Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1920)

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I 2 know Hello Cbiel: •■Mavpn't foun.l O, li yt. h«Vr >.-u ~ v.. II will who hr l» ril) wtii-n I am an<l ihr firm ^lop. I d'-n ( pusc \(iu rwn rrall?.!' thkl trie fircbuK ti*lk» to you alrmtiii pvi-r>' Ha> Abuut cuti hinfClhf* llrftiUK? TtiMt'ii mr. Thry nrver rauirht me In Chleaifo or nn)whiTtt clue, >iiu miffht mm well qutt lookinK for mr uid lake your mMiilti. ' Phot()P(.\^ M\(.\/ink — Advertising Section CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING The Firebug That was the warning uhicli c;iine to the ftre chief, unsigned — and then, the very next day, a woman was found nearly dead in a burning building. It ffas a mystery that needed the master mind of Craig Kennedy, the x iciitifir (letfrti\e of this da\ — CRAIG KENNEDY American Sherlc!ck}Mm.\ \. ARTHURBREEVE :an Cona.n'Daylj .<7h!>AmeHcan i He is the genius of our age. He has taken science — science that stands for this age — and allied it to the mystery and romance of detective fiction. Even to the smallest detail, every bit of the plot is worked out scientifically. Such plots — such suspense — with real, vivid people moving through the maelstrom of life! Frenchmen have mastered the art of terror stories. English writers have thrilled whole nations by their artful heroes. Russian ingenuity has fashioned wild tales of mystery. But all these seem oldfashioned — out of date — beside the infinite variety — the weird excitement of .Arthur B. Reeve's modern detective tales, in 12 volumes — over 250 stories. Col. Roosevelt said : — " I did a whole lot ol rcaiiiK. I particularly enjoyed half a dozen rattiink; good dcieciivc stories by Arthur B. Reeve — some o( them were corkers," E 51111 ■mi FREE— POE 10 Volumes To those who send the coupon promptly we will give I REE a set of Edgar Allan Poe's Masterpieces in 10 volumes— over 200 stories. \^'hen the police of NewYork failed to solve one of the most fearful munli-r mysteries of the time, Edgar .Mian Poc — far off there in Paris — found the solution. This is a wonderful combination— herearelwoof the Kreatest writers of mystery and scientific detective stories. You can Kcl the Reeve at a remarkably low price and the Poe free for a short time only. Cur cfWCPuA Coupon amd mad ACTocUxiy HARPER & BROTHERS ( Establishsd 1817 ) H ARI'I K 4 BKOTIIKRS, 18 lunkfci Sqiiire. Ntw York l'h..t...7 so ■ „ I I,,, ,11 . i,..nir-. |.tri. ,1-1. I.I Ailhu' B. R«n (Cr.iin Kciinr ii ). Ill ij \..hiMii'». Mm. srii.l iiiF. .il rsnlutelv FMI, the set ol EdfW Ultn rn, in lo voliiinev. II l"'lli .I'e not s.itls|jictorv 1 »,ll return Ihrni wllliln lu .la>s .it voiir e«I>en',e. Other" i«c I nlll ■end you |l wllhlii 5<Uy» anil $2 .i innnth lilt 14 months. Nam* rLAnn nnn,nnn.n.n ixirLri.n.nn,nh 1 inKf Rate 35cents per word All Advertisements have equal display and same good opportunities for big results. rilUiyf^AT ^ Sr. IrmTT This Section Pays. o7'r of the advertisers using this section during the past vear have repeated their copy. Rate 35 cents per word trTjTrd 'U uuuu u u u U U U U U UUTTLrU UL FORMS FOR SEPTEMBER ISSUE CLOSE JULY FIRST HELP WANTED MKN BOYS(;I1U..'<. lilt OVKH (;et KKADY fur Railway Mall Clerk h:iaiiilnailon8. JKiO-fl.'.O tnoiitli. List iiusitlOTLs obtainable — free. Franklin Inslitiite. Dept. T-a».1. Itocliester. X. Y. I,AI>IBS. M.\KK YOfIt OWN H-VTS. INDIVIDtial les.soii.s by mall. Beautiful Mid-Summer Hat F>ee. I'hIcaRO Sehool of Millinery. Ucpt. P, 105 W. Monroe St. Chicago. DOLLjVRS SA%m>. ALL KINDS OF USED Ct>Rreapondence courses sold. (Couree* tiouebt ) Mountain, Pis^'ah. Alabama. RAILWAY TRAFFIC INSPECTOR.^ EARN' FROM $11(1 lo $200 per month and expenses. Travel If desired, Unllmltad advanrement. No ape limit. We train you. Positions furnished under puarantee. Write for Booklet CM-2fi. .Standard Business TrainIng Institute. Buffalo. N. Y. «T5 WILL START Y'OU IN THE CIE.^MING AND dyeing busiOKis. little capital needed, big prollts. Write for booklet. The Ben-Vonde System. Dept C-A. Charli.lte. N. C. AGENTS AND SALESMEN $40 TO $100 A \VK1:K. FltEK S.iMri.ES. COLD SIkm Letters anyoiie ran put on windows. Big demajid. Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co., 431 -K N. Clark. Chicago. "INSYDE TIRES— INXF.R ARMOR FOR AUTOMOblle tires; prevent punctures and hViwouts; double tire inl'eage. Liberal profirs. Details free." American Accessories Co.. Cincinnati. Ohio. Dept. 129. CASH m ON BONE DRY BILL MAKE $8 A DAT easy. Will show you how with our Concentrated J^jre Fruit Drinks. Wantetl everywhere. Small package — just add water, nere's the chanc<^ of a lifetime. Orab your territory. Write quick. American Products Co.. 2:{.'i;i American Bldg.. Cincinnati. O. MAKE $3:1.00 NEXT SATURDAY. SPIiEDEUATOR fur Fords selling like wildllre. IJsed by Ford .Motor oftlclals. Makes any Ford run like a Packard. Stops stalling and bucking. Put on quick — instant satisfaction. No holes to bore. Sell ten to twelve a day easy. Splendid prollts and exclusive territory. Write quicJt fur informatiun. Address Perrln Company. 1058 Havward BIdg.. Detroit. Mich. TELL THE HBIADEBS OF PHOTOPLAY WHAT you iiuve of intereai lu iliem. You raji reach iliem at a very small cost thruucli ati advertisement In the classified section. 87*;^ of the advertisers using this section during tlm past year have repeated. Tlie section Is read and brings results. S.ALi:SMEN-Cin' OR TRAVEUJNi;. EXPERlenci. iiiiiiectasarj-. .Send (ur list of lines and full tiarticulars. Prepare in stare time to earn the big salaries— $I.S00 in $10,000 a year. Employment Birvlces rendered Meml>*rs. National SalesmiMrs Training .^iwucMtion. Dept. l.'iS-n Chiragu. Ill MAGAZINES I OK r..\( K ]S.-;| KS lit l-HOTUl'L.W AND other Magazines write Kuston Maga/ine Eictialice. i>v Mountfort Stret^. Boston. MUSIC IN A.NY .STYLE OR ylA.NTm— < it R EUflPraent In.sures best re.sults .Saini.le Copn-s and prloes submitted on re<jue*,L I*rumtt Deliieo'. Music Publishing Press. JO.'i West lOlli StriM-t. .Sew Y'ork. MOTION PICTURE BUSINESS FILMS roK S.UJ:: one FKLT ALL makes, leiigtlis and varietii-.-. J I ler rt-el ai.d upSend for list. Featurv I^ilni Cunai ariy. Loeb Arcade. Mlnneat-ulis. OLD COINS WANTED WATCH YOCH CHANCF. ilANY VALUABLE coins are in circulation. We buy all old coins and bills, some as late as lfil2. Get iiosted. Send 4c now for our Large Illustrated Coin Circular. It may mean large profit tu ^n!I Niinil«niatlc Bank, Dei't 75. Fort Worth. Texas PATENTS PATHNTS— SEND n)R FREE BOOK. CO.Ntalns valuable iiilurmallun for inventors. Send sKctcb of your Invetitiun for Free Opinloci uf its psteniablo nature. Prompt service. (Twenty years' experience.) Talbert & Talbert. 4724 Talbert Bldg . WashiDglon. D. C. PATENTS. WRITE FOR FREE oriDB BOOK and Evidence of ConcetKlon Blank. Semi mo<le< or sketch for opinion of Us patentable nature. lllglieM References. Prompt Attention. Reasonable Terms. Victor J. Evans & Co., 7G3 Ninth. Wasbington. D. C. MISCELLANEOUS • -SOAK YOLK Fia:T AND (lET RKLlEl' USB Liberty Foot Powder tonight. Walk In comfort tomorrow. Send TiOc. for can. Consolidated Phannacal l-alHirator'es. San Francisco. CIGARS: FRIMA LINDA. Qt-'ALITY ILLBANA cigars. Itox trade solicited, AgenU Wanted, Box 34. Station J., New York. • It takes you right into filmland where pictures ' are made! You can watch the stars at work and at play— at hotne and in the studio— in the A Gate Through the Magic Screen Photoplay Magazine Screen Supplement! Ask your nearest theatre manager when he will show the Suoplement. arn*35tol00aWee BECOME A PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER Big Opportunities NOW. (Jiialif y for thi.i fascinating profession. Three months' course covers all branches: Motion Picture — Commercial — Portraiture ( n iiiiivi'' <i"<l Mntiriiils FuinisUcd yiih'.F. rrnclirni instruction: m-Mtrrn equipment, Dliy or ov.-iiinif rla-'rtri*: ca!»r icrnm. Til* ncluml of rccoRnito,! HiUM-noritT. Callor writ* forc«UloiNo. ,17. N. Y. INSTITUTE of PHOTOGRAPHY Ml W. 36lli St.. New York SOS Stale Si.. BrooklTn Be a "Movie" Photographer Earn $50 to $200 Weekly ^ , .■ r. » !,kii s 50U lo E. brunel'college OF PHOTOGRAPHY I S ■■ e.-IK.o t «ni , Ihrr •oho.M ' 1269 Broadway.N.Y. _ . i-oun«c CAMTiptet* in«tni.-t 1.^ In OMsrsI Photography and Motion PIctarM opvralini; Ktan.tand ^\tufr\-i I 1 . ■ n>lrijct»r*. InhlallmrTiC txkvn Cmll* Brmol ■ •X-.^-^'r :■■ in Naw 'k -k f ^r^t It.,.!.-,. 1>,1« n l>.-'t, <' I'lll^t tir^ h Call or ftand todav for BookUf P. Addr«** Occupation . Vtl SCA rARMV_ OR RANCH ACHROMATIC TELESCOPE MADE UPON NEW SCIENTiriC PRrNCIPLES. Positively tiiich II k'xmI Tclcwoiie was never sold fi.r i>rlic tu f.Tc. Eastern Telescopes ir* nnide liy one uf the l.ircost inanufait iirirs of telescopes in .\inerle.T: we control entire pnnluctlon : nienmre closed 8 Inches .and <i|i.-n over '2"i fret in 4 sections. Tlie.v are nicely lioiind. witli eeleiitlllcnilv Kroniiil lenses. Ouarantood by the maker. Krcry sojourner In the eoiintry or st the tu'nsitle resorts should certainly secure one of these Instnimeuts. and no f.irnier should lie witliont one The sceurn Just now Is lienntifnl A Telescope will aid yon In tsUine Tlows. Otijeets are hniiipht to view "with nstonlshinc clearness S»-nt liy m.ill or espress. ss fcly pscked. prepsld. for onlv 99 cents. Oiir new (■ntali>i;ue of Wnlclu-^. etc.. sent with each order This Is a smnd offer nixi .von ^llolll<l not iiil-'s It We warrsnt eM' h t.-lescope Jii-t us represented or tnonev refunded. Send 99 cents todnv. To dealers 6 for Four Dollars. EASTERN NOVELTY CO., DEPT. 73 172 E, 93d STREET, NEW YORK. Dtco' advfrllsement in riloTOl'l .\Y M.Kll.KXI.NE Is guirantced.