r •^ .-. 1^ or. W.'. ' nst -icr •I }h t'l. .].,tr P KRH^pc ,f,^ fi,,, F-rn,h words our Sammies * reach France are: njr orer" yourself I'll. I ,,t rit'ir. irr., it might infresf •low that the senience means, in Yankee ' rro malekt" GIRl-S. if you can't find a husbanrl in thi< country there it no reason for reimininc •n old maid after js. Just more to .Siam, where .vou »Mi l>e lalulc.l .iiul pl.iied un.l. r the carto; the king, who will find a mate for you. Ilis imthud is simple. .\ prisoner in any Siamese jail may gain liis pardon bv mariM'i); oiir lliii» ila-sihed. It matters not if he lie iMfried. .\ man is not rrsiiiitrd u e wife in Siam. .Mis. ir) loves company the world oxer. Ir a person could travel as nuuli as his blood • Iocs he would be a wondertiil tourist. If >.u live to be eightv voui heail «ill have pro. pclli-d your blood a dislaiue of 5,000.000 milcN e.|ual to joo round trips along the eiiuatoi. according to London Til-Bits. TIM. the year iSjj. suicide in Knglaii.l li.i.l to be buried at cross roads. WHKX is a m.Tn a sieve' .Nsk .'Vntoniu .M.inKo. lie is a Sardinian who received 101 wounds in the war. What Is Wrong Here? LONDONKkS were quite upart recently when they naw the Statue of Eroa restored in Picadilly Circus a« ■hon-n above after the ilan]{er of air raids was over. TAc Sketch (London) printed the above picture of the statue after the restoration and for a very obvious reason it attracted a Jjrrat deal of hilarious commrnl. A priie of one Knglish walnut will be {(iven to the reader of the Squirrel C af^r «vho sends in the first correct answer. H FRF !s a »av to Vrrj. I'lr»er I'l" IS t' «|uar< and maVc him cut it. IF the wets want to eomi>romite with Ibe .Ir in this country ibey might try the S"plan. In Sweden the public houses are < eveyrl on Saturday, which is |iav day, while the sav ings bank, arc kept open until iiiidnight. Dill vou know that a red orange sky iiiiig time prcHages good weatliei ; low. wind; a iiale giay in the moiniiig, good weather; a higlily colored «ky or clouds in the iiioniing or those of yellow, orange or violet indicate had weather? Indeed, according to the Irench systrni of weather interpretation, one must be an artist to be a weather prognosiicator. H .\M now costs sixty cents a pound, lilanie the hug. lie doesn't gel it. Oon'l FI<.\XK\i:SS is a virtue that sonietiiiirs is as etieiiuc as a two-edged sword. Xole ilie following card ininled by a western mayor 111 his local paoei : ''There is some complaint in this town to tile etTect that I do not love the people. Kut if you eriuld see the 11. .iplc who arc making the complaints you wouldn't blaiminc." HINKY KITCIII.I.I. WKItSTl.U in the ( liieago /»iii/y Si-xvt says he lias a dislin-.uislied hotanist's wonl for it that the ilve used lor dyeing the iinil'orms of I.omlon polieemen is woad, the stuff with winch early Britons dved tlum-.elvcs blue before lioing out to fight .lulius Ca:sar. Xow we know where camouflage started. HAS the irrepressible youth at the piano or organ in your favorite photoplay houM' ■ <r >|ioilcd a picture for you? What ought to I'e done to this one? In a very im|>ressive court scene a man was to be senlenceil to death. .\» the judge placed the black cap on hiv head be i re pronouncing judgment, the pianist played: 'Where did you get that hat?" BV the way, hats were first maniifacliired in I'ingland in 1510 by SpaniariU. The joke: Where did you get that hat?" is believed to liu\c been sprung about Ijio^. Tf>^IMV was an inveterate talker in school. His teacher despairing of coi reding him wrote on his report card: "Tnmmv talks a great <;eal." _ Back came the canl duly signed by Tommy's father ami above his signature were the following words: "Vou ought to hear his mother." — London Tit-liils. AMKDICAI. journal reports that a soldier det>rived of speech bv shell-shock regaineit -: l>y bring tinexpecleilly kissed by a Red Cross ' nrse. Might try her out on the Sphinx. H \\ 1: MI e\ir triid to hit the bull's eve of «inn t.irwi I ill a shooting galVry? I lirv ;••<■ lli< •.i-u-t |o hit 11 \.mi I.tiow Iiow. Wait iiilil the target gets I of its »»ing and then fire. It will ■ still at the time ami, inasmuch as |l ' ^ is gen e-ally the largest in the gallrit, easy to hit. \< ver try to hit it when at the middle of the • wing. A( ( OKIMXr, to Debrett's "Peerage," nritish .It l«lo. r.i. 1 .■.:i .!e< I'K •riiir.l tn the war. I : of the I peers, 1 ' iions of tv M>iu uf t>eer«, ijs ns of knights and 150 ...n. of I'rirt to o XK day last summer Vat wis working with a ifrw lliuL-il If .1 Irrtuh f'r ^■J^ lll.lin*. ri your hat, I'al. Ve'll babe yont poor It." she said. ir>r s'po>« Oi'd he worUfi' here If Oi bad brains?" said Pat.