Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1940)

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DOTTED SWISS DUET— a shirtwaist and skirt as quaint as your grandma's daguerreotype. The bodice is tucked, the skirt billows out over a crisp taffeta petticoat, and there's a trailing black velvet sash and bow. A sweet dress for bridesmaids or for graduation. You'll borrow the blouse for summer suits, too. The shirtwaist, $3; the skirt, $7.95, at Marshall Field's, Chicago THE ROSE MAIDEN— pert little rose-print organdie duet. The bodice — a blouse you'll wear with other skirts — has a ruffled neck, velvet bows and cute puffed sleeves. The waltzing skirt has ruffled flounces and a rustling taffeta underskirt. The blouse, $4; the skirt, $10.95, at Marshall Field's, Chicago. Helen will next appear in Universal's "I'm Nobody's Sweetheart Now" Helen Parrish interviews Cynthia, famous wax mannequin who presides over the house and heart of Lester Gaba, renowned sculptor. In her demure white dotted Swiss, Helen makes Cynthia look like a hussy We photographed a radiant young Helen Parrish on her recent visit to New York. Helen was literally bubbling over like champagne, but what girl wouldn't bubble on the day her best beau flew 3,000 miles to present her with his heart — to say nothing of a whopping engagement ring (an aquamarine, her favorite stone)! We were "shooting" Helen in the crisp summer "separates" you see here (shirtwaists and skirts to you), and it's a wonder to us that she was able to keep her agile young mind on her work. We took her to the penthouse apartment of Lester Gaba, famous soap sculptor and creator of Cynthia, the world's most publicized wax mannequin. In no time at all Helen had turned this photographic sitting into a lesson in fine arts, for the state of California requires its minors to spend three hours a day in schooling. So Helen fairly badgered Lester Gaba with questions, till she learned more about art in that one morning than most of us can pick up in weeks. Needless to say, she convulsed her host when she thanked him, on leaving, for being her lesson for the day. SUMMER duets 53