Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1919)

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70 Photoplay Magazine , The shock of the child's recovery and For Better, For Worse ^^^ this was why. a few weeks lateJ his pathetic pluck were too much for Svl « t APPA-rrn k ■ ■ t Sylvia stood in her drawing room at horal via-s self-control. As the nurse took N the plfamoun^ p^'hTopir'of To 1^""^ ?' ^^H' ."''^l^'''T'^ ^T'^ "'" Tony from the room she sank sobbing on s^nie name, by Edgar Sclwyn, protiuced "<^^'" ^'"^ "'"^ J^^t brought her the news the window seat, and Dr. Meade, with no by Cecil dcMillc, with the following cast: of her husband's death. But above the thought but for her suffering, strode d^ Edward Meade Elliott Dexter whirling of her shocked brain and her across the room and gathered her up in Richard Burton Tom Forman sense of agonized pity and pride for Dick his arms as he had done in the old days Sylvia Norcross Gloria Swanson was a still, small voice of hope which she when she came to him for comfort. • Sylvia's Aunt Sylvia Ashton could not silence. Svlvia rcla.xed for a moment in his Bud Raymond Hatton She sent for Edward a few days late' cmb'race and then, with a sudden impul Hospital Head Theodore Roberts but he could not leave his work until late sive movement raised her face to his. ^^"-^' "^^'' Wanda Hawley j^ (^e evening and he met her with his But, before their lips met, a voice from face drawn and white from the day's ha thc past rang in Edward's ears as if the words had been spoken rassing duties. SyKna. in her widow's dress, was as pale and then and in that room. 'T'll know you are here to protect her, worn as he, and they stood gazing at each other like two ghosts old chap," Dick had said, "whatever happens." from the dim past. And yet, beneath all their careful re He was here to protect her, even from him, even from her strained words was the wild note of hope that Sylvia had self. And with a desperate effort of resolution he let her slip felt before, from his arms and brought her coat and furs in silence. She was the more frank of the two and the first to speak Over in an improvised hospital hut in Flanders, an eager of what was in their hearts. French officer was bending over a cot on which lay all that was "Dick loved us both," she whispered as the doctor bent left of Dick Burton after the terrific barrage into which he had over her at parting. "He never knew of this between us but, led his men. The Frenchman was trv'ing to catch the words that if he knew now, if he were here at this moment, he is too big, came painfully from Dick's twisted mouth, for almost half too noble to have it otherwise.'' his face had been blown away by an exploding shell and it was And so, bit by bit, the rumor spread that Dr. Edward Meade only by a superhuman effort that he held to consciousness long and Sylvia Norcross Burton would be married when her period enough to deliver his message. of mourning was over for the soldier who was her husband only "■^'ou are to go to her," he whispered, "and tell her that you in name. As time went on, the rumor grew to certainty and saw me killed — that you saw it, mind, and that I died instantly." society was not surprised when invitations were issued for a "But monsieur, you may live — eet is not over — " dance given Sylvia by her parents at which it was understood "I may live, but it is over for us," came the answer. "Do the engagement would be announced. you think that I could let a woman I love see me like this? At the ver\' moment when these joyous preparations were bo you think I could go back and face her pity, tied to a thing going on there was a joyous scene of another nature in the like me for life? Could you. with the woman you love?" reception room of the biggest hospital in Paris. Dick Burton, .With the true Latin ability to put ^^^ "Somehow I have never thought erect and sound, with his face himself in the other's place, the .^^[^^^^^L. °^ ^°" "* ^^^ *°''* °^ ™''" ^^° smoothed of all disfigurement was Frenchman saw the inevitabil ^^^^^^^^^^^^ considered logic at a time like shaking the hand of the great surgeon itv of the situation. ^^^^^^^^HP9^ ^'® I thought you would simply whose skill had brought him back to '"Monsieur le Capitaine, ^^^^^^^K^ reach for your gun and go." life and hope again. I will go. I will play the ^^^^^^^^ .^^ ^^ll^^. "I haven't words to as ^^^^P^^^Br -_^^HlH|^. ^^^^^^^^1^^ said "And ^^^ffj^W ""^I^^^HBI^,. "W^^^^^^HL shake the hand of one ^^K v> ^^HHHHB^ ^^^B^^^^^^ ^^^ myself that whose greatest bravery J^Kr ^^^^^K^^^'^ WUSS^^^^^^^k. ^^""'^ *^°"^ ^^^^ — '''^ not on the ^^HF "^^^^^K ' ' --^^^HRffi^B^^H ^^^ someone battlefield." ^...^^^ ^^^^^^K n^S^^S^^^^^l ^^ home. " The ^ ^^^^^^^_ 1MMJIMM -B^H^^^Bt. wear>' face