Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1920)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section Wanted At $1,000 a Month 13 What Would It Mean -ToYOU-ToHave Muscles Like These? It would mean tremendous streng^th, putting you in a class above your fellows. It would mean that you could outdo them in feats of strength and be a leader of men. It would mean a strong personality because of your command" ing appearance, thereby assuring you of success in both the business and social world. It would mean added lung power, unlimited vitality and perfect health ; removing all fears of Ea'l' LleiJerman, the Acme ol fhysltal Perfection indigestion and disorders which undermine the average man and make him old long before his time. All These Things Are Yours I absolutely gruarantee to do all this and more for yo 1 ha n body, proving its redulta. I ha%-e perBOnally trained many of the world's strongest men by this same method. Why wast»? your time and mont-y with old-tim. worthless methods ? Ii you are desirous of being a real robust man. follow the path or those who have already maUe a succesa. Come now, get busy, for every day counts. Send for My New Book, "Muscular Development" It tells the secret. Hdndsomely illustrate.! wjth 25 full nat:.photographs of myself and some of the w<iikl's best athlei.^ whom I nave trained. Also contains full particulars ol niv splendid offer to you. The valuable book and special offer will be sent on receipt of only 10c, stamps or coin, to cover cost of wrapoing and mailing. Don't misa this opportunity. Sit right down now and fill in the coupon. The sooner you get started on the road to health the easier it will be to reach perfect manhood. Don't drag along one day longer— mail the coupon to-day. EARLE E. LIEDERMAN Dept. 707 203 Broadway New York Can You Fill This Job? EARLE E. UEDERMAN, Dept. 707. 203 Broadway. New York City. Oear Sir :-I enclose herewith 10c for which you are to aend : without any obligation on my part whatever, a copy of your latest book. " Muscular Development." (Please write or print plainly. Name. We furnish our acruratt itarhing device with tools. Action Model, lessons, and analysis of business adver. tising: which makes you a master of the tuner's art. Diploma jri ven graduates 16 years' experience in teaching the most indepenfirnt find luorative profession by correspondence. SIMPLKK and BKTTER than oral InstruetlOlU Write todav for FKEP: illustrate d booklet. .-^^ NILES BRYANT SCHOOL OF PIANO TUNING 402nne Art Inst., Battle Creek, Mich. Copy this Sketch •nil let me sev what >oii do with it. Manv newspaper ;irtiftts earning $30.00 to SlliSfm or more per week were trained by mv course of per^ondl individual lesRons bv □liiil PICTURE CHARTS make nriRinal drawing easy to learn. Send sketch of Unt le Sam with tJc in stamps for e&mple Picture Chart, li^t ol fiuccessful students, ei;impleof their work and f \ idenc** ol what YOU can acc<HiM'l>>li. Please ttale I'iur .ipf. AX ofhcial of one of tlie largest concerns . of its kind in the United States recently asked us to put him in touch with men capable of earning $3,000 to $15,000 a year. His letter is typical of many others we receive stating how difficult it is to find men qua.ilied for big jobs. WE are being called upon constantly to recommend applicants who have been examined and coached by us in special and general executive work. OUR success in training men and women, capable of qualifying for important executive positions, has given us a nationwide reputation among large business concerns for developing employees for positions paying $2,000 to $10,000 a year and up. Our service has the written endorsement of many of America's leading corporation officials, bankers and business executives. THE practical value of this service has been tested by men holding responsible positions in practically every large corporation in this country, including 364 employees of .Armour and Company; 3go of the Standard Oil Company; 811 of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company; 309 of the United States Steel Corporation; 214 of the Ford Motor Company; 303 of Swift and Company, etc. HIGH-GR.\DE positions are always seeking applicants of superior intelligence and training. By our methods we find employees in subordinate positions who have the inherent ability to direct responsible work, but who need only the proper vocational guidance and special training that we supply to make high-priced men. For instance, we developed a $20 a week ledger clerk into a $7,200 a year -Auditor; a $70 a month shipping clerk into the Traffic Manager of a big rail and steamship line; a $300 a month accountant into a $70,000 a year executive; a small town station agent into a successful lawyer and district attorney; a bookkeeper into a bank executive, etc. ADV.\NCEMENT is not a difficult prob. lem for men who prepare themselves for promotion thru LaSalle training. A short period of preliminary training by mail, under the personal direction of LaSalle experts, has been sufficient to increase the earning power of thousands of men from 100% to 600%. IF YOU are really ambitious to place yourself in a position of higher executive responsibilities in line with your natural qualifications, and without sacrificing the best part of your life in waiting for bigger opportunities, write us fully and freely as to the kind of position it is your ambition to fill. VV'^e will advise you promptly how our training and service may be of advantage in solving your personal problem of advancement. We have an organization of more than 1,150 people; financial resources over $4,000,000, and representatives in all the leading cities of America. Our sole business is to help men to better positions. IT WILL cost you nothing to investigate this opportunity, and you may find out some surprising possibilities about yourself and your future that are unknown to you now. Mark and mail the coupon below, indicating the kind of position for which you would like to qualify. We will send full particulars, also a free copy of "Ten Years' Promotion in One," a book that has been an inspiration to more than 215,000 ambitious men. Send for your ropv now. The Landon School c,r,o.„.„. 2107 Schofield BIdf ..Cleveland, 0. countants. Coet Accountants, etc. MAKEBIC MONEY Elarn $2(X) to $<)(XJ lyt mo. Big future-. Ncwinvention. Guaranteed prevent* puncture. Sell all motorists. New lemtory open. Exclusive rights. Wntc the Tire Ib-SoIc Mf». Co.. Dept. 7. fuidlay, O, Lasalle extension university "The Largest Busineas Training inalitution in the World" Dept. 7302-R Chicago, Illinois Send me free "Ten Years* Promotion in One," aleo catalog and particularu re^ardin? course and Bervice in the department I have marked with an X. □ HIGHER ACCOUNTANCY: rnBUSINESS ADMINISTRA TraininK forpositions as Auditors, L-JTION: Trainir\(f for Olficial, Comptrollers. Certified Public Ac Managerial. SaJca and Kxecutive positions. □ BUSINESS LETTER WRITING: Training: for positions a» j Correspondents, Mail Sales Director, and all executive lettcrwritintr positions. □ INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT EFFICIENCY: TrainlnK for Production M a n a (T crs. Department Heads, and all those desinntc training in the 48 factors of industrial efneiency □ COMMERCIAL SPANISH: Training for positions a.4 Korei^n Correspondent with SpftoiBDspeaking countries. □ LAW raining for Bar: LL.B. Degree, □ COM.MERCIAL LAW: Readinc. Reference and Consaltation Service for business Men. □ BANKING AND FINANCE: TraininiJT for executive positions in Banks und Financial Institutions. □ EXPERT BOOKKEEPING: Traininjf for jK)Hition of Head Bookkeeper. □ BUSINESS ENGLISH: Training for Business Co rrea pottdents and Copy Writers. □ TRAFFIC MANAGEMENTFOREIGN A.ND DO.MESTIC: Training for poaitions bji KAilroad *nd lodiuCrial TrmiEc Muj«cr«. etc. □ EFFECTIVE PUBLIC SPF:.\KING: Tniininit in the art of fi>rreful, effective upeeeh for Mini!iters, Salc«nien. Fraternal Leader*. Politieiaiu, Clabmcn.attL I Manw Praent Poaitioo Addreaa. vuu «TlIe to adtcrilscrs pleaae mnitloa PUOTorL.VY MAGAZINE.