Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1920)

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Piioroi'i.w .M\(. \/iM Ai)\ I II I isi.\(i Section II I ( .1 iL I i.i In w I 1 1 I ,,,1 II ii. In M. ^ Ikii _\ i)U learn how. W'lieii soil learn to daily build your vitality, disease germs, grippe and cold have little cifect upon you. Be free from nagging ailments! Weigh what you should weigh! Have a good figure! Be happy! Enjoy life! Be a source of inspiration to your friends. In other words, LIVE. As sure (is sunrise You Can Weigh exactly what you Should by following a few simple, healthful direitions at home. I KNOW it, for what I have done for 98.1100 women 1 can do for you. Are you too fleshy? Arc you loo tliin? Does >our fiRure displease you? Let me help you. I want to help you to realize that your health lies almost entirely in your own hands and that you can reach your ideal in figure and poise. M\ H orli has urown in lavor bccaiisr results are quicli. natural and permanent, and because it appeals to COMMON SENSE. No Drugs— No Medicines You can free yourself from such iiaKgins ailments as lix*:r^>. Flesh in any Inconcct U'.,lkine liiiiiu'-sncn part ut iHxly Poor Cotiiitlcxiun Dizziness Thin Bust, Chest. L.a<-k of Rcscr\-e Rhcnuiatisui Neck or Arms Ncn-ousness Colds Round Shoulders Irr'th"--y Poor Circulation Incorrect Slandinif Con>li[>.ilion Lame ll.ick If you are in ChicaRo, come to see me. but sit down and write me NOW. Don't wait— you may forget it. I will send you FREE my illustrated booklet showing you how to stand and walk correctly and giving many health hints. Susanna Cocroft, Dept. 35, 215 N. Michigan Blvd., Chicago, 111. i I Sleeplessness Torpid Liver Mal-assiinilaiton Auio-lnloxication Miss Cocroft is a naiioJiaUy recognized authority on conditioning uomen as our traini?i^ camps conditioned our men. Face Powder .■^1 Lablache pays homage to the complexions of million.s of fair women, who in appreciation say "We use Lablache and always will until somethir better is found. " , Lablache has been Ji the standard fnr nearly fifty year; Refusr Snhslitiltc Th*»y may tie ilanv^ ou«. Flesh. White. I' or Cream, irx. h I. ..f.|r.iiriri.i«"rlivni™i Overlwo million ■i>l.l ann.lnily. S^t,.l toe. for a H tmpU bor. BEN. LEVY CO. A .,...-;, IVrfumrrs, DrpI 1 2.S Kingston Si , Boston, Ma Fresh from Sunny Carolina. Direct from the Plantation to your table. These are the biggest, plumpest, tastiest peanuts grown. They are hand Flicked and especially selected rom South Oarnlina'K finest croi'-^. 'I'lien till V .-ire sliplleii. imcked in five[.nund bitKH nn<l miiiled clirt'ct to our cusioiiitTH li;. parcel jtost Try These Peanuts at Our Expensed It costs iiotluiic to try tlie-e wonderful peanntn. \Jri \Triie na today and we will senB you at our i i L pcnse. on Free Trial, a bii; fivc-i ound bac with a copy of our new iKiok lellini; of more than 50 / wa.vw to prepare tliein (luickly and easily at linnie. I If you don't think them the b&'^t pennutn you've ' ever tasted return the rcinainder of llie bac and you won't owe us a pi nny. If you like them, send us only $2.50 for the bic five pound buK You arc to be the jiidiie Write today for your Trial Hag at our expense and a Kree Copy of our new book. EASTERN PEANUT COMPANY. Dopl. 125. Herlford, N C. pURL lace powder cannot injure the most (lelic.ite haliy skin. 'I'lic trouble is, too many powders are made the old-fashioned way, with rice powder. R ice po wile r is starchy, nnd, like bread flour, it is (juickly turned into a uhicy paste by the moisture of the skin. This paste clo>;» the cuticle, swells in the pores, causin;; cnlarj;etl pores, blackheads and pimples. ,'\ specialist makes a harmless powder by usiuR an inprcdicnt doctors prescribe to heal the skin. Kvcry time you apply this improved powder you Rive your complexion a real beauty treatment. There is a thousand dollar guarantee of purity printed on the box, cerfifyiiiR it does not contain white lead, rice powder or any harmful substance. This guar-Tnteed pure powder is called La-may (French, Poudre L'Amc). Because it is pure and harmless. La-may is now used by over a million American women; it is now the most popular complexion powder sold in New ' York. Women who have used even the most expensive face powders say La-may stays on better than any other; they say they cannot buy a better powiler than La-may anywhere at an.v price. There is also a La-may Talcum | that prevents the souring of perspiration. | University Training at HoEQe W1THL\ the last decade the photoplay has become an accepted factor in the evcrjday life of the general public. Some of those who are intereited in it are intcrciled purely from the point of view of the spectator, but there are a great many who are interested from the point of view of the writer. There are many writers who have never been able to get their work across to the public who have splendid ideas for photoplays but lack a knowledge of the technique of photoplay form, which is necessary to make their ideas salable. In the early days a knowledge of the technique of the scenario was not essential. A writer sold his ideas for fift'-:n or twenty dollars to a producing company and was satisfied. Nowadays a good original story means a matter of several thousand dollars. The companies in return for this increased emolument demand an increased perfection of material. Therefore if a writer is to sell the product of his brains he must overlook no opportunity to acquire the best possible equipment in the medium in which he desires to write. Such writers will be interested to know that the Home Study Department of Columbia University is offering the courses in photoplay composition given for the last five years on the campuj to those who are unable through the exigencies of circumstances to attend the lectures at the University. The photoplay is a field of literary endeavor which has had up to the present time no help from educators. Those photoplaywrights who have succeeded have done so through their own natural ability and have as it were stumbled ujjon the technique of this new channel of expression. It is now no longer necessary that each writer should have to carve his own pattern in cinematic endeavor. The technique of the scenario, flexible and progressive though it is, is nevertheless definite enough in its present usages to be set down in more or less permanent form. The writer of photoplays must have natural ability, prolific ideas, versatility, and ingenuity. But in addition to all these he must have complete masterj of his craft. Frances Taylor Patterson is the Instructor in Photoplay Composition. The content of the Course corresponds exactly to that given at the University. It has this ad\-antage over work done in residence; it may be fitted to the students' own convenience .and circumstances. Instead of having to complete the assignments within the fifteen weeks of the academic semester, he may extend it over the full calendar year, making his own schedule of study and recitations. The printed syllabus which is provided for each course contains an outline of the work and instructions for following it which form the equivalent to class-room lectures. Furthermore, the syllabus will be supplemented by direct correspondence between the .«tuilcnt and the instructor in which individual ncfds and difficulties may be pres<.'ntod. The instructor will carefully supervise all assignments and manuscripts, which in the case of creative work like photoplay composition will furnish an accurate jrauiio of the students thoroughness in following text-book and syllabus and his ability to profit by the In-t ruction therein. Ktci> advorllncment In rilOTOrLAY MAUAZING Is Buarui(«cd.