The phonoscope (Nov 1896-Dec 1899)

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Vol. I No. 9. THE PHONOSCOPE L9 HIGH STANDARD RECORDS POSSESSING GREAT VOLUME PERFECT REPRODUCTION and FINE QUALITY OF TONE MADE ONLY BY THE Norcross Phonograph Company I. W. NORCROSS, Jr., Manager EQUALLY ADAPTED TO PHONOGRAPHS, GRAPHOPHONES AND TALKING MACHINES NOTE. — With the Edison Recording Diaphragm and the Norcross Attachment we produce an absolutely perfect record possessing a wonderful volume of tone. For exhibition purposes we make a special master record capable of entertaining an audience of 5,000 or more. All our records are high-grade originals — we have no duplicates to sell at any price. Our loudest masters are suitable for tube use, the tones being pleasant and agreeable to the ear. PRICE, $1.00 EACH $10.00 per DOZEN ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE EXHIBITION MASTERS, $2.00 EACH MCRCROSS PtH O/NOCRAP-H COMPA/Ny New Zealand Building, Broadway and 37th Street NEW YORK CITY FILMS! ..Price, $10.00.. FILMS! Films for all PROJECTING MACHINES (STANDARD GAUGE) No Flicker or Jumping As Steady as a Stationary Picture . . . WE CLAIM SUPERIOR . . . DEFINITION AND SHARPNESS t$ z$ t£& The Highest Grade Clear Film Stock Used in Manufacture All our Films are now made by a new process and are ABSO= LUTELY GUARANTEED to fit the Standard or Edison Gauge Films in Natural Color now in Process of Completion . . SEND FOR LATEST . . LIST OF FILMS . . The International Film Co. salesroom! 44 Broad Street, (edison building) New York, U. S. A.